Your October 2015 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Meditation * Recipe: “Fast-Food Fall Breakfast” 

October 2015 Astrological Trends

Holy Toledo, get your service pants on this October! You may look around and start to see people over-giving and you can be giving, too, but make sure you practice self-care in an outstanding fashion, as well. Too much service and it can result in a Virgoan form of anxiety that one simply needn’t indulge in.

Virgo is an earth sign, and that means using our hands and hearts putting our intellect on hold a bit. As much as Virgo wants to analyze and criticize, it will always come back to just putting things into simple terms instead. Making the world a little better, a little brighter, and telling a better story right in the middle of the mess we are in. Developing an ability to just make one tiny corner better and stay humble about our humanity and our role in a vast universe, while still doing our part—getting comfortable within chaos—can be very healing. Getting comfortable with imperfection can be a spiritual undertaking in October as Venus conjuncts Jupiter (October 25), and Saturn in Sagittarius gets underway in its forward movement (started in September—this is long-term).

We will be blessed with opportunities to help others make this transition, because people’s imperfections will likely arise over and over until they can accept them, and even feel joyful within them. If they internalize, and have a history or pattern of self-criticizing and self-harm, help them be kinder to themselves. If they externalize, and have a pattern of judging those around them or perceiving themselves as a victim, soften with them and help them locate the locus of their pain. Just be with people as they work through this time, and perhaps we light-workers in service to spirit and who stay in touch with our higher purpose, our higher self, and channel the guidance of angels, spirits, and universal wisdom—can benefit from our service by basking in the glow of healing energy.

I am a little selfish in my joy, I admit. But this girl’s chart is Venus-ruled! The beauty of being on this earth aches within my heart almost every day when I admit the truth out loud…

So, a month of Venus focus sounds fairly good to me. Venus in Leo (until October 7) and then primarily in Virgo, dancing past her partners Jupiter (again, October 25) and then Mars (November 3), sounds pretty pleasant to me! Venus is also in mutual reception to the Sun while in Leo and then in mutual reception to Mercury once she moves into Virgo. This means she’ll be having “relations” with these heavenly bodies as well. Funny enough, on October 7, Mercury turns from retrograde to direct at the point when Venus goes into mutual reception with Mercury when she moves into Virgo. Sometimes the dance of the planets seems well-choreographed, indeed!  It’s at that point we may find our heart and our minds feel they are in sync, well-lubricated, and singing in tune.

October 7—what a day…

It is around October 7 that we will be asked to take our “leap of faith,” or to take action on the internal struggles or questions we have about dissolving into the non-physical or transcendent or higher nature within ourselves, versus the thoughts and ideals we have about controlling our worlds, our thoughts, or even our personalities.  Have you ever really let go to see what would happen? What if you didn’t know and you let life happen anyway? With Jupiter in the mix, it’s very likely life has some tangible gifts waiting in the wings if you can just surrender into your “better story,” too. There are many layers of acceptance. Acceptance of the service we have to give; acceptance of help we can receive; acceptance of just being without doing; acceptance of life as it is; acceptance of the oneness of life as we detach from our personal outcomes; acceptance of a higher calling or a larger platform; acceptance of humility and the equality of us all when our life microscopes instead of telescopes and enjoying our internal world as much as the external world; acceptance of others being as important as ourselves and vice versa—ourselves as important as others. Think of some of the things you have accepted over the years. Think of the next leap of faith in front of you. An action step is likely about to occur…

The New Moon in Libra on October 12 will occur directly opposite Uranus in Aries and would be a good time to call upon creativity in the visual arts, new ideas to move relationships forward, and mental energy. Allow for insights to come to you in a flash, allow for electrical type energy infusions. Use sound, drumming, fast-moving rituals. Air-related cleansing tools are indicated at this new moon—which are sound, feathers, drums, breath, movement and song.

The Full Moon in Taurus on October 27 occurs in the morning, and would be a wonderful time to connect with the mountains. Mars and Venus will be in opposition to Chiron, so it will be a time of healing of physical wounds, to use the energy for the highest good. Seeking out physical healing is definitely a nice idea for using these energies at the end of the month. Seek some massage or just take a nature walk. Allow the body some space to breathe. Cook healthy food. Comfort yourself deeply. Use your whole self, heart and feet and hands, to move and enjoy being alive. Most of all, just be on this day. Slow down and enjoy everything. Bathe yourself and everything around you in appreciation. How’s that for a full moon idea? Would something like that work for you? If not, make up your own plan. Make it something that appeals to you! That’s the important part of a Taurus Full Moon J

For Halloween, the Sun and Neptune will be in trine aspect, which means good things for costumes. There should be plenty of support for celebrating and using Neptune’s “deception” energies for the good—for dressing up in a costume and partying! Have fun and stay safe. This is a Halloween you can eagerly enjoy!  (The Virgo and Libra energy means you should have an easy time staying healthy and keeping yourself from over-indulging in any substances.)

At the tail end of October, Mars and Venus are coming into conjunction aspect, which means they are at the same degree of Virgo. If you can get past the need for perfection, this is a time when people can find just the right partner, when methodical approaches in relationship activities (or financial and creative activities—also ruled by Venus—for that matter) can yield tremendous results, and when the quiet and internally focused amongst us can receive their rewards! The only hiccup is if you have a strong Chiron destiny aspect in your chart, as Chiron is the wounded healer teacher and is in mild opposition to these two—in Pisces. My interpretation would be that any past wounds are in the process of being dissolved through this Pisces energy, however, and through the Virgoan actions now occurring on earth. There is a lot of healing happening. Rock on, planet earth! Let’s keep our vision moving forward for a sustainable and wide-open future. Virgo is all about improvement.


Free this month:

Virgo Lettuce

Virgo Lettuce

Virgo – Libra – Nurture Your Inner Child Guided Meditations!! – Check it out!

Libra Rosemary

 There’s a place one to two inches above your navel. In the center of your abdomen, in this place, is a bright little star of energy that is like a life force you can feel if you focus on it. It is a core energy within you, a powerful centering force that you can meditate with to help you during this electric month of October. Here’s how you can do it.

Plant your feet, either in a chair or on the ground in something like a yoga warrior pose. (you can also lay down and do this if you’d like.) Imagine earth energy rising up into you like the roots of trees in order to steady your body on the ground. You are linked to the soil, to the earth, and the earth loves you. Breathe in her love and experience the way earth time seems as slow as timelessness to us. She just moves at a slower rate, like we must move to a hummingbird. Her processes are slower than ours, her voice would sound different than ours if we could hear it, her heartbeat is slower than ours. But she has a body like we do. And she has a center like we do—the earth’s warm core. Now imagine the center of yourself 1-2 inches above your nave, like the earth’s core. Humans have an energetic core, like a light. How is our core right now? Notice how you are doing. Notice how if you pay attention to it, you can notice that your core is indestructible. It glows with a warmth that is comforting and secure. It anchors you and feels very good to notice this core of yourself. If you spend time noticing your core, you can begin to understand the state of yourself. Enjoy feeling warm for a few minutes and then put a hand on your belly and bring your attention back to physical reality. Proceed with wherever you are at in your life in a grounded, self-contained, relaxed fashion!

Well, there you go! An exercise to help bring your energy into alignment and focus if you get frazzled. Navel-gazing is not for the faint-of-heart, though, it’s serious healing—LOL!

Have a grand month and know I am with you out there—you doing your good works!

Nourishment for the Body and Soul

Sometimes, life gets busy and we need something fast and from the microwave. Here’s an idea to get you going on these busy October mornings.

Fast-Food Fall Breakfast

Jazzy Oatmeal

Yield: 2 servings


1 golden delicious or granny smith apple
1 cup fresh raspberries
½ to ¾ cup shelled pistachios
1 cup old-fashioned oats or oat bran
2.5 cups pear or apple juice or peach juice

Optional: brown sugar sprinkled on top. Not included or pictured here.


In two large bowls, separate half the oatmeal and put half in each. Pour half the juice into one bowl, and the remaining half into the other. Microwave each bowl for about 3-4 minutes, covered, stirring halfway through.

In the mean time, core and slice you apple. Rinse and pat dry your berries on a paper towel.

Once the oatmeal is cooked, place half the apple slices into each bowl, distribute the berries evenly, and top off with the pistachios.

Serve immediately.

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Homeopathy and Core Synchronism have changed my life. First, I was immediately able to breathe after experiencing asthma-like symptoms for years. Many other improvements followed. Here are practitioners I recommend:

Eva Lipton-Ormand, CHoM, CCSP – in Albuquerque, NM

Elizabeth Battarbee of Flourish, Doctor of Homeopathy – available via Skype everywhere and in-person in Louisiana!

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!
