Your April 2016 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Free Guided Meditations *  The Power of Giving

April 2016 Astrological Trends

April showers us with a Mercury-Uranus conjunction right away for the first two days of the month. The beginning of the month will continue March’s speed, but when Mars turn retrograde on April 17, we should see some slower “Astrological weather,” as acclaimed astrologer Susyn Blair-Hunt puts it 🙂

However, as April commences, stay attuned to your insights. With a Mercury-Uranus conjunction, the universe will be itching to download its brilliance from spirit into form, and this can feel electric and fast. It’s a time of unexpected shifts & changes, psychic impulses, open-mindedness, quick intuitions / thought patterns, and brilliance. Get your quills and keyboards ready! However, also get ready for the electrical buzz of it, especially if you’re prone to anxiety/worry, which is the lower manifestation of this type of energy. It would be okay to lay off the caffeine for these two days and avoid driving as much as possible if you’re feeling ungrounded. The potential for distraction is high. (You can use my free meditations, or any guided meditations that help you feel relaxed and centered, to ground yourself!)

Not to be forgotten, the Sun follows Mercury in joining with Uranus from April 6 through 12 in conjunction. The sun is less mental and more heartfelt, so any nervousness should cease and the ability to process the insights that flash through your life will occur. The heart-mind connection can be made in the days that follow. To support this process, the heavens have produced a SUPERMOON for the April 7 new moon! (A supermoon means the moon will be close to the earth.)

This Sun-Moon-Uranus revolution in your life is supported by both Pluto and Saturn. Pluto says: whatever needs to change, now is the time. Don’t hold back. Saturn says: I will support and stabilize you during this change. Have faith!

In the meantime, on April 5, Venus moved into Aries and Mercury moved into Taurus. We may feel our creativity, relationships, and finances fire up. We also may feel our minds finally calm down, and our mental energy begin to simmer after a time of high-octane intellectual activity.

Spring Scene

On April 17, Mars retrogrades in Sagittarius. This allows us to slow down our actions and reflect a lot on how we are doing. Sagittarius is a sign of freedom and travel, so we might find ourselves staying at home a bit more, and we may love to visit nature more. We might turn toward peace—and process how we are treating ourselves and others. How are we fair, free, and how have we been true to ourselves and to others? What are our strengths?

Before we will be allowed to act on any of them—we will be required to review and study them. Best to understand others at this time and not judge them, especially with Jupiter still retrograde, as well. Identifying what you believe to be possible for you will be a powerful use of your time this summer. Quietly continue to support your own health and engage in healthy habits. Saturn is also retrograde, so attending to the things that truly serve and support your best interests in the long run, even if it is difficult, will be the test for you to pass during this period. (Keep it clean, in other words!)

Then, to add to all of this, Pluto turn retrograde on April 18. This adds healing ability to this time period. It will be time to release—attitudes and thinking patterns (supporting the Mercury retrograde at the end of the month), impulse and security drives (supporting the Mars retrograde), clearing out our environments (supporting the Jupiter retrograde), and letting go of rigidity (supporting the Saturn retrograde). Pluto retrograde is a wonderful time for regeneration—like Dr. Who becoming a new Dr.—so what will you look like after the 2016 Pluto retrograde? The planets sure are lining up this month and this time they are doing it with retrogrades! It’s very exciting to relax for the 2nd half of April!

The Scorpio full moon on April 22 adds support to introspection and is a time for meditation and ritual around going inward to reflect on our internal state of being and explore new depths to the human condition. Scorpio can help to empower and renew your depth of being.

On April 28, Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus, meaning its stay in Taurus is extra-long. It’s as if the solidifying and embodying of the ideas presented through the Mercury-Uranus Trine at the start of April is receiving extra emphasis. I think we’d be wise to listen to this astrological exclamation point during Mercury retrograde, and we can do this by deliberately attending to the process around how we think. Meditate, connect the dots, go out to nature this spring, honor the environment, and experience integrating our learning in healthy and lovely ways in order to make the world lovely during Mercury and Mars retrograde! It’s really a time we can enjoy, with our whole bodies and selves, with Taurus and Sagittarius energy.

April Showers really will bring May Flowers as we blossom into transformed beings.



Brand new guided audio meditations posted for free this month:

Synchronize Work and Meaning

Somatic (Body) Healing

Relaxation and Wellness


Take Advantage of these while they are free this month!!

 Let me know what you think and if you want more in this series of wellness, relaxation, and healing. Send an email to


 Nourishment for the Body and Soul

Rock Petroglyph

Gifting is a meditation on a circle in life. In so many ways life is about both giving and receiving, and our abilities to do both are extremely important. Balancing this out can be like having balanced breath or a balanced heartbeat. Relationships of all kinds are at their zenith when partners give and receive fairly equally over long periods of time. I’ve noticed there are times in my marriage where one partner or the other gives more—but it has balanced out over the long run—so I relax when I see myself giving more than another now. I know that my giving will be balanced out at some point, or has been balanced out in the past. I can relax when I receive, because I know the balance will be found. You can imagine it like water being poured into a glass and finding its balance as it becomes still.

The process of giving and receiving is a powerful action-oriented meditation that can be performed mindfully in many ways.

One of the best ways to meditate on giving and receiving is to engage with nature in the practice. As you move, walk or drive through a natural environment, you’ll notice how you receive an abundance of energy. You’ll feel renewed. If you think about it, our life’s sustenance comes from nature. Everything man-made generally originated in nature. So when we go back to the source we can trace the essence of our ability to survive back to the natural world.

We can, therefore, leave gifts for nature to express our appreciation. Little rosebuds, an acorn, or a leaf left on your favorite trail spot. Tiny stones. Even biodegradable thank-you notes to nature secretly tucked under a rock deep into the desert path are all items that are safe for the environment and gifts to bring back to nature. Mentally say thank you and ask permission for your activities, using imagination, breathing, emotion, and imagery to interact with the energy in the area. Take a bag for trash and pick up any garbage you find along the trail. Be careful to respect the environment and refrain from disturbing it. Move slowly and carefully, observing and appreciating the home of the trees and animals and rocks and soil and water and insects. Imagine if you lived there, and treat the natural world as if it had invited you into its home. The gifts you receive as it hosts you may turn out to be amazing.

Gifting with other humans is also holy. To freely give and receive will be the subject of a future newsletter—stay tuned 🙂


Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Homeopathy and Core Synchronism have changed my life. First, I was immediately able to breathe after experiencing asthma-like symptoms for years. Many other improvements followed. Here are practitioners I recommend:

Eva Lipton-Ormand, CHoM, CCSP – in Albuquerque, NM

Elizabeth Battarbee of Flourish, Doctor of Homeopathy – available via Skype everywhere and in-person in Louisiana!

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!
