Your June 2018 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

June 2018 Astrological Trends

Here is a Summertime bonus! Some information on some recent Astrological changes that will affect us for the coming years that you may be interested in as part of this month’s astrology trends! This is an unusually long Astrology Trends report, because Chiron and Uranus moved signs, which only happens every 7 years or so. Get some sustenance—tea, coffee, breakfast—prior to sitting down with this one, my brave star traveler…

Chiron has just entered Aries. It will retrograde back into Pisces on July 4, 2018 through September 25, 2018. Then, Chiron will stay in Aries until 2026. Chiron is a large comet/asteroid, or planetoid, and in Astrology represents the “wounded healer.” In our charts, Chiron shows where we have been wounded and how we work to heal those wounds. Those of us born between 1968-1977 will experience our Chiron return, which can be a time of major awakening and acceptance of who we are (or a crisis of meaning if we have some ego attachments or fears to release yet—either way it will be juicy). A return in astrology means a planet/element has completed a trip around the zodiac since birth. For Chiron, this evolutionary period occurs at age 50-51.

Chiron heals on both an individual and collective level. Medical breakthroughs are one of the highlights of Chiron in Aries. The time that the wounded healer spends visiting Aries provides the opportunity to explicitly face how the world has profited from violence and war. We already see the emergence of issues of identity leading to more courageous and healthy activism despite the painfulness of looking at the many dimensions of things such as police brutality in regard to racism, cultural privilege, historical social justice and imperialism, etc.

We are acknowledging the evidence that nonviolent protest is the best tool in the social justice playbook to fight fascism, despite the narrative that regimes are overthrown by violent mobs or guys with bigger guns. Humanity’s history has carried a social virus that has resulted in violence, aggression and even genocide.  Our own current age is again facing the thoughts and actions from culturally sick individuals who wish to pass along this sort of diseased thinking that strikes at the core of Aries archetypes.

When well, the Aries warrior protects, expands, and inspires the world around them. When sick, wounded, and blood-thirsty, the Aries soldier can act to perpetrate atrocities and destroy the world around them. Chiron can see how the patriarchy has become diseased and toxic and needs to be healed. That healing may begin with opening up the bandages to expose the wounds and cleaning out the places that are infected, which requires enduring and facing a psychically painful solution. Change can involve human suffering, especially when applied to those who currently hold power through violent and desperate methods.

Aries healing is action-oriented. We will see voices rise where pain needs to become power, where the right to of everyone to exist needs to be made real, where vulnerabilities are becoming courage beneath the thrum of today’s inequities, and where we are seeing our weaknesses turning into our strengths. With Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and moving from Aries into Taurus, those who think systems can be used to exploit and exclude vulnerable people will find they are holding the short end of the stick before the story arc is completed. It would be well for us all to find our courage and resiliency. Use the end of 2018 to prepare to let go of our former idea of ourselves and our lives, and move into our new future after spending time preparing for the fight to come (an Aries thing) during the next seven years. If we have not already become familiar with and accepting of our inner warrior during the past year and a half (I would be surprised if not), the next six months is a good time to get comfortable with the idea of advocacy and using your voice, little by little, for at least one issue, in whatever way you feel comfortable.

Chiron Myth

During June, Chiron is moving forward instead of being in retrograde motion—one of the few slower moving bodies that is NOT retrograde, so you can make progress in considering how you will use Chiron in Aries energies to personally heal yourself. This may mean your body—via exercise/sports, a medical procedure, and clean eating—changes. This may apply to your brain and include mindfulness/cognitive techniques and counseling. This may mean a new endeavor, such as going to school or college or beginning a creative study/fellowship. You might decide to change how you look or advocate for yourself in a way you had not considered previously. This may be breaking out of your shell in many forms and fashions beyond what this astrologer can imagine! Whatever occurs, please realize that I KNOW IT IS REQUIRING COURAGE ON YOUR PART. I am proud of you, you beautiful warrior.

Uranus is also moving forward and has begun to move into Taurus from Aries. Uranus moved into Taurus May 15 and will be there until November 16, 2018. Then, Uranus will turn retrograde and back into Aries until March 6, 2019. After turning direct, Uranus will return to Taurus until 2026. Aries is the sign of masculine Mars, but Taurus is the sign of feminine Venus. Uranus is the planet of everything from breakthroughs to innovations to disruptions; electricity to astrology/occult to networks (digital/your nervous system/human networks). It’s time for the energy of Uranus to begin acting in concert with feminine formats, and instead of sudden Aries changes—the Taurus changes will be deep, slow, and lasting. Where it has seemed, our culture was reformatted in recent years to be programmed toward a masculine preference, that will change to a Venusian preference and focus, as Venus is Taurus’s ruling planet. Uranus can cause abrupt shifts at times, and in Taurus the shifts may be seen in the areas of finance, creativity, and emotions/romance. I might interpret the traditional “romance” theme of Taurus to mean gender laws, structures, and cultural norms and also those having to do with people’s rights dealing with things such as procreation, public safety, domestic violence, and other relational issues.

On a personal level, use Uranus entering Taurus to examine your values. Turn to a sense of internal security instead of looking to the external world for your security, because things are sure to change in ways we can’t anticipate during the next 7 years. Allow relationships to change and your ideas about them to expand and grow. Use every resource to become more flexible over time. Allow yourself to change your ideas on beauty and indulge in innovations in artistic and creative expression to the greatest possible extent. Inventions are encouraged, especially in the home, garden, relations and finances. It is encouraged that you nurture the things that empower your inner sense of the divine feminine or goddess-ness, no matter what gender you identify to be.

Planet Uranus

June 1-2 Mercury in Gemini trines Mars in Aquarius: This is the aspect many of those who are fantastic debaters have in their charts. If you wish to make an argument or communicate about something important, here is your chance. Get some work done, give a speech, enjoy your quick thinking, persuade someone of something, make plans, study, and speak. It’s the ideal time to make serious progress on intellectual tasks.

May 28 – June 5, Grand Water Trine. June 1-4 (exact June 2) Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces and Trine Jupiter (exact June 1) in Scorpio for a grand trine in the water signs.  With both benefics, or lucky planets, Jupiter and Venus, in this grand trine—it is likely to be an emotionally blessed first week of June. It’s possible to expect fortune in the areas of family/home, with teachers/truth/discovery, and in your spiritual life. With trines, it’s important to tune into the energy because you need to seek out the favorable energy—kind of like plugging yourself into the wall of the universe like you’d plug a lamp into an electrical outlet and turn on the switch. The benefits are waiting for you, so take a break or some solitude time for yourself in order to align your heart with the flow of ease that’s available. It may be a little rough after a week or two of opposition energy in the skies, so do some guided relaxations or find a spiritual source to help you wind down and relax. You deserve to feel good with a higher vibration than the environment often offers. Allow yourself now to pop back up to the surface of the pool like an inflated beach ball that has been held under the water.

Destiny’s Active Dance! Mars in Aquarius opposing North Node in Leo: June 3 (exact June 12-17)–September 28

June 28: Mars turns retrograde June 28 at 9 degrees Aquarius.

July 16: Exact opposition again to North Node in Leo on July 16-19.

August 13: Mars retrogrades back into Capricorn on August 13. Mars turns direct on August 25. Mars enters Aquarius again on September 10.

September 20: Exact opposition again to North Node in Leo on September 20-23, being in orb until September 28.

The North Node represents our destiny and is one of the major karmic elements in astrology. Mars is the planet of activity and action. This year, it looks as if destiny has written an action plan. Beginning now, in June. The opposition aspect, or relationship, between two astrological bodies, is a relationship where two bodies sit on the chart at 180 degrees from one another. Since Mars will be retrograding throughout the year, Mars will cross the opposition point to the North Node 3 times during its transit in Aquarius. That means Mars will conjunct the South Node at the times it is opposing the North Node.

This means the militaristic, will-power, controlled approach of imposing power won’t work. It won’t come out the way it’s planned. Remember, it’s the North Node that’s designing the action plan, not the human will. Free will needs to let go into divine will, while the North Node asks us to surrender into a much more playful sense of strength in Leo. So if we focus on Leo’s fixed fire, we can look to develop our ability to be inspirational. We develop our heart and our sense of being sovereign. We need to inspire in order to move forward. We need to re-inspire ourselves daily and work on our own steady inner glow as a way to provide motivation to others. Balanced self-assertion is a good integration to achieve.

June 3-7 (exact June 5) Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury in Gemini: This is another aspect that portends mental clarity. Plan, express yourself, work on finances, send emails, and communicate in general. Short trips and communication with brothers and sisters and friends is supported. You can also begin business ventures or contracts, bargain, buy and sell with confidence.

June 3-9 (exact June 5) Venus in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn: This is a time to work to make sure you don’t create karmic issues that feel like they manifest as black hole level relationships. You can also resolve past (and past-life) issues. Sometimes things can get out of control internally or even expressed externally. Before dramatic or painful experiences exist, understand yourself and any Pluto/Venusian impulses that could destroy your equanimity by practicing self-regulation. You don’t need to venture into the dark world to understand that Pluto rules crime, hard drugs, dark magic, violence, and the urge to power. Venus’s energy can sometimes move toward feeling comfort through any means available (light, dark, and partly cloudy—just get her out of the storm). Pluto could interact with Venus by triggering addiction and other comfort-seeking behaviors. Allow these transits to help you learn your triggers so you positively transform your life over time. An opposition is good for allowing you to observe and integrate the energies of these two planets, so you know yourself better. You can journal when Venus/Pluto interactions occur and see what transpires during this transit. Later, you can determine if a pattern emerges for you, either emotionally or in your environment.

June 5-7 (exact June 6) Mercury square Neptune in Pisces, June 4-10 (exact June 7) Sun square Neptune in Pisces: The mental clarity of the first few days in June ends as Neptune steps into the scene energetically affecting both our minds and vitality. Instead of putting ourselves out in the front of the stage, it’s a better idea to retreat and get creative or meditative. Play some guitar or other music, do some creative writing, and keep yourself bone-scrapingly honest during this transit. Any deceptions will lead to consequences and convolution. As it is, try to avoid being misinterpreted. Keeping to simple communications will serve you well. Bodily, many folks are extra-sensitive to pharmaceuticals and infections, so be easy on yourself where medications and viruses are concerned. It’s a good time to relax and entertain yourself and/or focus on your spirituality. Feel free to let the larger world go out of focus and use Neptune to connect to a higher source for a little while.

Mercury enters Cancer June 12: When Mercury enters Cancer, we may find ourselves listening and communicating from the heart and depending on our instincts and emotions more than ever. Silence now can be as full of meaning as our words. It’s advised to use a softer lens and help people feel comforted during Mercury’s transit through Cancer this month. Relational bonds will likely be strengthened. Intuition is strong.

New Moon in Gemini, June 13: This new Moon in Gemini is a great time to start something new. The only caveat is that there is a quincunx aspect between the Sun in Gemini and Pluto in Capricorn that asks you to sublimate your ego and let go in order to trust a higher power, because along with trying something new—there is likely a build-up of energy around a turning point in life triggered by an event or person. No easy Yes/No answers exist—likely gray areas exist instead. It’s acceptable to make a decision and try a path as a self-exploration and improvement exercise without knowing the outcome and you’ll likely have a positive impact. Compromise is also acceptable. What would be maladaptive would be ceding your autonomy to prop up your ego fears through addictive behaviors, manipulative acts, or violence (there is Pluto’s low-side, or dark-side, again).

June 13 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: Uranus is the higher octave planet of the mind, related to Mercury. This combination can give brilliant flashes of insight to support the “something new” you may wish to start on the New Moon. The creative talents you may display are limitless. You may also experience psychic insights during the days surrounding this aspect. You might have a passion for science, mathematics, or computers that is supported by Mercury/Uranus. Stimulating the brain is what these two planets do best.

June 13 Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: There is the chance to either help or hurt communications during this transit. It depends on your ability to harness Chiron’s energies. Either way is fine; we learn and move forward. Sometimes we play the role of the wise elder in helping to heal through communication and serving as a mentor. Sometimes we experience the hurtful thoughts inside our own minds or from the minds of others. Another third option is to become empty of thought and send loving kindness to yourself, to those your love, to those you feel aversion toward, and to the entire world. Use meditation to train your mind.

June 13 Venus enters Leo: Relationships and values, finances, and creativity start to become fun and outwardly focused. You may find yourself looking at how you appear more than feeling sensitive and reflective about these issues. Indulge in some fun in your relationships. Celebrate how you are handling responsibilities to others and to your money matters, especially if you’re handling your responsibilities with aplomb. You can be proud of your possessions, for example. You can show off your appearance. A great month for makeovers, improvements, and shared creative endeavors.

June 13-17 (exact on June 14) Venus square Uranus in Taurus: These are the days when inner impulses toward freedom are clashing with expectations for stability. How might this come out sideways for you? From all indications, these are merely hungry ghosts knocking on the door. Both Leo (Venus) and Taurus (Uranus) are fixed signs, so likely only fears are at play for these few days. As long as you focus on self-regulation and realize you are stable, you should be fine. Turn your thinking towards thoughts of beauty and love and maybe indulge in some good feeling activities to emerge from any challenges that come up for you. You can get a spa treatment, take some nature therapy (a walk amongst the trees, for example), or have a deep talk with a trusted mentor or therapist. Better these activities than overspending and overeating—one of the risks of this aspect.

June 13-18 (exact on June 15) Venus trine Chiron in Aries: Simultaneously to some fears with Venus square Uranus, healing is promoted as Venus is touching on some deep wounds you have accumulated to your core sense of self. You could be learning something profound about who you are during these exact same days. The tension may also be working in tangent to lead to insight that helps you with a major healing and learning moment.

June 15 Mercury oppose Saturn retrograde in Capricorn: Even if you hear bad news or encounter challenges with contracts, communications, etc.—please realize this is the energy in the air due to this challenging aspect. If you can schedule to sign any important documents on some other day this month, avoid June 15. Use the phrase, “let me sleep on it,” if you’re asked to make any decisions. This is the most challenging day because so many people will be experiencing negative thinking and sadness. On the other hand, this is a good aspect for research and independent intellectual work. Serious reflective conversations can benefit. If you find yourself pessimistic, back up and restart your mental process because pessimism would be a mere mirage. “Don’t believe everything you think…”

June 18-22 (exact June 20) Venus conjunct North Node in Leo: When Venus moves to the same degree as the North Node in Leo, it’s karmic timing to examine our values in relationship to other people and to our self-worth as well. We may look at our need to feel special and what that means to our lives and how to move forward in how we express our ego selves. We may make profound decisions about how we handle money or resources, either because of events or because of a relationship. We may make creative choices that impact our spirits and our lives tremendously, and other people may view us differently. We might have past life memories that inform creativity or artistic expression. Our lives will be touched in some way, and it may affect how we appear, as well. Our self-definition will help us to radiate a new awareness moving forward. It is perfectly OK to focus on ourselves because we’re at a growth moment. It’s also great to help others as they learn.

June 18-23 (exact June 20-21) Venus in Leo oppose Mars in Aquarius: There’s a sense of competition when Venus and Mars are opposed. Venus wants to create in Leo—is feeling quite passionate and needs to see meaningful accountability from relationships—while Mars feels there are important intellectual group accomplishments to carry forth—and in unpredictable ways wants to improve things in the community. Luckily, they both agree on improvement. Venus is focused on the individual and Mars is focused on the group. Venus is the heart; Mars the head. Since Venus is conjunct the North Node, this astrologer is inclined to believe the heavens wish for us to take a breather from the intensity of the past few years and listen to the heart. We can’t keep pushing without taking time for self-care and the care of individual people. Aquarius energy is often focused on what is perceived as freedom and can become obstinate at times.

June 19 Neptune turns retrograde at 16 degrees Pisces: Neptune is retrograde a lot—about forty percent of the time. When retrograde occurs, an event or relationship can trigger you to come down to earth in some way and show you a place in your life where you have been passive or hiding out. You may find yourself facing a fear, a pain, or an exposure that you’d like to avoid. Get ready to get assistance. You may wish to find a doctor, therapist, counselor, mentor, coach, or practitioner who can help you manage during the next 6 months or more as you integrate new information about your health and well-being into life. It’s a great time for self-assessment, acceptance, increased self-awareness, self-improvement, and spiritual engagement for all of us. Our journeys are constantly evolving and if we’re lucky, they are long. We have a lot of learning, growing, and challenges to embody. Neptune will help us connect to the highest expression of our selves.

There’s a water grand trine when Neptune turns retrograde that you can “mine” if you put out some spiritual request energy. The potential of this can go untapped, however, if we don’t actively seek out and plug into the water energy opportunity that will be available. On June 19-20-21, the grand trine of Mercury in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces occurs.

This is a great healer and creative energizer. If there is any need for support in setting off on a journey, Jupiter and Mercury will provide support on these days. Also, these planets will help with legal, religious, research, study, language, philosophy, and business successes. This period would be a great time to sign contracts. Mercury and Neptune provide support for poetry and creative writing, music, and dance. Your empathy will be increased. Senses will be fine-tuned. You can communicate well beyond language. Jupiter and Neptune provide a community spirit—hope, optimism, generosity. A sense of freedom and generosity pervades the atmosphere if you are attuned. Dreams, visions, and meditations allow you to feel happy and content. Romance and friendship are abundant. So any spiritual requests consciously called in at this time to help with the adjustments that a typical Neptune retrograde kicks off will be strong and supportive for you.

June 20 Sun enters Cancer: Thoughts turn toward caring and nurturing yourself and others through this month. You may also begin to focus more on the home. Either home improvements or being more home-based. You may experience emotional vulnerabilities either in yourself or others. Discussions about feelings and protection may be overheard more. Family is a major area of concern. People may retreat into their “shell” as the crab is the animal represented by the sign of Cancer. Read some good books, act the nurse, do some home-making.

June 20-25 (exact June 22) Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: Although routines may not be appealing or even possible, creativity and comfort is highlighted as you’re encouraged to try something new. Flashes of insight occur, and you have the freedom to try something new and exciting. New discoveries and changes are possible.

June 20-27 (exact June 23) Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: Our charm and self-respect can take a hit under this aspect. It’s a challenge to keep our center in a state of steady fusion and avoid “sun-flares” when Chiron and the Sun are in hard aspect. We can feel like we need to over-compensate to prove ourselves or fall into a victim mode and let others make all our decisions for us or “save” us. It’s good to let ourselves meditate on keeping steady. During this time, we may feel the world is filled with authority figures who seem to have the answers. It is OK to be a self-advocate even if we feel weakened or insecure, even if sometimes we are not up to a high skill level on being able to communicate yet. Also, look out for staying out of addictive behaviors during these days.

June 21-24, Mercury oppose Pluto in Capricorn (exact June 23): A good time for research and relationship counseling. A bad time to put forth propaganda or deal with psychological abuse from anyone. Avoid pressure from people or, alternatively, using your own power to intimidate others. Not a time to engage in debate. Avoid conspiracy theories. Investigate things.

June 22-27 (exact June 25) Venus square Jupiter in Scorpio: A good time for enjoying yourself (but look out for over-indulging in things like food and drink) but not so good for concentrating and working. Also, watch out for spending too much money, as well. This is the least stressful of the square aspects. Just try to act in moderation.

Full Moon in Capricorn, June 27: This Full Moon is conjunct to Saturn, and Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn. This brings out the elements of Saturn that have to do with restriction and the home/family (Cancer is opposite Capricorn and the Sun sits in Cancer). June 24-30 (exact June 26) Sun in Cancer opposes Saturn retrograde in Capricorn. So, balancing out needs in regard to structuring and learning could cause you to be disrupted somehow in your home or away from your home during the two weeks that follow this full moon, prior to the eclipse on July 12. The good news is that most of the crisis is embedded in conscious or subconscious fears that don’t appear to manifest. These are mirages in your mind alone. You will learn about that in July. For June, your challenges will be with the home, parents, and children. You may experience feelings of rejection or depression that can be ameliorated through emotional maturity and self-discipline. Healing can be achieved through examining your own “stuff” and using Saturn’s tests as an opportunity to become an ethical actor in the drama of your life. Nurturing others and closer bonding is a high likelihood and valuable outcome as you recognize and shake free of past beliefs and habits.

June 29 Mercury moves into Leo: Mercury in Leo means we will all feel the urge to talk about ourselves a little more loudly and get out there to promote ourselves in the spotlight. Selfie time! Get your photos taken and share them with your friends. Enjoy Facebook and Instagram! Enjoy feeling confident in the community.

June 29-July 1, Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (exact June 30): A lack in concentration during this period is offset by the excitement to the change in daily routine. There can be unexpected news, an increase in the tempo of life, an electric feeling (even nervousness/anxiety), and maybe communication mishaps. You could miss some vital information, but on the upside, you could see an innovative perspective you have not previously considered. You may have original thoughts and breakthrough to a new level of consciousness. Avoid making firm plans, remain flexible, and enjoy the unexpected.

June 29-July 2, Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (exact July 1): What a lovely, healing aspect to end the month upon! A great time for a healing conversation. This is a healing voice bringing remedies and messages to us all, through the element of fire.  Aries and Leo mean action and movement, and Mercury is a fast worker in the zodiac, and Mercury in Leo can provide a fixed fire energy to complement the Chiron wounded healer – in Aries Chiron is an inspirational force. This means to me that the things that happened in June will light a healing fire for July. Fireworks celebration, anyone?


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Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Homeopathy and Core Synchronism have changed my life. First, I was immediately able to breathe after experiencing asthma-like symptoms for years. Many other improvements followed. Here are practitioners I recommend:

Eva Lipton-Ormand, CHoM, CCSP – in Albuquerque, NM

Elizabeth Battarbee of Flourish, Doctor of Homeopathy – available via Skype everywhere and in-person in Louisiana!

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!
