Virgo Lettuce Guided Meditation: Wholehearted


Virgo Lettuce Guided Meditation: Wholehearted


Virgo Lettuce Guided Meditation: Wholehearted

Virgo has the ability to actually implement and actualize chosen changes in their energy patterns in life. One by one, on a daily basis, Virgos adapt new insights into wisdom and teach their insights to others. They turn living life into an art and a craft with such beauty that it’s astounding to witness.

You can manifest Virgo energy if you want to increase your ability in any or all of the following areas of your life:
• Hands
• Digestion, duodenum, bowels, intestines
• Craftsmanship, dexterity
• Reliability and industriousness
• Analytical ability, technical ability, and systems thinking
• Service or service-oriented activities
• Medicine, chemistry, pharmacy, first-aid
• Consideration, inquiry, memory, order, harmony
• Teaching, photography, assistantship
• Equality, humbleness, authenticity
• Personal Development