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Your December 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

ALERT: December 2020 will be the final time our newsletter is provided in this format. In 2021, our newsletter will be provided through, where you will be able to find the Astrology Trends 2021 Annual Report and other Astrology Resources. Look for a detailed Report on the Pluto-Eris Square there, as well.

As December Opens…

(Rx = Retrograde)

November 30, Full Moon Eclipse at 8 Degrees Gemini
North Node at 20 degrees Gemini and South Node at 20 degrees Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius
Mercury in Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Aries
Jupiter in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus Rx in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn
Eris Rx in Aries

Key Asteroids:

Chiron Rx in Aries
Pallas Athena in Capricorn
Ceres in Pisces
Vesta in Virgo
Juno in Scorpio
Black Moon Lilith in Taurus

December Astrology:

November 30, Lunar Eclipse at 8 degrees Gemini
December 14, Total Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees Sagittarius
Full Moon in Cancer December 29

As the month opens, the effects of the November 30 Gemini Eclipse come into focus. Eclipses are about light, both how we see, and shadow perceptions as the light narrows to cover the sun when either the earth moves between the sun and moon (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at night such as this November 30)—or the moon moves between the earth and sun (New Moon Solar Eclipse during the daytime such as on December 14, 2020).

This eclipse forms a moon-sextile and sun-trine to Chiron in Aries. The Sun quincunxes Uranus Rx in Taurus and also the Sun and Moon both form a T-Square with the dwarf planet (or asteroid) Ceres at 3 degrees Pisces. Loosely, you could say the T-square extends to a grand cross with the asteroid Vesta at 13 degrees Virgo, although I usually don’t allow ten degrees for an opposition. However, with the Sun and Moon sitting at 8 degrees, they pull together Ceres and Vesta to tell the theme of a story here about this Eclipse. Something is ending and something new is beginning.

Vesta is pious, traditional, and conservative (sometimes to the point of fanatic). It’s a lot like baby Saturn. In the sign of Virgo, Vesta rides the high road of service instead of the low road of perfectionism. It’s time to begin some work, healing, routine, and clear and clean up. Chiron in Aries linked to Uranus and Ceres—activated by the Eclipse of the Sun/Moon on the Gemini and Sagittarius axis is sending the message that it’s our appointment with the task list to discover and pioneer new perceptions and consciousness in regard to compassion as well as build capacity and ability to take care of people. It’s time to examine and expand knowledge and beliefs about how to decide what is possible to do in regard to ordinary life, fairness, and democracy, whether that be in a family or in a country or on the planet. Whether we “see” it or not, the eclipse kicks off a series of events inside individuals and groups that lead to action. These mutable (meaning transformational) influences are linked to the whole series of Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses that occur through December, 2021. Ceres is linked to education, food and eating, practical nurturing (mothering), protective forces, growth and development, and pain remediation. You can watch out for smother-love or separation issues for the shadow side of Ceres, but, on the whole, a Ceres connection portends loving-kindness and very practical solutions.

We have been experiencing cardinal eclipses for a year, in addition to fiercely influential and intense cardinal aspects from our toughest planets (malefics)—Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Aries. Jupiter in Capricorn increased the intensity to support the situation—only supported it toward the negative. Cardinal energy can be daring, pushy, constantly in motion, forceful… and when it’s full-bore upon us in such a queue—key planets, eclipses, several dwarf planets and asteroids, and their aspects occurring atop each other constantly—it is like the symphony that plays at its loudest with no pause for the musicians to take a breath nor the listener’s heartbeat to regulate.

So the mutable eclipse ushers in a welcome sign of the change to come. It’s a night of sleep. A deep meditation. A quiet gaze into the distance. And then picking up your backpack to finish the rest of the trip up the mountain, with sore blisters and torn jacket; helping your mountain climbing buddy. It’s finding your scattered gear, realizing you still have enough canned goods, and remembering your skills again after a sudden nighttime snow storm near the peak of your journey. You are almost there. You can do it. Let go of what you no longer have and/or need and have faith in your abilities.

This faith brings us to the December 14 New Moon Full Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. This eclipse is connected to a Mercury and South Node conjunction in Sagittarius. It is trine to Mars and Eris Rx in Aries. Faith is an interesting proposition currently because the North Node is asking us to find the right questions to maintain an open mind and allow in the light of new knowledge. The South Node is asking us to give up some of our most cherished beliefs if we are holding on to them rigidly, especially. This work is intensely personal for each of us, because we each must journey into our own hearts to find the places where we cling to cherished “truths” that we use as weapons to hurt (and often betray, abandon, abuse, neglect, and do violence unto) others and ourselves. It is beyond time to learn the social skills that allow us to turn toward one another and weave a strong social fabric that provides for the worth of others to be acknowledged and recognized in simple, practical and everyday ways. For example, every child on earth deserves clean water, air, food, shelter, safety, and healthcare. Only our strange and maladaptive beliefs keep us from implementing solutions to allow them to have these things. Only a mental sickness that exists in some (primarily male) minds that sees power as the denial of human rights to those they deem unworthy.

So, I think some of the Mercury-Sun-Moon questions we may ask ourselves are how completely have I accepted myself and others? How flexible have I become in my acceptance of differences when I see myself in action? What small movement can I now make to increase my social skills in order to create peace? How can I use pain/grief/loss as the heart cracking open in vulnerability and see instances of tenderness toward self and others as how I slowly become strong and resilient? How can I actively accept imperfections in myself and others? How can I offer grace and loving kindness in actions and words and deeds—from small to large? When we start very small with all these questions—the tiny, daily actions and thoughts and beliefs accumulate until we notice one day it has become easy to accept ourselves and others—easy to be easy and graceful. Give yourself time and value this effort. You can try and fail and keep trying—making plenty of mistakes means you are doing something—that’s what transformation is all about. Awkwardness expected. When you see someone else acting or saying something awkward—know that they are probably trying a new way, too. Be gracious. Ask for and receive help and guidance.

On another front, you can ask many questions to open up new scientific thoughts and beliefs, too. And so many other dimensions of thought/belief/tradition to question—bringing the global local, ways of connecting across the globe, cultural and language ideas, ideas for mentoring/higher learning, philosophical and multicultural systems! Go for it! Mars preparing to meet Eris, connected to this eclipse, can ask you to become an advocate in a new way and learn to think about how the best warrior never picks up a weapon. What have you learned from the many challenges you have faced? What is wisdom? What is meaning? And how can we re-make our current world to focus our efforts locally instead of globally?

The Full Moon in Cancer on December 29 provides a restful end to the year and a definite portal point marking the end of one year and the beginning of the next. Rest and recuperate.

Ingress Dates:

(Ingress is the fancy term for when a body, such as a planet, changes from one sign to another.)

December 1-20: Mercury in Sagittarius. Minds turn toward the world-view, big-picture. Freedom is what you may become conscious of. I would say give others as much freedom as possible, too. It’s hard to focus on details. Philosophical thinking and the search for meaning. Information and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are in-style.

December 20-January 8, 2021: Mercury in Capricorn: Minds shift into thinking slower and more carefully about decisions. Caution, authority-seeking behaviors may be note-worthy. You may take on projects that involve heavy lifting and considerable mental effort.

December 7 (through March, 2021): Pallas Athena in Aquarius: Skills grow in the area of ideals, humanitarian and political arenas, social skills, even humor/satire, and advocacy.

December 15-January 8: Venus in Sagittarius: Take some time for thought experiments. Let yourself receive resources and comfort from a broad spectrum of sources. Reach out deeply and broadly; reach in deeply and broadly. Expansion of relationships and the enjoyment of things foreign. Change, growth, flexibility, adventure.

December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023: Saturn in Aquarius: Saturn is known as a malefic but also a teacher. Saturn is at home in Aquarius. Prior to Uranus/Prometheus being identified and discovered, Saturn was as far-out a planet as human beings knew about. One of the lessons to consider from the very fact of co-affiliation of Saturn/Uranus-Prometheus with Aquarius is the idea that there is more innovation to incorporate into the collective human body of knowledge. Saturn can best be engaged honestly, actively, and responsibly.

As a “professor with full tenure at Earth University,” Saturn assigns us a group project when traveling zero to thirty degrees, or transiting, Aquarius. This group project involves assignments in gaining ability to work in groups (social skills) and invites innovation and originality (hallmarks of the sign Aquarius). As much as Saturn’s traversal through Capricorn asked us to experience/explore the caverns of the past (efforts in spelunking our shadow identities), Saturn in Aquarius will ask us how we wish to form our future. At this time, we exist on a pin-point between the two possibilities as the sign changes where a plethora of possibilities exist. As we move further into later degrees of Aquarius, the possibilities will become form—narrowed and fixed into realities. Let’s analyze and choose as wisely as we can, for our part, during this planning period of the group project.

December 19, 2020 – May 13, 2021 and July 28, 2021-December 28, 2021: Jupiter in Aquarius: Starting in December and moving through 2021, Jupiter supports Saturn in expanding the ability for people to focus on humanitarian and technical innovation and originality. Big ideas and breakthrough moments are possible, sparked by the meeting of Jupiter and Saturn—called the Great Conjunction—at the powerful point of zero degrees Aquarius on December 21, 2020. Zero degrees of a sign is a critical, potent point, providing an extra, turbo-powered blast of fresh energy to an aspect that occurs there. For the year that Saturn is at zero degrees Aquarius, Jupiter will be providing support for an undiluted look into the broth being stewed for the next 20-200 years. We will see a condensed peek into the essence of the challenges to face and the work to be done. This begins the 200-year Astrological cycle of Great Conjunctions in the element of AIR in addition to the Jupiter/Saturn cycle of approximately 20 years (when they will reach their next conjunction aspect). One of the concepts involved with new starts and journeys, especially collectively, is that you fall down many times before you stand up a new innovation. Also, with innovation comes risk and a bit of wild recklessness. Before a realistic implementation of new systems and ideals, optimism and exuberance abound.

The areas indicated by Jupiter include globalism, wealth, growth, expansion, children, adventure, foreign policies, higher education, and religion/philosophy/meaning. The areas indicated by Saturn include time, structures, work, effort, authority, boundaries, science, poverty, self-regulation, security, safety, and elders.

December 18-November 14, 2021 (Rx April 13-August 2): Juno in Sagittarius: Juno in Sagittarius will be adding fire to the desire for freedom. This focus on flexibility and the ability to do what you want, when you want, exploring the world and more and more… is the dynamic of Sagittarian expansiveness. What is over there? …Is a question the heart asks. But life is driving us local, and setting boundaries. Boundaries is kind of a dirty word to Sagittarius. So maybe think of having the freedom to innovate solutions to the problems that expanded to everyone across the globe—and how the Internet has helped us maintain the ability to connect and communicate. Find joy in learning languages and cultural facts and learning about others. Find ways to operate you haven’t thought of before, as you learn the joys of living locally and still being connected to a larger planet. Think about what a mother goddess such as Juno, wife to Jupiter, would say to the humans living under restrictions for the next few years and how to bring order and divinity to the hearts of the many. What is divine joy and freedom today? This year?

December 21-January 21: Sun in Capricorn: The Sun moves into a steady earth energy where you work hard and focus even harder. You’re thinking about the world out there and building up some… thing. Bringing a form to life; animating a project. You are more quiet and reflective, preferring your own company, likely.


December 15 Chiron Turns Direct in Aries: This is an existential crisis slowing down to a stand still and having the opportunity to slowly begin to reverse and gain ground. Since July 12, when Chiron went retrograde at 9 degrees Aries, to now when it is at 4 degrees Aries, a crisis of being has occurred which has caused the reexamination of the will and ability to live. Now, and through April, when Chiron finally passes the 9-degree Aries mark, we will be regaining the progress in our ability to self-regulate. Focus on self-care can resume in earnest without so much interruption and dispersion so you have to keep going over the same territory repeatedly. Depending on where Chiron is located in your chart, you may notice easing up on fear and an increase in your ability to gain mastery over your flight-or-fight responses and coping mechanisms.


December 14 Venus in Scorpio conjunct Juno in Scorpio: They are sextile Jupiter at 28 degrees Capricorn and Saturn at 29 degrees Capricorn. Let’s talk about intensity! This is urge and desire and passion and jealousy. This is the end of something and the inability to affect an outcome any longer. How will you self-regulate in the face of loss? Look to ten days from now for your new beginnings to emerge and let go because there are plenty of new opportunities and your brilliance is needed elsewhere. Before you can allow in new opportunities, you must let go of the current situation and the past. Your current conceptions are slipping away and that is okay. You can let go. With Mercury opposing the North Node, you will want to hold on to your cherished thoughts and beliefs, and it will be easy to think you have the answers. You can probably rest assured you don’t the minute you think you do. Try questioning your assumptions and judgments one by one instead and see where that leads. Be easy when you can and take the inner journey to allow yourself to honor the end of a cycle and thank the creator for all you have been given and all you have become and learned so far. Allow yourself to not know and to make space for the next journey.

December 22, Mars Conjunct Eris Rx 23 degrees Aries, kicking off Mars-Eris cycle:  They are square to Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn. There is tension and discomfort. Possibly hidden and secret problems. Female power. Mars advocates and starts a cycle connected to empowering the unseen needs and inviting to the table those who have been unseen and unappreciated.

December 22, Black Moon Lilith Conjunct Uranus/Prometheus Rx in Taurus: They are quincunx to Venus and Juno in Sagittarius. They are square to Pallas Athena, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius and trine to Sun and Mercury in Capricorn. This is the call to examine your triggers. Identify what has been deeply buried within, what is socially repressed, what revolution is necessary for you. There is so much feminine energy here—this is the goddess revolution either within you or in the general environment if you’re not doing it to empower yourself. All the repressed feminine needs to pour out and become balanced. We need to stand up and face what has been repressed and neglected or it consumes us.

December 22 Neptune in Pisces oppose Vesta in Virgo, square Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius: A lot of hard work trying to integrate and put into service and balance out needed resources, based on the better angels of our date with destiny. Dealing with entrenched beliefs and tendencies to martyrdom along with opportunities to find the best and highest within us.

December 22, Moon is also conjunct Chiron in Aries: The instinct to heal and to wound—both are present.

Mercury is Out-of-Bounds December 12, 2020-January 4, 2021: The mind needs to be let out to roam further afield than normal, so this is a month to brainstorm.

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Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot & Astrology from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor!

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your November 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month:  Newsletter Changes* 2021 Overview *  Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

ALERT: December 2020 will be the final time our newsletter is provided in this format. In 2021, our newsletter will be provided through, where you will be able to find the Astrology Trends 2021 Annual Report and other Astrology Resources. Look for a detailed Report on the Pluto-Eris Square there, as well.

Continuing Influences

• Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again)
• February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
• June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde
• August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
• July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct)
• August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
• October 14 – November 3 Mercury Retrograde from 12 degrees Scorpio back to 26 degrees Libra
• Active in orb from late 2018 through early 2023, Pluto in Capricorn Square Eris in Aries. Exact Dates: Jan 26 2020, Jun 14 2020, Dec 10 2020, Aug 27 2021
Oct 8 2021,

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde: With the reversal, or retrograde, of Neptune’s motion, we have the chance to see how this planet has been operating on us from its home placement in Pisces. Neptune is in a powerful placement and yet it is in a sign that does not “do” power. Neptune itself is a dreamy planet. I experience it as a portal and a calling operator, unlike Mars or Saturn or Pluto. Those planets manifest in ways that are visible and Uranus can manifest, when triggered, in a lightning flash. Neptune operates slowly, like water. In a water sign, that is enhanced. We might see many signs of escapist activity occurring—and it needn’t be anything that hits us over the head. Virtual reality and living and perceiving more from our fantasies than from observable reality. Increased reliance on pharmaceuticals and difficulties accessing our own agency to get things accomplished. Then there are the usual suspects—alcohol and (mine) eating, harmful substances and sexual preoccupations. Neptune can cover the exploration into DNA alterations, fantasy, envisioning, our capacity for spirituality. On what I think is nowadays the more positive side of Neptune in a heavy time for the planet, Neptune can inspire our capacity for playful and fun activities, and the fascination for exploration about human consciousness itself. All humans may find themselves engaging in more meditation and sleeping more. It will likely be the cumulative effects of beauty causing the tipping point for change and awakening of the masses. This can happen in Incremental pushes, not lightning bolts—raising the group consciousness of humans the way water slowly raises the level of what is floating upon it. In retrograde, Neptune is a little less cloudy and we may be able to see the functions here slightly more clearly or attempt to support them with our heart’s intentions.

August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (10 degrees to 6 degrees): This is a time when we change our habit about how we deal with what we fund, create, and relate to. We need to turn our attention inward to understand our own addiction to the status quo as much as understand how culture and history have misstepped. How are we harming ourselves, and in turn, how does that harm the entire environment we live in and those around us? How do our simple daily habits defeat us time and time again? A change in mindset and in our thinking about how we walk through each day—looking down at our feet step-by-step—can begin to develop the impact of our thoughtlessness and neglectful impact and the retrograde allows us another chance to engage with Uranus in Taurus. Some mindfulness can beget a new conversation in several dimensions. Several Astrologers say Taurus is the sign ruling the planet Earth and I am tending to agree more and more.

July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct): This aspect speaks to tension can conflict between new action and expansion. It seems like the idea of reopening “the world” is challenged during the entire Mars in Aries traversal during the latter part of this Year. With Mars in Aries wanting lots of Action and Activity and Jupiter being the planet of making things bigger—the problems only grow bigger the more activity occurs. So it’s difficult to see that the best active initiation is to do as little as possible and let the transits work through until Jupiter and Mars can find new ways to be together as Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius and new social methods are created. Mars is very initiatory. But its impulses need to be tempered now instead of expanded. Use physical activity in safe environments to burn off the Aries energy and self-regulate with Saturn’s help and wisdom. This is a time to develop maturity and support others as the Mars Warrior, but not to put you or your loved ones at risk. The timing of this conflict aspects seems to put us well into 2021 before there is any easing of social restrictions, and I think it speaks to the astrological conversation about being patient with staying physically distant and all the attendant needs for patience and the emotional, physical, financial, and social toll it takes on each of us. However, knowing it will be long-term can give us the ability to plan for it and plan for the inevitable inner and outer barriers we will need to navigate. We can do this! We have to, so let’s buckle up and find the backup plans for our own health like Mars in Aries wants us to do!

August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Influences well beyond your instincts and will to change and initiate actions will rule the day. There is a stress point between the two that my feel frustrating. It’s important to know the time isn’t right to act on impulse.
October 14 – November 3 Mercury Retrograde from 12 degrees Scorpio back to 26 degrees Libra: This theme of the underworld prevails during the season of leaves and temperatures falling and Halloween. We can learn to love the time we spend in the shadow realm as Persephone did, taking inspiration from stories about every brave mortal who has faced the tests and rituals of traveling through each gate to meet her there. In fact, Mercury is the god and the archetype who can take us there—who has served as the guide from this world to Hades and who travels freely between realms. We often take inspiration from looking up; it is time to find the inspiration from looking deeply into, beneath, down, within, and into the abyss. Sometimes darkness is space and wonder and stillness. What will we learn from this new journey? Retrograde also involves coming back. Libra air energy will be a wind and a whisper that pushes us back up to the place from which we started.

Active in orb from late 2018 through early 2023, Pluto in Capricorn Square Eris in Aries: Pluto square Eris is the most epic of energies. Heretofore, I haven’t studied the planetoid Eris, but this month, she entered into my life with a bang! It turns out she has been sitting on my natal Sun in the hidden 12th house, so it’s not a surprise I had no control over how the information would emerge. It would emerge in its own sweet time! The nice part of a 12th House connection is the sense of spiritual connectedness that comes from a 12th house sun placement.

This aspect for us all has been active since late 2018. Due to the retrogrades and slow movements of both Pluto and Eris, the planets move back and forth in and out of orb. The interesting observation from analyzing the orbs of this square aspect is that the planets have been moving much further apart than they will during the Summer/Fall of 2021, when the aspect will stay close to exact for an extended period of time. As the Pluto/Eris square interacts with the archetypal energy of masculine/feminine equality and also governmental and legal systems (Pluto in Capricorn), it is likely gender and civil rights legal discussions may become public discussions and important near the latter half of next year.

Exact Dates:
• Jan 26 2020
• Jun 14 2020
• Dec 10 2020
• Aug 27 2021
• Oct 8 2021

Pluto Eris Moving In and Out of Exact Square Orb from Late 2018 to Early 2023

Pluto Eris Moving In and Out of Exact Square Orb from Late 2018 to Early 2023

Eris as friend is a magical guide and has many mysteries to share; Eris as enemy invites us to endless and repetitious self-destruction. Pluto is lord of the underworld—the transformative catalyst we have engaged with in so many stories the past several decades in an attempt to make friends with suffering and death. In square aspect, they are having a loud argument and the heavens are not going to accept a passive state of existence from any of its inhabitants. It’s telling us to awaken and experience the adrenaline reaction of what it means to be in a larger system and learn new things about existence. Existential Expansion for Dummies (Not the Empire Edition), so to speak.

As November Opens:

Full Blue Moon October 31 (Taurus)
Sun in Scorpio
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Venus in Libra
Mars Remains Retrograde in Aries
Jupiter in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus Remains Retrograde in Taurus
Neptune Remains Retrograde in Pisces
Chiron Remains Retrograde in Aries
Eris Remains Retrograde in Aries
Pluto in Capricorn

November Astrology Trends

November 1, Venus in Libra oppose Chiron (Rx) in Aries: Whomever we are, there are multiple perspective through which to view “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” Try to choose calm and creative manifestations as you step forward cautiously in your relationships.

November 1, Sun in Scorpio oppose Uranus (Rx) in Taurus: A lot of thought about other people’s abilities and how other people are thinking. Watch out for how your actions can deeply boomerang back upon you and keep the karma clean. The law of cause and effect, of returns returning to you threefold, etc. is in full effect during this aspect. Give up you ideas about personal power and your own cleverness.

November 1, Mercury (Rx) in Scorpio square Saturn in Capricorn: Professor Saturn would like you to review your work before you hand it in. Did you use integrity? Did you resolve and answer all the blanks? Did you set up the foundations? Did you actually read the chapters? If you were cheating, you’re not going to much like the next assignment. You needed the preparatory depth work to be able to move on to the next chapters…Please, pretty please, do your work.

November 1, North Node in Gemini inconjunct 1) Pluto in Capricorn, 2) Jupiter in Capricorn: Sometimes you keep saying no repeatedly even though all around you life is telling you the answer was not yours to provide. One of the Capricorn mountain scaling truths to finally suss out is that the mountain you are climbing was alive all along. Bigger and grander than you. With secrets, creatures, systems, miracles, poisons and medicines both, moments that cannot be repeated, shade and sunlight and snowstorms and weather systems beyond a climber’s prediction capabilities. Once you start a relationship and a journey, your plans hardly matter. Your will is a little bit laughable. The present step and the present moment expands and what Jupiter is expanding in the Capricorn style is your receptivity to the mountain engulfing you as part of its being. Suddenly you are no conqueror; you’re more like the bacteria in the bowls of its gut. What adjustments are you willing to make to become a creature transformed as part of something instead of conceived of in your own making as a king of the mountain? The more you fight the more you destroy yourself and others. The more you listen; the more you can learn and expand your heart, spirit, and senses.

November 3, Mercury in Libra turns direct: Mercury reviewed some of the long-lost songs and values and art from a while back. We dreamed many dreams and hummed many tunes. We can use these ideas and steel our hearts and courage to think through the present situations. Consciousness and brain power re-engaged!

November 3, Venus in Libra inconjunct Uranus (Rx) in Taurus: I know we want to rest, but just a little more. You are brilliant!

November 6, Mercury in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn: Professor Saturn rubs up against the many competing ideas of Mercury in Libra as we want so much to respect and see this from everyone’s vantage point. However, the prof has to assign roles for the upcoming group projects. Some people need to be categorized and they need time limits. Some letting go is necessary. Mercury wants to keep options open. Oh well. Saturn wins.

November 6, North Node in Gemini inconjunct Pallas Athena in Capricorn: The wise warrior sister adds her powerful advocacy to support the highest and best outcome to help us move forward more humbly in our pursuit up that mountain and transform our systems to serve the mountain instead of Mohammad.

November 9, Venus in Libra oppose Mars (Rx) in Aries: Mars the masculine will and the aggressor wants to go back or wants to fight in some sort of caveman brain malfunction archetype. Venus in Libra should prevail since Mars in retrograde. Mars may cry into his sword and shield wanting to fight and having been outsmarted by Venusian diplomacy, developed skills and humanitarian abilities. You can’t win the fight if war is all you’ve got. You’ve got to be able to listen. And provide peaceful governance.

November 11, Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune (Rx) in Pisces: It’s super hard to turn away from wishful thinking but turn away we must.

November 12, Jupiter conjunct 1) Pallas Athena and 2) Pluto in Capricorn: Pallas Athena meets with Jupiter, her mythological father and Pluto, the King of the Mountain (as well as the underworld). She named herself “Pallas” after her best friend who was killed in a tragic accident during training when they were young girls. She is wise and has integrated her own grief and sense of justice and advocacy into her very identity. She tells the truth and this to me means that justice and truth are about to expand and be supported by a major archetypal powerhouse. I want to be on team Pallas Athena. This begins new era of ethical restructuring and expansion of legal advocacy for light-bearers. Victory, equality of genders, the exchange of sorrow for security, and wisdom that takes you away from chaos are some of the themes.

November 13, Mars in Aries turns direct: Mars in Aries is exhausting this time. Sometimes, when the world is a relatively safe place, Mars in Aries can mean we engage in exciting activities like sports and try new things. But we are in lockdown and Mars is nipping at our desire to start things or get our way. So it gets channeled into the discord in group dynamics and politics while we are locked down and we can’t get away from it because we also need news about the corona virus. Where can we go for peace? Mars need to make its way through this Aries cycle and we need to develop and manifest our new world. Let’s focus on that. Defending ourselves and developing this courage is difficult. Let it emerge. It’s okay to be courageous in the face of people making insane decisions and tell the truth and it is also okay to accept our limitations. One gift of Mars in Aries is that we can go ahead and tell the truth about all of this. No more making nice and now we begin the grief process involved in forming and drawing conscious bubbles of support and boundaries instead of geographical identified boundaries. I think we do it unapologetically at this point.

November 14, New Moon in Scorpio (23 Degrees): Time for new ways of thinking, shadow and psychological processing. You are allowed permission to change and emerge like the phoenix from the flame.

November 14, Jupiter in Capricorn square Eris (Rx) in Aries: This is big restless conflict to say to you that you are becoming aware of things that are more important than how you have understood power in the past. The old stories of kings and castles are limited and new stories about choices that lead to local communities that can self-sustain are emerging. Use a little magic of your own instead of look to a king/queen type and asking them to be the bearer of the magic/power. That is also sourcing local.

Sun in Scorpio sextile 1) Pluto in Capricorn (November 14), 2) Jupiter in Capricorn (November 14), 3) Pallas Athena in Capricorn (November 15), 4) Saturn in Capricorn (November 19): The Sun wishes to support wisdom, truth, justice, emerging from the shadow to begin the process of doing the wise warrior’s work. This is easing the way forward with renewal energy from Scorpio to provide support and steady willpower for recovery and relief. It is astrological support for a path out of the darkness for a wise leader.

Sun in Scorpio inconjunct Eris (Rx) in Aries (November 15): You are going to make some adjustments to your courage to understand what you truly re able to stand up for. You are discovering a strength you had never imagined you needed to call upon before. The inner eagle’s eye is opening upon a vast and much more conscious and activated sense of who you are and what you stand for. You are telling the truth to yourself. You may be a little surprised and here is where you make some changes to accommodate the new truths.

November 28, Neptune in Pisces turns direct: Neptune turn direct and we focus on art and creativity. We consciously channel our energy into divine connection. Neptune helps us dissolve into a higher consciousness. We can access fully the spiritual and higher vision. Mystical experiences await.

November 30, Full Moon in Gemini (8 degrees): What connections and new awareness is available to you to help you understand and connect with others? How can you identify others who are part of your spiritual “family?” What have you learned as a result of how things have changed? How can that be integrated in the small ways you operate locally during the upcoming year? What sort of a journal can help you in the next year? How can you align head and heart?

November 30, Mercury in Scorpio sextile 1) Jupiter in Capricorn, 2) Pallas Athena in Capricorn, 3) Saturn in Capricorn: The month closes with mind and consciousness focused and steady, looking like they it is working hard in the service of the greater good for the group. That mountain climb is taking the energy of us all, and we are getting ready for a group assignment from Professors Saturn and Jupiter next Month. Group assignments are usually the toughest. How will we develop the skill to work together? Because there is always that one guy who wants to take over…

Contact Me!

Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your October 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month:  Newsletter Changes* 2021 Overview *  Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

ALERT: December 2020 will be the final time our newsletter is provided in this format. Next month, changes will be announced for how you can subscribe to the 2021 format of Astrology Trends.

The Astrology Trends 2021 Annual Report will also be available for purchase next month. You can get an early heads up on the influences active available for next year.

Continuing Influences

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again)
  • January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • April 25 – October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • September 29 – Saturn in Capricorn turns direct after being Retrograde since May 11
  • June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde
  • August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
  • July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct)
  • August 15 – October 10 (Exact August 24 – When Saturn is Retrograde, and September 29 – When both Saturn & Mars are Retrograde) Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn
  • August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
  • September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini
  • September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries trine South Node in Gemini
  • September 27-October 3 (Exact September 30) Chiron Retrograde in Aries oppose Sun in Libra
  • September 29-October 4 (exact October 2) Sun in Libra quincunx Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but likely will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

April 25 to October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: (24 59 to 22 29 degrees.): Psychological shifts, empowerment through sifting through conflicting beliefs, restarting transformative projects while letting go of major things—these are shifts. Letting go can make you feel constrained at times. It’s tough to feel your life is actually expanding but it will be. You will say goodbye and hello at the same time. It seems like that kind of scene where you’re standing in a hallway and you have to set down the many suitcases and burdens you are carrying in order to open the door and step into a beautiful new destination. Maybe a whole new dimension you could never have imagined, but it’s the kind of door that only you will fit through— not the baggage. Set it down during the retrograde. Leave it behind. Wear only what you want to take with you. Or wear nothing at all. Pluto is going to set the wardrobe anyway, so I’d not be forming strong opinions.

September 29 – Saturn in Capricorn turns direct after being Retrograde since May 11: There is a test before us this year. That test is one in which we are going to need to lock in our singular, lone ability to do the things that are good for the group—good for humanity—and no one will probably see us doing it. We will need to do something other than narcissism. Other than be seen to do what it is we are brilliant at doing. If we were to perish before we are ready (and when does anyone ever feel ready to die?) what would we choose to do anyway? I realize I would choose to love. Maybe write some things. Move my body and enjoy the beauty in the world, taking in as many breaths as I can. Soak in nature’s amazing beauty like my body is a sponge for it. My Saturn is in a Stellum with Venus in my first house in Taurus—so my body and receptivity carries heavy weight in the things that I do when no one is looking. I simply breathe and be and enjoy being alive when there is no audience. Maybe a Leo Saturn would put on a costume for their own epic production. Aquarius Saturn is going to invent something, however. Solve some problems. Resolve some issues on a grand scale. Saturn retrograde has us gazing inward with an intellectual, scientific bent. This is a test of your emergency broadcast system.

June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde: With the reversal, or retrograde, of Neptune’s motion, we have the chance to see how this planet has been operating on us from its home placement in Pisces. Neptune is in a powerful placement and yet it is in a sign that does not “do” power. Neptune itself is a dreamy planet. I experience it as a portal and a calling operator, unlike Mars or Saturn or Pluto. Those planets manifest in ways that are visible and Uranus can manifest, when triggered, in a lightning flash. Neptune operates slowly, like water. In a water sign, that is enhanced. We might see many signs of escapist activity occurring—and it needn’t be anything that hits us over the head. Virtual reality and living and perceiving more from our fantasies than from observable reality. Increased reliance on pharmaceuticals and difficulties accessing our own agency to get things accomplished. Then there are the usual suspects—alcohol and (mine) eating, harmful substances and sexual preoccupations. Neptune can cover the exploration into DNA alterations, fantasy, envisioning, our capacity for spirituality. On what I think is nowadays the more positive side of Neptune in a heavy time for the planet, Neptune can inspire our capacity for playful and fun activities, and the fascination for exploration about human consciousness itself. All humans may find themselves engaging in more meditation and sleeping more. It will likely be the cumulative effects of beauty causing the tipping point for change and awakening of the masses. This can happen in Incremental pushes, not lightning bolts—raising the group consciousness of humans the way water slowly raises the level of what is floating upon it. In retrograde, Neptune is a little less cloudy and we may be able to see the functions here slightly more clearly or attempt to support them with our heart’s intentions.

August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (10 degrees to 6 degrees): This is a time when we change our habit about how we deal with what we fund, create, and relate to. We need to turn our attention inward to understand our own addiction to the status quo as much as understand how culture and history have misstepped. How are we harming ourselves, and in turn, how does that harm the entire environment we live in and those around us? How do our simple daily habits defeat us time and time again? A change in mindset and in our thinking about how we walk through each day—looking down at our feet step-by-step—can begin to develop the impact of our thoughtlessness and neglectful impact and the retrograde allows us another chance to engage with Uranus in Taurus. Some mindfulness can beget a new conversation in several dimensions. Several Astrologers say Taurus is the sign ruling the planet Earth and I am tending to agree more and more.

July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021  July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct):  This aspect speaks to tension can conflict between new action and expansion. It seems like the idea of reopening “the world” is challenged during the entire Mars in Aries traversal during the latter part of this Year. With Mars in Aries wanting lots of Action and Activity and Jupiter being the planet of making things bigger—the problems only grow bigger the more activity occurs. So it’s difficult to see that the best active initiation is to do as little as possible and let the transits work through until Jupiter and Mars can find new ways to be together as Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius and new social methods are created. Mars is very initiatory. But its impulses need to be tempered now instead of expanded. Use physical activity in safe environments to burn off the Aries energy and self-regulate with Saturn’s help and wisdom. This is a time to develop maturity and support others as the Mars Warrior, but not to put you or your loved ones at risk. The timing of this conflict aspects seems to put us well into 2021 before there is any easing of social restrictions, and I think it speaks to the astrological conversation about being patient with staying physically distant and all the attendant needs for patience and the emotional, physical, financial, and social toll it takes on each of us. However, knowing it will be long-term can give us the ability to plan for it and plan for the inevitable inner and outer barriers we will need to navigate. We can do this! We have to, so let’s buckle up and find the backup plans for our own health like Mars in Aries wants us to do!

August 15 – October 10 (Exact August 24 – When Saturn is Retrograde, and September 29 – When both Saturn & Mars are Retrograde) Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn: The tension between wishing to take immediate actions to change what you think is wrong in society and in groups and structures, especially in defense of self or others, runs into delays.

August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Influences well beyond your instincts and will to change and initiate actions will rule the day. There is a stress point between the two that my feel frustrating. It’s important to know the time isn’t right to act on impulse.

September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini: If you question your own actions and the actions of others (approaching your behavior with humble curiosity), you will be reaching for the best life has to offer right now. The concept of beginner’s mind has never been more important to finding the next needed step. This is creating great karma, says the stars. Keep asking questions with an open mind. Keep growing into new consciousness.

September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries trine South Node in Gemini: If you stick to your dogged plan, using things such as philosophy, religions, history, what you already know, principles, and being unable to pivot—plan on meeting your worst karmic fears. This is the south-node-go-to-automatic reaction we all automatically respond with when faced with what we already know. We think we can categorize things today into familiar systems that already exist when the skies are saying—not if you want the best and highest outcome; you can’t. You will need to ask new and better questions. Astrology is saying new systems are being formed and old systems are irrelevant nowadays.

September 27-October 3 (Exact September 30) Chiron Retrograde in Aries oppose Sun in Libra: The Sun is highlighting our inner and outer hurts. Where are we wounded? How are we in danger of our lives and essences? Where do we feel a fundamental sense of being either a burden or a sense that we have been stabbed in our will to survive? The task is to integrate joy and pain—to find the center of our self-generative core. For this, we may call upon help from another trusted friend, partner, or lover.

September 29-October 4 (exact October 2) Sun in Libra quincunx Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: We may find we change our ideas about what it means to be ourselves and what we know about the parts of us that are smart. We may simplify—and in the simplification—discover something joyful indeed!

As October Opens:

Full Moon October 1 (Aries)
Sun in Libra
Mercury in Scorpio (watch for its Retrograde during October)
Venus in Leo
Mars Remains Retrograde in Aries
Jupiter in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn has just stationed and turned direct
Uranus Remains Retrograde in Taurus
Neptune Remains Retrograde in Pisces
Chiron Remains Retrograde in Aries
Uranus Remains Retrograde in Taurus
Pluto Remains Retrograde in Capricorn but is about to turn direct

October 2020 Astrology Trends

October 1 Full Moon at 9 Degrees Aries: October opens and closes with a set of Full Moons in the first and second signs of the zodiac—Aries and on October 31, Taurus. A “Blue Moon” means there are two full moons in one month, and October, with its signature full moon howl, enclosed in full moons. Instinct seems to play a big part this month, as the Moon is the ruler of our instincts and the impulses that occur to us in the moment. The Moon is our gut feelings and our emotional states. If we start with how we feel, and honor our selves this month, from start to finish, we will be serving the connection we have to nature and learning how we fit in to the larger scheme of things. Aries is impulsive and quick, so the start of the month will fly by before we know it, but we should realize that both Aries and Taurus ask us to let the body lead the way. Deal with the messages your body is sending. Listen to what you need to release and let go of. Use exercise for the first half of the month, and negotiate how you can begin to use “being” (perhaps through meditation, yoga, mindfulness practice and awareness) toward the second half of the month. At the end of the month, you should feel more peacefulness. However, there is a lot of active energy moving through your body here at the start of the month and you may need to consciously channel it.

October 1-14 (Exact October 7) Uranus Retrograde in Taurus oppose Mercury in Scorpio: Before Mercury Retrogrades, it begins its conversation with Uranus. You are going to need to understand what brings you peace and how to think for yourself. In order to balance out your own higher and mundane beliefs, you’re required to take a journey deep within many dimensions—they may involve your past, present and future psychodynamics. This may involve surprising revelations. You may be shocked or experience a level of anxiety you could not have predicted. However it turns out to manifest, the stars are telling us we will discover new things about our minds by the time October and November are lived through. I guess I will buckle up and choose to learn new things about myself or welcome the idea that I, too, will be learning to believe and think differently than I have in the past. This is challenging, but we’re up for it. This first half of the month is an invitation to be open to the awareness of this requirement of us, the need for change and adaptation. When we deeply accept it, we will be better friends with Uranus later in the process.

October 2 Venus in Virgo: Venus in Virgo is an earth sign and a sign where details can be enjoyed. You may turn to writing and maybe even writing letters. You might love to improve your health and well-being. You might find you want to clean up your system for finances or organize something that helps you get through the day a little easier. Maybe you feel ready to mentor someone or to go to school for something you’d thoroughly enjoy. You can change to make relationships or life smoother for yourself and you begin to see in detail how.

October 4 Pluto in Capricorn turns Direct. The lord of the underworld provides karma, authoritative long-term changes, and the view from a distance in a more direct and straight-forward manner. As straight-forward as Pluto can be.

October 5 Mars Retrograde in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini: Mars initiates us to revisit our drives, protective instincts, automatic behaviors, and the ways in which we feel driven to change.

October 4-5 Mercury in Scorpio quincunx North Node in Gemini: Go ahead and allow yourself to adjust your thinking on the fly. The adjustment may be deeper than you expect and come as the result of new information or a question you’re asked.

October 6-7 Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Keeping it simple may be a challenge for you as you wish to probe deeper and deeper into the meaning of things. Allow yourself some peace and quiet as you absorb the world around you. There is room for both the psychology of things and the animal comforts of simple being. Maybe find a quiet spot in nature if you need to or have a good cry if your body is tensed up with depression or anxiety symptoms.

October 11 Sun in Libra square Jupiter in Capricorn, October 15 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, October 18 Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn: Tension grows between the force of harmony / balance / art & beauty / scales of justice and the trip being taken to excavate the underworld. The three headed dog of the underworld, Cerberus, is becoming a metaphor for the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto meetup in Capricorn. There’s a place in Greece where Heracles was said to have brought Cerberus, the hound guarding the gates of Hell, up from Hades to deliver as his 12th impossible labor, or test. Each of these planets could be said to be one of the heads of this hound that we each need to control and bring into the light. The place where the hound was raised from Hades is where the poisonous plant wolf’s bane grows and thrives. It’s said Heracles choked Cerberus into submission. Some say Persephone used her powers to allow Heracles to tame the monster. No one knows for sure, but most stories go with the choking and fighting resolution. Which may be why we are facing starving the current corona virus of its power through isolating ourselves instead of being able to directly “kill” it. Just as Heracles could not kill Cerberus but had to negotiate its journey out, we are having to find a way back to the sunlight from the underworld while taming a wild beast, indeed. Each of us also has a part to play in our own self-regulation, staying safe, practicing COVID-safe behaviors, navigating uncertain societal circumstances, re-imagining our futures with different expectations and methods of interacting and knowing one another. What tests have we undergone?

October 8-13 Venus in Virgo trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: If you have been wanting to explore and research something new to make yourself feel super good, this is the time to take advantage of how to do something indulgent for yourself. It’s a nice time to get into the details of healing, or something to do with the body, soul, mind, appearance, relating, or even money styles. Maybe you are finding your intrinsic and unique sense of self worth that connects you to a pure sense of child-like wonder you haven’t felt in forever. Or you are stepping through a new doorway to a new “you.”

October 12 Mercury in Scorpio sextile Venus in Virgo: This is an active boost of support for projects that support you freeing yourself from trouble, complication, chaos, and dysfunction. Maladaptive patterns can be cut.

October 13 Sun in Libra oppose Mars Retrograde in Aries: The Sun in the sign of communication and multiple perspective opposing Mars retrograde can render us a little paralyzed about deciding what to do. It can activate the archetypes of the individual vs. the group, or the me vs. the we. Alternatively, you may wonder if you should exercise vs. do something for someone else. You can maybe see so many ways to move forward you can’t quite take a next step at all.

October 13 Sun in Libra Trine North Node in Gemini: The time is right to ask questions and process more information than you’re likely to be used to. It truly is okay to look at many perspectives. However, it’s probably not the time to resolve things or find answers. Listen and reflect.

October 14 – November 3 Mercury Retrograde from 12 degrees Scorpio back to 26 degrees Libra: This theme of the underworld prevails during the season of leaves and temperatures falling and Halloween. We can learn to love the time we spend in the shadow realm as Persephone did, taking inspiration from stories about every brave mortal who has faced the tests and rituals of traveling through each gate to meet her there. In fact, Mercury is the god and the archetype who can take us there—who has served as the guide from this world to Hades and who travels freely between realms. We often take inspiration from looking up; it is time to find the inspiration from looking deeply into, beneath, down, within, and into the abyss. Sometimes darkness is space and wonder and stillness. What will we learn from this new journey? Retrograde also involves coming back. Libra air energy will be a wind and a whisper that pushes us back up to the place from which we started.

October 14-23 (Exact October 19) Uranus Retrograde in Taurus oppose Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio: With both Mercury and Uranus retrograde, and on the Scorpio and Taurus axis of signs, you are examining which beliefs are worth keeping and which ones are manageable. As in, what sort of belief system supports you as a person and your community? You may actually see people moving backward for this time and it may cause you to reexamine your personal commitment in relation or take a step back from being able to have relationships with others. Astrologically, I would like to give you permission to do so, because sometimes Mercury retrograde brings people back into your life. In Scorpio, with the other aspects occurring, this is an invitation to step back and take the inward journey to stop and see how worthy your connections and actions and beliefs have grown to become. How does a connection impact your ability to function, feel, express yourself, and just be a person who lives a viable and joyful life?

October 16 New Moon in Libra: As the Moon hugs the Sun in Libra, there appears to be a great deal of personal emotional energy added to the powerful setup of the Sun opposing Mars retrograde in Aries (what should we do?) as well as square to Pluto-Saturn in Capricorn (authorities and insecurities).

October 21 Venus in Virgo square North Node in Gemini: Maybe you would really like to tune out and take a break because your nervous system is overstimulated and frankly you’re questions are staggering about continuing as-is. Also, you have daily life to live. How will you deal with both responsibilities and burn-out? This is likely to affect you both where people and money are concerned.

October 19 Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Capricorn, October 21 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn, October 24 Venus in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn: Call upon the divine feminine in order to navigate the difficult situations you are diving into. This means to ask to receive and to actively practice letting go in order to resolve situations. This is very different than “fixing” and “acting as if.” What does the mother do to give birth? She does not control every one of the million brain cells developing each second in the child’s neurological system. The mother mirrors from her heart and receives the natural development occurring within the relationship as well as knowing some facts and details. The mother witnesses and plays and coos and loves and hugs and becomes close to the child. What does the lover do? You can be Venus in many forms. But Venus loves. Venus doesn’t need to act and resolve.

October 22 Sun in Scorpio: In Libra, you were looking at your reflection in the pool. Perhaps you climbed up on the high diving board and balanced out on the edge, deciding which diving feat you would attempt. You leapt from the diving board, feeling the air surround you and twirling in a circle or two. The moment you hit the water, whether it hurts and you feel the terrible resistance because you don’t yet understand how to meet the water with your body at that velocity—or whether you slip under the surface because you know surface tension and how to navigate the dive with ease—this moment is Scorpio. In Scorpio, we deal with our belly flop pain or we deal with working our way back to the surface to take a breath again. Either way, we are dealing with feeling something and working toward the surface of the water.

October 25 Mercury Retrograde Conjunct Sun in Scorpio: This is the part of the journey into the underworld where you look at what you have been projecting on to others and what harm that has done to your actual power and actual resources and fundamental energy. What are you perceiving in others that is actually something you can own within your own character to make a difference in the world around you?

October 27 Venus in Libra: Your eye turns toward creativity, harmony, partnerships, and peace. You may wish to balance your life with boundaries and focus on the things you enjoy more. You won’t hesitate to view things from multiple perspectives if you’re strongly associated with Libra.

October 31 Full Moon at 9 degrees Taurus: Work on breathing and operating from inside-out instead of being swayed by materialism, greed, hungers, addictions, and anything you think will appease you “out there.” Take time with nature or meditation or center yourself to find the simple way to be and be coherent in your heart. This full moon is full of Taurus treats. No tricks, please.

Contact Me!

Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your September 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month:  Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Continuing Influences

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again)
  • January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • April 25 – October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • May 11 – September 29 Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn
  • May 14 – September 13 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn
  • June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde
  • August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
  • August 30-September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
  • July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct)
  • August 15 – October 10 (Exact August 24 – When Saturn is Retrograde, and September 29 – When both Saturn & Mars are Retrograde) Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn
  • August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
  • August 27-September 3 (exact August 30) Venus in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • August 30–September 3 (Exact September 1) Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • August 30–September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn
  • August 28 – September 1 (Exact August 31) Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron in Aries
  • August 12-September 2 (Exact August 22) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but likely will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

May 11 – September 29 Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn: There is a test before us this year. That test is one in which we are going to need to lock in our singular, lone ability to do the things that are good for the group—good for humanity—and no one will probably see us doing it. We will need to do something other than narcissism. Other than be seen to do what it is we are brilliant at doing. If we were to perish before we are ready (and when does anyone ever feel ready to die?) what would we choose to do anyway? I realize I would choose to love. Maybe write some things. Move my body and enjoy the beauty in the world, taking in as many breaths as I can. Soak in nature’s amazing beauty like my body is a sponge for it. My Saturn is in a stellum with Venus in my first house in Taurus—so my body and receptivity carries heavy weight in the things that I do when no one is looking. I simply breathe and be and enjoy being alive when there is no audience. Maybe a Leo Saturn would put on a costume for their own epic production. Aquarius Saturn is going to invent something, however. Solve some problems. Resolve some issues on a grand scale. Saturn retrograde has us gazing inward with an intellectual, scientific bent. This is a test of your emergency broadcast system.

April 25 to October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: (24 59 to 22 29 degrees.): Psychological shifts, empowerment through sifting through conflicting beliefs, restarting transformative projects while letting go of major things—these are shifts. Letting go can make you feel constrained at times. It’s tough to feel your life is actually expanding but it will be. You will say goodbye and hello at the same time. It seems like that kind of scene where you’re standing in a hallway and you have to set down the many suitcases and burdens you are carrying in order to open the door and step into a beautiful new destination. Maybe a whole new dimension you could never have imagined, but it’s the kind of door that only you will fit through— not the baggage. Set it down during the retrograde. Leave it behind. Wear only what you want to take with you. Or wear nothing at all. Pluto is going to set the wardrobe anyway, so I’d not be forming strong opinions.

May 14 to September 13 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: The expansion of things such as the COVID-19 virus (since that’s the major correlation with Jupiter in Capricorn thus far) may appear to lessen as Jupiter turns retrograde, but it’s likely only going to be temporary until the planet turns direct again on September 13. This is an exploratory, philosophical, search-for-meaning phase. Pan, son of Hermes or Mercury, in ancient Greek myth, watches over the Shepherds and the huntsmen. He made friends with the Gods in Mount Olympus, and despite his horns and hooves, he was gentle and loved music (pan flute) and chased the nymphs. The hunters who were scared of Artemis made sure to give Pan adoration instead. Pan’s stories are the ecosystem of Capricorn, and when Jupiter retreats in Capricorn, it is sometimes into Pan’s lair that we find him. Pan and Apollo (another name for Jupiter) famously had a contest to see whose music was preferred—everyone chose Apollo’s except King Midas. Apollo was furious to not have 100 percent of the votes and turned King Midas’s ears into donkey ears. Pan didn’t or couldn’t rectify the situation. Midas had a barber who kept the secret as long as he could, covering up the ears in a variety of ways. One day he went to the mountains and dug a hole into the rock to yell out his story, though, that “King’s aaasss ears!” What he didn’t know is that he had dug a hole into echo’s rock. You can still hear the sound of his voice yelling “King’s aaasss ears!” in the mountains. I don’t know if the moral is that Jupiter and Pan getting together has consequences beyond what you would think, or that sound carries in the sign of Capricorn and in the mountains. Or cooperation is better than competition. That’s something to reflect upon while Jupiter travels through its retrograde period.

June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde in Pisces: With the reversal, or retrograde, of Neptune’s motion, we have the chance to see how this planet has been operating on us from its home placement in Pisces. Neptune is in a powerful placement despite being a sign that does not “do” power. Neptune itself is a dreamy planet. I experience it as a portal and a calling operator, unlike Mars or Saturn or Pluto. Those planets manifest in ways that are visible and Uranus can manifest, when triggered, in a lightning flash. Neptune operates slowly, like water. In a water sign, that is enhanced. We might see many signs of escapist activity occurring—and it needn’t be anything that hits us over the head. Virtual reality and living and perceiving more from our fantasies than from observable reality. Increased reliance on pharmaceuticals and difficulties accessing our own agency to get things accomplished. Then there are the usual suspects—alcohol and (mine) eating, harmful substances and sexual preoccupations. Neptune can cover the exploration into DNA alterations, fantasy, envisioning, our capacity for spirituality. On what I think is nowadays the more positive side of Neptune in a heavy time for the planet, Neptune can inspire our capacity for playful and fun activities, and the fascination for exploration about human consciousness itself. All humans may find themselves engaging in more meditation and sleep. It will likely be the cumulative effects of beauty causing the tipping point for change and awakening of the masses. This can happen in incremental pushes, not lightning bolts—raising the group consciousness of humans the way water slowly raises the level of what is floating upon it. In retrograde, Neptune is a little less cloudy and we may be able to see the functions here slightly more clearly or attempt to support them with our heart’s intentions.

August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (10 degrees to 6 degrees): This is a time when we change how we deal with what we fund, create, and love. We need to turn our attention inward to understand our own addiction to the status quo as much as understand how culture and history have misstepped. How are we harming ourselves, and in turn, how does that harm the entire environment we live in and those around us? How do our simple daily habits defeat us time and time again? A change in mindset and in our thinking about how we walk through each day—looking down at our feet step-by-step—can begin to develop the impact of our thoughtlessness and neglectful impact and the retrograde allows us another chance to engage with Uranus in Taurus. Some mindfulness can beget a new conversation in several dimensions. Several Astrologers say Taurus is the sign ruling the planet Earth and I am tending to agree more and more as the staggering effect of environmental traumas emerges.

August 30-September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Helping and serving others, thereby finding the key to one’s own meaning and joy is the opportunity here. Uranus can bring unexpected gifts in the realm of service-oriented relationships. Healing can be sent even in the form of energy from afar to those we love and care for with tremendous strength of efficacy.

July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021  July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct):  This aspect speaks to tension causing conflict between new action and expansion. It seems like the idea of reopening “the world” is challenged during the entire Mars in Aries traversal during the latter part of this year. With Mars in Aries wanting lots of action and activity and Jupiter being the planet of making things bigger—the problems only grow bigger the more activity occurs. So it’s difficult to see that the best active initiation is to do as little as possible and let the transits work through until Jupiter and Mars can find new ways to be together when Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius and new social methods are created. Mars is very initiatory. But its impulses need to be tempered now instead of expanded. Use physical activity in safe environments to burn off the Aries energy and self-regulate with Saturn’s help and wisdom. This is a time to develop maturity and support others as the Mars warrior, but not to put you or your loved ones at risk. The timing of this seems to put us well into 2021 before there is any easing of social restrictions, and I think it speaks to the astrological conversation about being patient with staying physically distant and all the attendant needs for patience and the emotional, physical, financial, and social toll it takes on each of us. However, knowing it will be long-term can give us the ability to plan for it and plan for the inevitable inner and outer barriers we will need to navigate. We can do this! We have to, so let’s buckle up and find the backup plans for our own health like Mars in Aries wants us to do!

August 15 – October 10 (Exact August 24 – When Saturn is Retrograde, and September 29 – When both Saturn & Mars are Retrograde) Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn: The tension between wishing to take immediate actions to change what you think is wrong in society and in groups and structures, especially in defense of self or others, runs into delays.

August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Influences well beyond your instincts and will to change and initiate actions will rule the day. There is a stress point between the two that may feel frustrating. It’s important to know the time isn’t right to act on impulse.

August 27-September 3 (exact August 30) Venus in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: The mother of solitude and the father of solitude face off here and need to find the balance point. Neither is known for compromising or budging. One wonders how these archetypes ever spawned… Another possibility is passivity (lonely in a cave) vs. suppression (turned to stone and ice and floating lonely in the void between stars). It’s not really the time to let depression stop you. Instead, allow the creative drive of Venus to be your guide. Use creativity, make the things you have been trying to make come alive.

August 30–September 3 (Exact September 1) Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: With head and heart working together and Pluto providing the benevolent unconscious power along with Jupiter (Santa Claus), multiple people may all wake up with the same new thought about how to reorganize or rebuild or recreate something.

August 30–September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: This influence provides stability, commitment, support and staying power to the new and gifted breakthrough that is possible with Jupiter and Pluto being activated by the Sun and Mercury beaming from Virgo.

August 28 – September 1 (Exact August 31) Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron in Aries: This is Virgo’s adjustment that learns self-expression only through service to others. All of us have Virgo somewhere in our chart. The requirements of our souls are absolute in making sure we never get left unpolished until we develop ourselves in that arena of our being, through service to others.

August 12-September 2 (Exact August 22) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini: This aspect links the personal planets together to add Mars, the planet that drives our behavior and acts as the method we use for advocacy and protection, to be linked to our fate and destiny. We are called to take new kinds of action in our lives based upon thoughts that represent a new level of emerging consciousness. Maybe these are small actions and maybe larger ones. All of them count and accumulate.

As September Opens:

Moon Void-of Course in Aquarius
Sun in Virgo
Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Cancer
Mars in Aries
Jupiter Remains Retrograde in Capricorn
Saturn Remains Retrograde in Capricorn
Uranus Remains Retrograde in Taurus
Neptune Remains Retrograde in Pisces
Chiron Remains Retrograde in Aries
Uranus Remains Retrograde
Pluto Remains Retrograde in Capricorn

September 2020 Astrology Trends

September 1–September 5 (Exact September 3) Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: When people speak, they will somehow find the support they need or speak at the right time, or timing will be auspicious because of this Mercury aspect. Communication will allow for solidifying ideas and commitment to restructuring and planning activities.

September 1-2 (close to midnight) Full Moon in Pisces: Sextile to Uranus in Taurus, the Pisces Full Moon is also loosely approaching Neptune in a wide conjunction. This is a time to slow down or even stop for a day to consolidate your emotional toolkit and think about how you will use what you have got. Take a day (if you can out in nature) to make some decisions based upon your own lived experience and wisdom to reflect on how you can simplify your relationships, finances, and creative pursuits in order to heal instead of hurt yourself and those you love. The past few weeks and months should have provided ample input for you to receive downloads and insights from spirit that you can now decide how to put into tangible manifestation this month with the full moon insights. What do you want to build in your world?

September 2-5 (exact September 5) Mercury in Virgo quincunx Mars in Aries: Before Mars turns retrograde, Mercury provides you a chance to attend to the adjustments you need to make to your thoughts and beliefs. If you have been singularly focused and hell-bent on something, back up and re-think your approach to see if there’s a better way to move forward. Examine if you need to adjust your thinking or your behavior.

September 1 – 6 (exact September 2) Venus in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Practice self-discipline in practicing your virtues. The process is the point of the process-definitely not your self-aggrandizement and not profit and not the motives that have very little to do with values that will not matter when you die. Think about what is important to you and integrate the more meaningful things RIGHT NOW. Not later. Not to please another. Not as a mask to show the world. But because some things your soul needs you to create and now is when you’re scheduled to create them.

September 1-8 (Exact September 4) Venus in Cancer square Mars in Aries: Mars ignites our systems and Venus is throwing buckets of water on the revving engine. Who in the world is the driver? Just because someone has been granted the keys, what do they do on the side of the road to fix a broken-down vehicle? Driving does not always mean accelerating. It can involve a whole host of situations. Calm down and think about how to both extend trust and regulate your own impulses. Venus always presents paths toward harmony. You don’t need the world to see and acknowledge you each step of the way to create and make new progress. That may be the compromise required to make repairs and move forward again.

September 2-November 13 (exact October 22) Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn quincunx North Node in Gemini: This is a time when asking a lot of questions and making new inquiries could change and transform big things. Be willing to reexamine, adjust, and learn new information.

September 5 Mercury in Libra: Here is the opportunity finally to give and receive information as the balancing leg of the cardinal energy that has been at play. Write, talk, listen, learn and read about peacefulness, diplomacy, partnership, and plasticity. This is the sign that knows how to take a coin and flip it. Give Libra evil and they will flip it into virtue. Libra can balance kindness and harm, can always see both sides to any argument. Watch out for confirmation bias in your own chart where Libra sits, though, because you can use your own ego to justify whatever you believe when you engage this flexibility.

September 6–14 (Exact September 9) Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter Retrograde/Stationary in Capricorn: As Mercury speeds up and pulls ahead of the Sun, the Sun trine Jupiter during its reversal from retrograde to direct. Jupiter trine Sun is a particularly strong aspect, and at a stationary point is even stronger. This means the influence of Jupiter (aka Santa Claus in many contexts) is even stronger. You have the opportunity for a breakthrough during this time period. Virgo is the sign of service, healing (including medicine and medical research), growth, ethics, evolution.

September 5-14 (exact September 10) Mercury in Libra Opposing Chiron Retrograde in Aries: A new crisis can reveal via a relationship or partnership something that ultimately leads to integrating and humanizing an important aspect of yourself that is mirrored in the relationship. This may also be a new insight you come to about a crisis from the past that you’re learning about as a result of intimately knowing a friend or lover.

September 6-21 (exact September 14) Sun in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: A deepening time of manifestation when motives are purely met. What you bring forth, you are truly committed to seeing through to the end. This is true for everyone at this time. People are working on things that matter to them, overall. You may meet teachers and mentors who are very powerfully effective for helping you to learn important and meaningful things. Possibly, you’ll find they help you tremendously, especially if they are clearly both transformative and virtuous.

September 6 Venus in Leo: Home and domestic focus and revitalization gives way to spending time with children, spending time on the self, and matters of play and enjoyment. Peek out to connect with others when you can. Find times to dress up and chat across the miles. Be more social for a few weeks. Move the body and dance and sing.  

September 9 (until November 13) Mars retrograde in Aries from 28 degrees to 15 degrees. (Mars won’t move into Taurus until January 6, 2021. Shadow period ends on January 3, 2021.): This will be a potent retrograde for Mars since it is in its own home sign. Mars shows us where we feel like we need to defend ourselves. Let’s be honest: Karma STARTS somewhere, and Aries is the sign where things are bound to start. Mars is the planet of advocacy. Mars can get impulsive and fierce in Aries. Especially as it traverses back and forth through the sign like the universe is coloring with a dark crayon or marker over the degrees of Aries with the planet Mars. As if to highlight that what we choose to do next matters.

I recommend a study of the Buddhist Eightfold path at this time to offer ways of curbing quick and impulsive actions that are unwise and too quick. There will be plenty of other people around you who will be blind to how to make space for wisdom in regard to their aggression.

Joseph Goldstein is a good and accessible teacher with many resources he has made available about how to use our energy and cultivate wholesomeness and power within ourselves. Revisiting this can help us use discipline through this journey to get us through as karmically intact as possible. Here is one podcast to get you started, but I recommend a deep dive into his work and also consider the work of other Buddhist teachers:

“Courage is actually energized by difficulty. With courage, we rise to the occasion of challenges, with the feeling—yes, I can accomplish this. We’re not discouraged by how difficult a task is. And we’re not discouraged by how long a journey might be. One of the strongest declarations was made by the Bodhisattva where he said, ‘Let only my skin and sinews and bones remain, and let my flesh and blood and the body dry up. I shall not permit the course of my effort to stop until I win that which may be won by human ability, human effort, and human exertion.’ That’s planting the flag! That’s a statement of tremendous courageous effort. We might hear this and think, that kind of courageous determined effort is fine for a Buddha-to-be. It may seem far away from anything we’re capable of. Still there are many example of ordinary people exercising great valor and great courage in pursuit of their goals.”

Let yourself be strong but not swayed by the information age, nor the information wars of the present day; when you are able. People in the reporting media may not see options for anything other than violence and acts of war and rage, raising instead dark spectres such as archetypes of the warrior like the dark knight or vigilante. Everyone who is cognitively intact knows this is not the only answer for moving forward, certainly not currently, and these are only the loudest and most sensationalized stories. However, it will take stronger self-regulation to understand the long game in the face of others’ folly.

If you look around to reflect, you will find many  “ordinary” examples of extraordinary courage in your daily life that more genuinely reflect the Mars courage being manifested. If you would like to experience the joy of Aries Mars, focus on your lived experience, which may be a mixture of both these daily courageous exercises in people pioneering into new territory in their personal lives, and also painful beginnings and that means endings, too. You may find yourself in conflicts, and so you will need skills in de-escalation and a deeply held knowledge that the battle is not the war. Play the long game if you need to play any game at all. (To say this explicitly, don’t lose the war to win a battle—and generally no one wins in a war at all. It is an exercise in futile destruction.)

Aries energy can be bright as the afternoon sky, providing hope and sunshine, and it can be deadly because it is searching for how to understand the will to live and I guess it’s like an untamed beast full of hunger and rage at its worst. This is a time of making or breaking your personal karmic story. Choose wisely! Kindly! Lovingly! You have a lot of power!

September 10-13 (Exact September 12) Uranus Retrograde in Taurus quincunx Mercury in Libra: Keep moving the gears until something clicks into place and you sigh and understand that only you can do what you can do. Life has a unique path that is for you, and you are not supposed to be like anyone else. If you are realizing you’re a little different—that’s because you’re 100 percent supposed to be exactly like you are—unique and singular. Being yourself is what it is all about and seeing how wonderful that is is what this aspect is all about. Your unique voice is something I can’t wait to hear!

September 10-16 (Exact September 13) Chiron Retrograde in Aries trine Venus in Leo: Do you need a new start or reset? This is an opportunity to use your money, your whole heart, your creative will, and your tribe or circle of support, to regain whatever momentum or progress you may feel you have lost. Others can help you, and you can help others.

September 11-17 (exact September 15) Venus in Leo square Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Sometimes people don’t understand how glorious the combination of orange and violet together can be, you know? Well… This is the aspect that asks you to look inward for your own core of self-esteem and withstand the judgements and misunderstandings that emerge when others can’t quite see your visionary implementations… yet. It may be more serious than a design choice, of course. But sometimes the stars ask you to have believing eyes about the spectrum of light that you see so that something bright and fantastic can emerge. Genius comes from the unexpected—not from conformity. We have to try some small, safe test disruptions to get to the bigger disruptive creations that change the future.

September 14-21 (Exact September 17) Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn square Sun in Libra: There is a lesson in diplomacy occurring. Watch your words, especially when you want to be petty or narrow. What you say can give stress to others, so use your words kindly and judiciously. You can either cause great healing or harm during these days and Saturn hopes you learn from it.

September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini: If you question your own actions and the actions of others (approaching your behavior with humble curiosity), you will be reaching for the best life has to offer right now. The concept of beginner’s mind has never been more important to finding the next needed step. This is creating great karma, says the stars. Keep asking questions with an open mind. Keep growing into new consciousness.

September 15-October 13 (exact October 6) Mars in Aries trine South Node in Gemini: If you stick to your dogged plan, using things such as philosophy, religions, history, what you already know, principles, and being unable to pivot—plan on meeting your worst karmic fears. This is the south-node-go-to-automatic reaction we all automatically respond with when faced with what we already know. We think we can categorize things today into familiar systems that already exist but destiny says—not if you want the best and highest outcome; you can’t. You will need to ask new and better questions. Astrology is saying new systems are being formed and old systems are increasingly irrelevant.

September 17 early dawning (5 AM MDT) New Moon in Virgo: The Virgo New Moon is in trine aspect to the Capricorn conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto (all currently retrograde). This is asking the question of what are you truly in service to; before we step too heavily into the Mars retrograde. Remember what authentic service means by connecting to the deeper detailed look into the heart of Virgo energy in connection to the problems of world transitions and large group waves occurring around you. Curb your impulses in favor of doing the important karmic tasks in front of you. Take the simple next step. Do the harder and kinder thing rather than act upon impulse. Set up the new system and create safe zones. Be the angel and not the devil. See through the tricksters in your path that can ignite your ire. What are they teaching you? Grow your good karma not your rage. A dedication to that kind of service at this Full Moon can help propel you into what the Buddhists call “Right Action.” In fact, you may want to use the New Moon to begin a study of the Eightfold Path in depth.

September 19-22 Mercury in Libra square Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: In order to find harmony or coherence, cognitively, a deeper psychological investigation needs to be done.

September 19-23 (Exact September 21) Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn quincunx Venus in Leo: Do not adjust your dials! You are entering new limit zones! You have entered a zone where forwards is backwards so actually yeah… go ahead and adjust your dials. You need to actively make your own fortune and believe in your own hard work to make good and noble outcomes occur. You can find a lot of joy by being willing to put in the effort of working toward a goal. Go ahead and expect something for something.

September 17-25 (exact September 22) Mercury in Libra trine North Node in Gemini: If your thoughts are leaning toward questions about humanitarianism, relationships and partnerships, marriages, communication, how we mirror one another, the depth of human harmony, even anxiety and depression and mental wellness—you are on track to the highest and best astrology has to offer on these days in terms of what life is asking back in dialogue with us.

September 17-25 (exact September 22) Mercury in Libra sextile South Node in Sagittarius: Destiny pushes a lot of energy into the dogmas about philosophies and religions so it is tempting to look for our answers there and feel assured by what others tell us. They seem so sure. However, destiny would like us to question further than that into new territory if we can. Try not to depend on past concepts, but meditate on whether we can push into new awareness for our times. New situations call for new definitions and solutions.

September 18-28 (exact September 24) Mercury in Libra oppose Mars Retrograde in Aries: Mars wants to push back so very much. Mercury is thinking on peace and harmony and wishes Mars would stop. The integration of mind and body is pretty difficult. A mindless body is a zombie. A bodyless mind is a ghost.

September 22 Sun in Libra: The Sun moving into Libra shines the light of life’s power on justice, diplomacy, harmony, partnerships, a “two sides to every coin” approach to pretty much every aspect of life. It’s also a time of deeply appreciating and engaging in the arts and creative nature of living.

September 24-29 (exact September 27) Venus in Leo sextile North Node in Gemini: The Goddess of love and beauty would like to convey that you should keep yourself open to the budding awareness of life’s options. What about learning as a prosperous new endeavor? What about using your creative impulses to birth new forms of art or as the focus of artistic endeavors? What about celebrating love through new ways of being aware of one another?

September 24-29 (exact September 27) Venus in Leo trine South Node in Sagittarius: This is an easy aspect that says to appreciate the past is the easy impulse. In fact, it would be so easy to keep up all the same ways of financing, creating, and relating we have always done.

September 27 Mercury in Scorpio: The mind turns to deep matters of psychological importance. The investigation of grief, how we are responsible to one another, how we support one another, and what it means to be in relationships at the present time are some of the things that may be on our agenda.

September 27-October 3 (Exact September 30) Chiron Retrograde in Aries oppose Sun in Libra: The Sun is highlighting our inner and outer hurts. Where are we wounded? How are we in danger in our lives and in our essential needs? Where do we feel a fundamental sense of being either a burden or a sense that we cannot function? The task is to integrate joy and pain—to find the center of our self-generative core. For this, we may call upon help from a trusted friend, partner, or lover.

September 12-20 (exact September 17) Mercury in Libra square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: You may find you want to do a lot more than you can do and you need to narrow your focus. For example, you can’t travel long-distance, or you need to think locally instead of globally. You may need to change your systems to adapt to these changes and make something smaller.

September 18-27 (exact September 23) Mercury in Libra square Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Saturn is teaching you to think and speak in a way that will bring more harmony into your relationships, especially your partnerships. This may mean working through a conflict or changing something at this time. You can change. It is okay.

September 29-October 4 (exact October 2) Sun in Libra quincunx Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: We may find we change our ideas about what it means to be ourselves and what we know about the parts of us that are smart. We may simplify—and in the simplification—discover something joyful indeed!

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Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

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Be well!


Your August 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: The Missing Cardinal Energy: Libra * Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Looking to Libra: The Missing Cardinal Cross Energy

Where is Libra in your chart?

Depending on the house, LIbra performs like an actor on various film sets in each of our lives to refine work on a script until the scenes finally one day flow harmoniously for us. The Libra function for a person is to seek out harmony in the area of life it is found in the chart.

Wheel of Libra Houses

The current Astrological transits are heavy with Cardinal energy in August, which is initiatory energy. The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Mars is spending the Summer and Fall double-crossing Aries (tongue-in-cheek). First, it travels nearly through all 30 degrees of the first sign of the zodiac and then Retrogrades and backtracks before finally switching signs as the calendar year changes. Meanwhile, Mars will align with Chiron Retrograde in Aries, the archetype of the warrior communing with the archetype of the wound. Capricorn energy is heavy and fecund with the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction this year. We just had a New Moon in Cancer while Mercury whisks through Cancer. Cancer then hosts Venus making its passage. The North Node recently changed from Cancer into Gemini, so the Cancer energy has been underlined and heavily activated for 18 months in a series of Cancer/Capricorn eclipses. The cardinal signs are active, but the silent sign and the silent energy that has not been heard from is Libra.

The point on the 360-degree circular wheel that is across from a highly active point is called the polarity point. In this case, it can be imagined like a holographic forth leg for an unstable table. The table’s not able to stand on its own until it becomes a grand cross aspect pattern and a planet moves around onto that fourth point.

In the 3-planet, unstable, T-Square aspect pattern (a 180 degree opposition where both planets are 90 degrees square another between them), it’s often suggested you look to the silent fourth point that would otherwise form a grand cross. This balance to form a grand cross stabilizes conflicting energies that are activated. It’s a suggested method of energetic synthesis for conflicting energy systems in Astrology.

In this case, the missing energy is Libra energy, across from Mars in Aries. If we think about Libra energy, it is the energy that represents balance and harmony.

In contrast, Mars is impulsive and has trouble waiting to act. Sometimes a frustrated, impulsive Mars can appear or even act aggressively. Aries energy often manifests as stressful, survival, gut-level energy when unrefined. Aries can represent the ram, butting heads and running after you fast and furious.  It is in conflictual placement to Capricorn which is systems and institutions. This is the army ramming the castle door. It is the two most ambitious signs of the zodiac at loggerheads.

Cancer is underneath it all, adding a dose of cardinal sensitive emotional reactivity to the mix. Negotiation is not the finer point of ANY of these signs. In the most conflicting placements, listening and flexibility has gone out the window. Everyone wishes to take charge. It’s a vicious cycle of Power seeking – Action – Reaction.

What is missing? The cardinal seeker of harmony and beauty. Libra energy looks outside itself. Its solutions are relational and equitable. The understanding of the self as a relational part of the greater whole. Libra reframes how relationships occurs. Instead of viewing oneself as separate from the “objects” out there, a reframed view is that we live more like drops of water within a sea and that we are a part of a greater whole. The objects around us are not dead things to be consumed, in that perspective, but part of one large life that we are related to and contained within.

Libra provides the lens that relates in every aspect of life.

Libra is also the cardinal air element sign. The beliefs and conceptualizations of being human drive the actions and understandings of how brain cells form and function, and how decisions occur. When a human forms a thought, forms words, takes actions both unconscious and conscious—they depend upon these frames of belief.

Before a sagacious Sagittarian teaches about belief systems, those beliefs are refined in the energy of Libran relationships that exist in people’s lives. It suggests that some of what can ameliorate/balance out the noise of the collective chaos and individual impulses can be found by integrating our beliefs and behaviors within our reflections in trusted one-on-one relationships. Another way to view this is to ask oneself, when engaging in behaviors of all kinds, questions such as:

  • How would I like it if someone else treated [insert person you love the most] this way?
  • What if my partner did this?
  • What would I do if the person I love the most was the person standing in front of me and I was saying these words?
  • Would I treat my dog this way?
  • If my child were at risk, if my mother/father/brother/sister were being treated the way that person is being treated, how would I act and respond?
  • Who is my trusted confidant?

Before you act, for the remainder of this year, call upon the Libra energy across the zodiac wheel from wherever Mars is located, to balance out the scales of inner compulsion and impulse. Have a conversation with your partner, even if that partner is in spiritual form rather than human form. Take a few beats and, when you can, allow balance and harmony to be your trusty companions. (And please remind me to do the same!)

In September, Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and quite naturally this balance will begin to occur somewhat automatically, but you can get a head start if you focus on harmony and balance earlier.

Continuing Influences

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again)
  • January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • April 25 – October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • May 11 – September 29 Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn
  • May 14 – September 13 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn
  • June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde
  • July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct)
  • July 28-August 5 (exact July 31) Sun in Leo trine Chiron Retrograde in Aries
  • July 28- August 1 (exact July 30) Mercury in Cancer oppose Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn
  • July 30- August 3 (exact August 1) Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
  • July 31- August 6 (exact August 3) Mercury in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but likely will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

May 11 – September 29 Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn: There is a test before us this year. That test is one in which we are going to need to lock in our singular, lone ability to do the things that are good for the group—good for humanity—and no one will probably see us doing it. We will need to do something other than narcissism. Other than be seen to do what it is we are brilliant at doing. If we were to perish before we are ready (and when does anyone ever feel ready to die?) what would we choose to do anyway? I realize I would choose to love. Maybe write some things. Move my body and enjoy the beauty in the world, taking in as many breaths as I can. Soak in nature’s amazing beauty like my body is a sponge for it. My Saturn is in a Stellum with Venus in my first house in Taurus—so my body and receptivity carries heavy weight in the things that I do when no one is looking. I simply breathe and be and enjoy being alive when there is no audience. Maybe a Leo Saturn would put on a costume for their own epic production. Aquarius Saturn is going to invent something, however. Solve some problems. Resolve some issues on a grand scale. Saturn retrograde has us gazing inward with an intellectual, scientific bent. This is a test of your emergency broadcast system.

April 25 to October 4 Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: (24 59 to 22 29 degrees.): Psychological shifts, empowerment through sifting through conflicting beliefs, restarting transformative projects while letting go of major things—these are shifts. Letting go can make you feel constrained at times. It’s tough to feel your life is actually expanding but it will be. You will say goodbye and hello at the same time. It seems like that kind of scene where you’re standing in a hallway and you have to set down the many suitcases and burdens you are carrying in order to open the door and step into a beautiful new destination. Maybe a whole new dimension you could never have imagined, but it’s the kind of door that only you will fit through— not the baggage. Set it down during the retrograde. Leave it behind. Wear only what you want to take with you. Or wear nothing at all. Pluto is going to set the wardrobe anyway, so I’d not be forming strong opinions.

May 14 to September 13 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: The expansion of things such as the COVID-19 virus (since that’s the major correlation with Jupiter in Capricorn thus far) may appear to lessen as Jupiter turns retrograde, but it’s likely only going to be temporary until the planet turns direct again on September 13. This is an exploratory, philosophical, search-for-meaning phase. Pan, son of Hermes or Mercury, in ancient Greek myth, watches over the Shepherds and the huntsmen. He made friends with the Gods in Mount Olympus, and despite his horns and hooves, he was gentle and loved music (pan flute) and chased the nymphs. The hunters who were scared of Artemis made sure to give Pan adoration instead. Pan’s stories are the ecosystem of Capricorn, and when Jupiter retreats in Capricorn, it is sometimes into Pan’s lair that we find him. Pan and Apollo (another name for Jupiter) famously had a contest to see whose music was preferred—everyone chose Apollo’s except King Midas. Apollo was furious to not have 100 percent of the votes and turned King Midas’s ears into donkey ears. Pan didn’t or couldn’t rectify the situation. Midas had a barber who kept the secret as long as he could, covering up the ears in a variety of ways. One day he went to the mountains and dug a hole into the rock to yell out his story, though, that “King’s aaasss ears!” What he didn’t know is that he had dug a hole into echo’s rock. You can still hear the sound of his voice yelling “King’s aaasss ears!” in the mountains. I don’t know if the moral is that Jupiter and Pan getting together has consequences beyond what you would think, or that sound carries in the sign of Capricorn and in the mountains. Or cooperation is better than competition. That’s something to reflect upon while Jupiter travels through its retrograde period.

June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde: With the reversal, or retrograde, of Neptune’s motion, we have the chance to see how this planet has been operating on us from its home placement in Pisces. Neptune is in a powerful placement and yet it is in a sign that does not “do” power. Neptune itself is a dreamy planet. I experience it as a portal and a calling operator, unlike Mars or Saturn or Pluto. Those planets manifest in ways that are visible and Uranus can manifest, when triggered, in a lightning flash. Neptune operates slowly, like water. In a water sign, that is enhanced. We might see many signs of escapist activity occurring—and it needn’t be anything that hits us over the head. Virtual reality and living and perceiving more from our fantasies than from observable reality. Increased reliance on pharmaceuticals and difficulties accessing our own agency to get things accomplished. Then there are the usual suspects—alcohol and (mine) eating, harmful substances and sexual preoccupations. Neptune can cover the exploration into DNA alterations, fantasy, envisioning, our capacity for spirituality. On what I think is nowadays the more positive side of Neptune in a heavy time for the planet, Neptune can inspire our capacity for playful and fun activities, and the fascination for exploration about human consciousness itself. All humans may find themselves engaging in more meditation and sleeping more. It will likely be the cumulative effects of beauty causing the tipping point for change and awakening of the masses. This can happen in Incremental pushes, not lightning bolts—raising the group consciousness of humans the way water slowly raises the level of what is floating upon it. In retrograde, Neptune is a little less cloudy and we may be able to see the functions here slightly more clearly or attempt to support them with our heart’s intentions.

July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct):  This aspect speaks to tension can conflict between new action and expansion. It seems like the idea of reopening “the world” is challenged during the entire Mars in Aries traversal during the latter part of this Year. With Mars in Aries wanting lots of Action and Activity and Jupiter being the planet of making things bigger—the problems only grow bigger the more activity occurs. So it’s difficult to see that the best active initiation is to do as little as possible and let the transits work through until Jupiter and Mars can find new ways to be together as Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius and new social methods are created. Mars is very initiatory. But its impulses need to be tempered now instead of expanded. Use physical activity in safe environments to burn off the Aries energy and self-regulate with Saturn’s help and wisdom. This is a time to develop maturity and support others as the Mars Warrior, but not to put you or your loved ones at risk. The timing of this conflict aspects seems to put us well into 2021 before there is any easing of social restrictions, and I think it speaks to the astrological conversation about being patient with staying physically distant and all the attendant needs for patience and the emotional, physical, financial, and social toll it takes on each of us. However, knowing it will be long-term can give us the ability to plan for it and plan for the inevitable inner and outer barriers we will need to navigate. We can do this! We have to, so let’s buckle up and find the backup plans for our own health like Mars in Aries wants us to do!

July 28-August 5 (exact July 31) Sun in Leo trine Chiron Retrograde in Aries: Chiron asks us to heal ourselves and in trine it gives us the power to do so. If we come up with a plan for moving forward through 2021, and put the plan into daily practice, we will be doing well! Remember, with Sun in Leo, to put a lot of fun and generosity of spirit into that plan.

July 28- August 1 (exact July 30) Mercury in Cancer oppose Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: This is the call to balance out any negative thinking with nurturing thinking.

July 30- August 3 (exact August 1) Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Look for the helpers around you and either help others or find some psychological support if needed.

July 31- August 6 (exact August 3) Mercury in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Teachers who show up can help you regain mental clarity and balance so you can nurture and care for yourself and others.

Pluto Remains Retrograde
Saturn Remains Retrograde
Jupiter Remains Retrograde
Neptune Remains Retrograde
Chiron Remains Retrograde

August 2020 Astrology Trends

The Cardinal Influences: Mars and Chiron in Aries; Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn; Venus in Cancer; Mercury moving into Libra in September

  • August 7 Venus in Cancer: Venus enters the dark. The caves. Middle Earth. The Mycelium beneath the mushrooms. Unpremeditated kindness and love; support and tenderness. The depth of emotional experience. Mother is the mask and shell Cancer wears. To love as an adult is another effort altogether, requiring the crab to come out of its shell and be vulnerable. Mothering cannot be the basis of an equal partnership or friendship just as the Capricornian Institutions of a society cannot be based upon fear and fascism. In both instances of this duality, security and stability must be built upon experiences of trust. In the case of Cancer, the risks are individual. In the case of Capricorn, the risks are collective. Compassion cannot be provided only to strangers far away; it must be provided to those we are intimate with and to ourselves. The issue of trust is scheduled for relationships of both kinds. The creative nature of Venus should be engaged during this time, also. Use the water sign for your creative endeavors.
  • August 15 – October 10 (Exact August 24 – When Saturn is Retrograde, and September 29 – When both Saturn & Mars are Retrograde) Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn: The tension between wishing to take immediate actions to change what you think is wrong in society and in groups and structures, especially in defense of self or others, runs into delays.
  • August 1, 2020 – January 5, 2021 (Exact August 13 – When Pluto is Retrograde / October 9 – When Mars is Retrograde / December 23 – When both are Direct) Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Influences well beyond your instincts and will to change and initiate actions will rule the day. There is a stress point between the two that my feel frustrating. It’s important to know the time isn’t right to act on impulse.
  • August 12-19 (Exact August 16) Venus in Cancer square Chiron Retrograde in Aries: It’s difficult to keep from masking oneself to show something different from what you authentically feel. I don’t know what the answer would be in this one. It looks like a relationship asks you to hide your authentic feelings, or a wound to your sense of self or you feel like you have trouble surviving something intact. Take care and be gentle with yourself and others. Speak with care and kindness. This can apply to the relational or financial aspects of Venus, where harm may be experienced.
  • August 20-29 (exact August 25) Venus in Cancer oppose Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: There is a lot of trouble trusting the personal vs. the collective, and this expands during this time. Mothers and families, legal and philosophical arguments back and forth, religious and moral arguments, financial systems, governments, etc. Even physical buildings with the Capricorn influence.
  • August 27-September 3 (exact August 30) Venus in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: The Mother of solitude and the Father of solitude face off here and need to find the balance point. Neither is known for compromising or budging. One wonders how these archetypes ever spawned… Another possibility is passivity (lonely in a cave) vs. suppression (turned to stone and ice and floating lonely in the void between stars). It’s not really the time to let depression stop you. Instead, allow the creative drive of Venus to be your guide. Use creativity, make the things you have been trying to make come alive.
  • September 1 – 6 (exact September 2) Venus in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Practice self-discipline in practicing your virtues. The process is the point of the process-definitely not your self-aggrandizement and not profit and not the motives that have very little to do with values that will not matter when you die. Think about what is important to you and integrate the more meaningful things RIGHT NOW. Not later. Not to please another. Not as a mask to show the world. But because some things your soul needs you to create and now is when you’re scheduled to create them.
  • September 1-8 (Exact September 4) Venus in Cancer square Mars in Aries: Mars ignites our systems and Venus is throwing buckets of water on the revving engine. Who in the world is the driver? Calm down and think about how to both extend trust and regulate your own impulses. Venus always presents paths toward harmony. You don’t need to show them out in the world to create and make new things. That may be the compromise between acting and being calm.
  • September 5 Mercury in Libra: Here is the opportunity finally to give and receive information as the balancing leg of the cardinal energy that has been at play. Write and talk and listen and learn and read about serenity. This is the sign that knows how to take a coin and flip it. Give Libra evil and they will flip it into virtue. Libra can balance kindness with harm, can always see both sides to any argument. Watch out for confirmation bias in your own chart where Libra sits, though, because you can use your own ego to justify whatever you believe when you engage this flexibility.

Heart & Mind Together: Sun and Mercury Moving together through Leo and Virgo: The Sun and Mercury work quickly and form a conjunction in Leo this month. In Leo, they ask us to take care of ourselves and pay attention to our inner sovereign. We should be playing a little more until the shift into Virgo reminds us that the best leaders are servant-leaders who do what is noble and good for everyone from a humble place. The beginning of September offers the opportunity for either an important breakthrough in the collective unconscious or else the ballooning of whatever the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction’s influence brings to us.

  • July 31 – August 3 (Exact August 2) Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: Possible anxiety as you download ideas from the collective unconscious or your higher mind. Allow yourself to unwind in nature as you attend to your body and spirit and discover what is genius about being incarnated human. Allow yourself some healing time and connect with Gaia.
  • August 4 Mercury in Leo: Pay extra compliments to those you love and make sure to save some for yourself, too! Play with ideas that give you joy. Make sure to turn to thoughts that activate joy in your heart!
  • August 7-11 (exact August 9) Chiron Retrograde in Aries trine Mercury in Leo: Let the lion in your roar as a way to heal if you need to review how the past has affected you now. Maybe you need to release something. You can use your voice or dramatize something to release what you need to let go of. For healing, there is something physical to do. Something larger than life, symbolic, active, physical, intentional. You can ignore it, but you would miss an opportunity to let go and let loose. Maybe the lion metaphor means a lazy day of cuddling, alternatively!
  • August 9 – 12 (exact August 10) Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: This portends that if you try to be too smart maybe that will cause more tension than it’s worth, Keep things simple and let the heart rule the head. Being kind instead of clever is advised. Also, it is possible to get a little inflexible since these are both fixed signs.
  • August 9-23 (Exact August 16) Sun in Leo trine Mars in Aries: This is a very inspirational and auspicious aspect! With both of these planets in their natural signs and elements, this is all gears moving forward and so whatever is happening there is much energy to support it. A time of a lot of action where you can move instinctually and quickly forward. Take a leap and take some action on something you have been wanting to do.
  • August 14-18 (Exact August 16) Mercury in Leo trine Mars in Aries: You will be feeling inspired and your heart will likely be leading the way forward as you feel it is okay to take the risk to move forward with making progress on things you have been wishing for.
  • August 12-22 (Exact August 17) Mercury in Leo conjunct Sun in Leo: Your heart’s desire is within reach as you take action during mid-August.
  • August 18 New Moon in Leo: A time to make bold wishes and beginnings. The Moon adds instinct and more Leo juju to the kite aspect pattern to strengthen your heart’s desire. You can dramatically feel yourself ready for a renewal and restart. Self-focus and self-care, as well as having a witness and audience for your intention, is a healthy and necessary next step. Bravo!
  • August 10 – 12 (Exact August 11) then August 23 – 27 (Exact August 25) Sun in Leo Quincunx Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: Make any adjustments you need to along the way to stay out of getting delusions of grandeur. You can have your heart’s desire and also remain realistic and calm. You don’t need to take on or take over the world to be happy. You only need a tiny portal of heaven in your space in the world.
  • August 13 – 15 (Exact August 14) Mercury in Leo Quincunx Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: Think seriously about sustainability and what it means to live in a way that gifts others along with yourself with every move you make and you will be a lot happier.
  • August 12 – 17 (Exact August 15) Sun in Leo Quincunx Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: The world and what wealth and materialism means are changing and you will find yourself changing along with them. I recommend Charles Eisenstein if you have not read his books on being between two stories in terms of economic realities and living in a gift economy instead of a capitalistic economy.
  • August 15 – 17 (Exact August 16) Mercury in Leo Quincunx Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Money only stands for something else and is not the actual thing or valuable thing, Pluto in Capricorn is teaching us. Be willing to ask questions about systems that no longer serve anyone but actually enslave us. What does freedom look like?
  • August 15 – 20 (Exact August 18) Sun in Leo Quincunx Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: What is teacher Saturn teaching you about the time, limitations, power structures, dependencies, vulnerabilities, and failures/successes of the systems and patterns and structures around you? Before it moves into Aquarius and asks us to learn about social values? Think about risks and vulnerabilities—especially to your body—during these days.
  • August 17 – 19 (Exact August 18) Mercury in Leo Quincunx Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: This is a time to adjust and become flexible in how you order your world. From schedule to the rules and laws to the way you learn and grow and how you put things together in your world, it’s a time of restructuring.
  • August 19 Mercury in Virgo: Mercury moves into one of the signs it rules. This can be a sign where Mercury has some power to reorganize and heal some of the chaotic mental energy that has felt scattered for months. Virgo is a sign that can allow the mind to concentrate and focus, with flexibility as well. Questions are not only posed—they are investigated. Meaning is found and not a minute is lost.
  • August 22 Sun in Virgo: Good time for a class, for cleaning up, for clearing out energies. Virgo can mean meeting guides, mentors, and teaching/learning. A time to get into the activities you may have been deferring. Look down and see what your feet are doing. Walking meditation. Become yourself more fully via service and giving to the world.
  • August 23-25 (exact August 24) Mercury in Virgo quincunx Chiron Retrograde in Aries: If you trip and fall, simply get back up again. Mistakes are wonderful. Embrace them.
  • August 27–31 (Exact August 29) Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: This is an opportunity to set up a learning organization style system. The bigger picture can be explored. Connections can be integrated. You can look into systems theory, learning theories, and theories of all types. Thinking about how to create structures, systems, theories, and philosophies is probable. Abstract thought—the big thoughts—is supported. Just make sure you write it down in a way you’ll be able to translate it so you can recall and communicate about it later!
  • August 24–31 (Exact August 30) Sun in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: More support for the idea that insights about powerful new ways to reorganize big systems may be provided from the collective unconscious. Listen to the voices and messages that feel they are coming from “life.” That could be Pluto and Jupiter working together to bring gifts down to planet earth in the Capricorn Earth sign. For once, this is a very benevolent aspect. (The aspect could, I suppose, simply amplify whatever is happening if it is already harmful to us but good for the earth, but hopefully we will be doing benevolent works.)
  • August 30–September 3 (Exact September 1) Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: With head and heart working together and Pluto providing the benevolent unconscious power along with Jupiter (Santa Claus), multiple people may all wake up with the same new thought about how to reorganize or rebuild or recreate something.
  • August 30–September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: This influence provides stability, commitment, support and staying power to the new and gifted breakthrough that is possible with Jupiter and Pluto being activated by the Sun and Mercury beaming from Virgo.
  • September 1–September 5 (Exact September 3) Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: When people speak, they will somehow find the support they need or speak at the right time, or timing will be auspicious because of this Mercury aspect. Communication will allow for solidifying ideas and commitment to restructuring and planning activities.
  • September 6–14 (Exact September 9) Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter Retrograde/Stationary in Capricorn: As Mercury speeds up and pulls ahead of the Sun, the Sun trine Jupiter during its turn around from retrograde to direct. Jupiter trine Sun is a particularly strong aspect, and at a stationary point is even stronger. This means the influence of Jupiter (aka Santa Claus in many contexts) is even stronger. My thought is the breakthrough comes to life around this time period. Virgo is the sign of healing, growth, ethics, evolution.
  • August 28 – September 1 (Exact August 31) Sun in Virgo quincunx Chiron in Aries: This is Virgo’s adjustment that learns self-expression only through service to others. All of us have Virgo somewhere in our charts, and the requirements of our souls are absolute in making sure we never get left unpolished until we develop ourselves in that aspect of our being through service to others.

Kite Pattern Activated with the Nodes, Mercury, Mars, and Venus during August: The Kite Pattern means that trine and sextile aspects, which are generally known as supportive influences, are much more likely to be acted upon than normally. “Supportive aspects” can also add fuel to any fire, or course. If you are driving 50 miles an hour toward a cliff, a trine can help you drive 80 miles an hour toward that same cliff. However, if you are heading for a safe destination, like your nephew’s birthday celebration or a new job interview, that will help you and everyone flourish, a supportive aspect will help you get there more easily.

  • August 1–9 (Exact August 3) Venus in Gemini conjunct North Node in Gemini: Venus seems to receive her job description for the month from the Moon’s nodes, and most specifically the North Node, as the month opens. She opens the envelope to find that she is embodying the role of “counselor” this month to the other planets, to bear witness to Uranus turning retrograde and to talk with Mars about the highest and best use of action, in addition to a scheduled session with Mercury and the Sun to discuss the importance of enjoying themselves in Leo. before they knuckle down and head into the sign of Virgo. Venus in Gemini can inhabit this flexible counselor role before heading into Cancer and playing a much more sensitive and undercover role in the skies. If we are like Venus, we can say this is a time to interview and ask questions and relax and support others. Be interested in what other people have to say and act with unconditional positive regard for the first third of the month. Listen instead of speak. Learn and practice the art of deep listening in relationships.
  • August 1-9 (Exact August 3) Venus in Gemini oppose the South Node in Sagittarius: Venus here is cautioned not to take on the role of the expert or the teacher, so in our relationships, we want to stay in our questions instead of believing we have the answers. We will miss a lot when we believe ourselves to be the experts. When we find ourselves explaining things to other people, maybe back up and realize this reflex is something that blindsides us. We definitely don’t have the answers right now. That is an old story with some holes in it. We only know a little.
  • August 16-19 (Exact August 17) Mercury in Leo sextile North Node in Gemini: (Forming a grand trine with the South Node in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries): The North Node is our highest path forward. In Gemini this is about evolving a new consciousness. The heart mind and fate converse through this aspect to form a language that beckons to you through the doorways of creativity. Find ways to express yourself and adore others and listen for how that affects your ability to perceive your sense of self.
  • August 15-19 (Exact August 17) Sun in Leo sextile North Node in Gemini: (Forming a grand trine with the South Node in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries): Similarly, the embodiment of joy as you experience “self” is something you can observe. What is the self? Is there actually separation between the self and the environment? Are things alive or inanimate objects as was told to you in a subject/object framework of the world? Or are we one small part of a larger whole of something alive, such a drop of water in an ocean? What are the boundaries of the self? What is a self-definition? How would we re-order our lives if we live within an environment that we also perceive as alive?
  • August 12-September 2 (Exact August 22) Mars in Aries sextile North Node in Gemini: This aspect links the personal planets together to add Mars, our planet that drives our behavior and acts as the method we use for advocacy and protection, to be linked to our fate and destiny. We are called to take new kinds of action in our lives based upon thoughts that represent a new level of emerging consciousness. Maybe these are small actions and maybe larger ones. All of them count and accumulate.

Full Moon in Aquarius and Uranus Retrograde:

August 3 Full Moon in Aquarius: (9:59 AM MST):  The Full Moon sits in fixed signs and in square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This is the moment of the year to touch and strengthen and celebrate in our bones the part of us that would be us no matter what was happening. What if we honor our soul, and somehow break through to the conscious awareness of our worthiness simply for being? There is a difference between personality and individuality. Individuality is that part of us that would be us no matter what mask we donned; despite our cultural group identities and fashions, and beyond the places in history we travel through—our essential and “fixed” individuality is a function that shines through the Astrological beings Uranus and Aquarius. With the Moon and Sun’s support, this is brought to us in a way we can feel in our hearts through Taurus and Leo. This day is sure to manifest enough ways for us to pay attention to how we have either been in tension around our sense of freedom (either people-pleasing, constrained, or irresponsible) or neglectful about allowing the wild and spontaneous mind take us on the journey past pretense.

August 15-21 (Exact August 18) Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: This is Venus the psychoanalyst performing an evaluation of Uranus as it is turning retrograde—and Uranus at this turning point is Uranus at its strongest vibration. It’s a very good time to listen to the answers Uranus gives in this “session.” Venus will be asking questions to this planet located in Taurus such as:

  • “I know you require revolutions and breakthroughs. How will you know this has happened for this individual?’
  • “Tell me about what you need to demonstrate individuality via Taurus without creating rebellion?”
  • “What contributions can I make to my character that are truly conscious and coherent—not merely symbolic?”
  • “What courage must I summon to make the choice that matches who I am and not what I feel would be the most applauded choice?”
  • “Where in my life has authority constrained my actions and beliefs? And what must I do to challenge that presupposition?”

August 15, 2020 – January 14, 2021 Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (10 degrees to 6 degrees): This is a time when we change our habit about how we deal with what we fund, create, and relate to. We need to turn our attention inward to understand our own addiction to the status quo as much as understand how culture and history have misstepped. How are we harming ourselves, and in turn, how does that harm the entire environment we live in and those around us? How do our simple daily habits defeat us time and time again? A change in mindset and in our thinking about how we walk through each day—looking down at our feet step-by-step—can begin to develop the impact of our thoughtlessness and neglectful impact and the retrograde allows us another chance to engage with Uranus in Taurus. Some mindfulness can beget a new conversation in several dimensions. Several Astrologers say Taurus is the sign ruling the planet Earth and I am tending to agree more and more.

August 21-28 (Exact August 25) Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: This is such an auspicious time to clean up and organize. Also a wonderful time for earthly delights—nature, food, camping, artistic gift-making. Loving and helping others is also supported!

August 30-September 4 (Exact September 2) Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: Helping and serving others, and in so doing, finding the key to one’s own meaning and joy is the opportunity here. Uranus can bring unexpected gifts in the realm of service-oriented relationships. Healing can be sent even in the form of energy from afar to those we love and care for with tremendous strength of efficacy.

Contact Me!

Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your July 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Notes On Eclipse Season * Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Notes on Eclipse Season this Summer:

  • Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5
  • Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 21
  • Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse July 4-5

“I want something I can eat with my hands. That I can hold in my hands.” My husband, who can’t get out of the car this year and maybe next year, too, because he’s pointedly vulnerable to Corona Virus, said at about 4 PM on June 21, the night of the last Cancer eclipse.

“What can I get you that you can eat with your hands? I don’t know. A taco? A slice of Pizza? I don’t know. I can’t think of any foods.”

I swerve to avoid the underground access cover that causes a huge bump if I drive directly over it and turn right to head to Starbucks and some deep, deep espresso. It seems weird to me that I’m out of ideas for food. I know myself to be a foodie.

“It’s not pizza season tonight.” Chuck comments.

We keep abstaining from junk food to try to stay healthy and on track—and self-regulated. So once every six months we joke to ourselves it is ‘Winter’ pizza season or ‘Summer’ pizza season and we pick the one night we’re going to enjoy the stylings of a Chicago style cheesy pie that we split. That inevitably lasts for several days on the leftover shelf.

Eclipses are like that. They fall on a certain day but they last for a season. For eighteen months, we anticipate the particular impacts and leftover events of eclipses based on the sign pairs involved. In 2020, the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse set is ending and the Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse set is beginning.

That means, this Summer, we’re shifting from the sign pairs of Cancer/Capricorn over to a few years of Gemini/Sagittarius.

“It’s definitely not pizza season,” I reply.

“Nope,” he answers. “We just had pizza less than a month ago.”

When we spontaneously decided it was pizza season, Chuck had regaled me with stories from his time living in Chicago as a young lad. The North Node still traveling through Cancer and Venus retrograde in Gemini put us straight into our history and storytelling situations. The eclipse season being on the axis of the signs of Cancer/Capricorn gave rise to our life review activities. Venus traveling back and forth through Gemini has had us looking and talking over and over about relationships and values, survival of the body and what is good for us. The Cancer influence is the foundation of our little creature selves as individuals and our safety and security. We need to build a shell like a crab—a home, protection–and realize we are vulnerable in the first place and have needs. Sometimes our word for this is “mother.”

The Capricorn influence during the eclipse season is to travel the mountains of our lives, and sometimes mountains include caverns and caves. Caves have pits you can fall into and dark places. If we don’t have the basis of our individual values balanced out, we’re likely to seek our protection in the groups and ideas generated by some dark dragons living and hoarding in those caverns. There is evolution as we climb the mountains of our lives and there is also devolution as we fall into the pits and burn at the center of the earth’s core. Old stories can also be recycled and replayed repeatedly as easily as heroes can be forged in fires.

Capricorn’s season this year is expanding our knowledge of either one of these things with the Corona virus appearing, and with Pluto and Jupiter’s meeting following Saturn’s traversal through the sign. With the South Node having traversed and leaving Capricorn as well, many other personal planets such as Mercury and Mars have additionally recently gone through the sign of the goat. The heavy messages from Capricorn are ringing and knocking heavily on the door of humanity and planet earth from this earth sign to let us know the humble approach is most realistic. Capricorn seems to be asking us to tell the truth together in our reckonings. We’ve made a lot of strip-mines of convenient interpretations but Capricorn keeps putting pins in situations like you would pin a fly down to a board. Doesn’t make the fly any different but keeps it in place until its heart stops beating and its wings stop flapping.

It sure sounds cruelly indifferent all-around—from the fly’s ignorant appetites to the Capricornian pin-in-the-fly of humanity’s harm. So, Capricorn’s earthy energy this eclipse season I suppose depends on how annoyingly you are buzzing about and what level of bite you carry. Try to be something other than the fly for nature to pin down. Try to understand that humans are not the top of the “food chain” even if we lie to ourselves and say we are.

Space and sky are vast, which is probably why Astrology exists, and why we humans look for systems such as religion and science and relationships to understand the parts of the world around us we can perceive and attempt to describe and define. Our ancestors observed cycles of the moon and built calendars and clocks, trying to transmit ideas for our safety and control. We probably need to learn more how to work together in small, intimate ways and large, even intergalactic ways.

Fighting ourselves and each other is only cavern logic, says nature. When our collective spelunking is over and we emerge into daylight mountain climbing again, and the sun and moon are no longer eclipsed from our view—let’s use the change that eclipses bring to gain perspective about how to manage resources over the long term and see one another with sustainable balance instead of mad and murderous intent.

The influence of the Cancer and Capricorn eclipses are activated and can be seen during the past few years and their ongoing effect will stay lit for the next six months as well.

As we ease into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis of signs this year, the energy will shift and change. Questioning will be the highest use of our energies and letting go of dogma and our assumed philosophies and shared understandings will be important. Take off your teacher’s hat and put on your student’s hat. Allow yourself to become teachable if you wish to survive and even thrive. Turn away from thinking you know things and thinking you have all the information you need. Keep asking questions.

Back to Capricorn: Dragons who hoard gold in caves are hunted forever and have to hide. Plus, they’re not real. They’re a fantasy.

“An impossible burger.” Chuck clucks, stirring me out of my reverie. “Yeah, an impossible burger sounds good. The less meat we eat, the less cows butchered and all the rest that’s unsustainable about meat packing plants where corona virus is spreading plus all the other environmental troubles that were there beforehand anyway…”

“Well, it’s what we can do, I suppose.”

“Or chicken wings. Where did you get those parmesan chicken wings the other day you wouldn’t share with me?!”

I laugh because I’m trying with my whole heart to only buy as much as I will eat and no more, while simultaneously attempting to learn to share in the places I have kept secret and hidden. Hoarding food is a mixture of Cancer/Capricorn. Buying only a little and trying two goals at once is a sign of Gemini/Sagittarius influence.

I ease on the brakes.

And say, “I’ll get you anything you want.”

What is eating at the corners and core of your life this eclipse season?

(See the July Astrology trends for information/description on the Sagittarius/Gemini eclipse influence.)

All 2020 Eclipse Dates:

  • Friday, January 10: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Cancer
  • Friday, June 5: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
  • Sunday, June 21: Annular Solar Eclipse in Cancer
  • Sunday, July 5: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
  • Monday, November 30: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
  • Monday, December 14: Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Continuing Influences

List of Continuing Aspects:

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again)
  • January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • June 23-July 26 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Exact July 1 and when it turns DIRECT again on July 21)
  • June 24-July 6 (Exact June 30) Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Cancer
  • June 27-July 6 (exact June 30) Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but likey will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

June 18 (through July 12) Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer from 14 degrees back to 5 degrees cancer: Maybe you, like lots of souls, are needing to get out of a roundabout of guilt over things you have done—past life guilt or even this-life guilt. Shame or guilt you hold from collective trauma from either side—the victim or the perpetrator. Driving round and round at break-neck speed means you’re running out of fuel and it’s time to choose an exit and take the action to get off this round about and figure out how to release the shame or guilt as well as how to behave differently for your soul to heal. The information is within and without you. Why not take the road to correction and flexibility? At least it will be an adventure—if not pure magic.

June 24-July 6 (Exact June 30) Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Cancer: Cancer asks you to come into coherence with yourself and retreat for a while. Let yourself calm down and take time to protect your world. Taking a break for mind and body is advised.

June 27-July 6 (exact June 30) Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: How do you embody courage? What new fierce actions will take you through the fire upward out of the muck? You need to deal with pain and dance with the areas that frighten you and now is the time when it is meaningful to stay in tune with being true to yourself.

June 23-July 26 (Exact July 1 and when it turns DIRECT again on July 21) Mercury Retrograde & later Direct in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: We study and wonder how to perceive suffering. Does suffering help to further our development—our individuation? How can we provide a better future for our families and loved ones? How do we “reparent” ourselves and the wounded places within and without, individually, as a group, and transpersonally, where we have been either abused or neglected? What patterns, ideals, and perceptions—what projections and other thought distortions—harm and which ones help? What thoughts/beliefs help and what thoughts/beliefs wound? We may learn our interpretations matter more than we understood up to now. Astrology points to the fact that there is a need for new language for healing.

June 23 to November 28, Neptune Retrograde: With the reversal, or retrograde, of Neptune’s motion, we have the chance to see how this planet has been operating on us from its home placement in Pisces. Neptune is in a powerful placement and yet it is in a sign that does not “do” power. Neptune itself is a dreamy planet. I experience it as a portal and a calling operator, unlike Mars or Saturn or Pluto. Those planets manifest in ways that are visible and Uranus can manifest, when triggered, in a lightning flash. Neptune slowly operates like water. In a water sign, that is even more so. We might see many signs of escapist activity occurring—and it needn’t be anything that hits us over the head. Virtual reality and living and perceiving more from our fantasies than from observable reality. Increased reliance on pharmaceuticals and difficulties accessing our own agency to get things accomplished. Then there are the usual suspects—alcohol and (mine) eating, harmful substances and sexual preoccupations. Neptune can cover the exploration into DNA alterations, fantasy, envisioning, our capacity for spirituality. On what I think is nowadays the more positive side of Neptune in a heavy time for the planet, Neptune can inspire our capacity for playful and fun activities, and the fascination for exploration about human consciousness itself. All humans may find themselves engaging in more meditation and sleeping more. It will likely be the cumulative effects of beauty causing the tipping point for change and awakening of the masses. This can happen in Incremental pushes, not lightning bolts—raising the group consciousness of humans the way water slowly raises the level of what is floating upon it. In retrograde, Neptune is a little less cloudy and we may be able to see the functions here slightly more clearly or attempt to support them with our heart’s intentions.

Pluto Remains Retrograde
Saturn Remains Retrograde
Jupiter Remains Retrograde
Mercury Remains Retrograde
Neptune Remains Retrograde

July 2020 Astrology Trends

July 1 Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: We are at a time when tricksters are trying to tell us we can never win the future and the future is trying to teach us to mature and regulate ourselves based upon patience and learning to ask important questions. We need to be willing to learn and become respectful of our own actions, even if no one ever sees them. Bearing witness to ourselves and our own growth is Saturn’s gift to us even in isolation. We know we are isolated with millions and billions of others. We know we make choices based on social practicalities. Saturn returning to Capricorn for several months means revisiting how we meet reality—whether with mature self-discipline and patience or whether we crumple and give in to despair and pressure.

July 1-16 (exact July 10) Venus in Gemini Sextile Chiron in Aries: You can find new ways to energize relational issues that center on vulnerability and rejection. You may be able to phrase or ask questions that help you with a breakthrough for yourself or others to get beyond what you have been able to realize in the past. New information may flow to you. You have the chance to stop and learn a lot or grow a lot in relationships. Listening can provide lots of information. Maybe it’s you with the new ears.

July 3-23 (never exact) Venus in Gemini Sextile Mars in Aries: You can find new and supportive integration methodologies for relationships, creativity, and financial interests. If used positively, this can support your endeavors.

July 5-25 (exact July 14) Mars in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries: Every forty years or so, Chiron offers Mars a four-year seminar on how to upgrade your reactions and actions to become more self-aware and a higher-skilled advocate, protector, warrior, explorer, pioneer, lover, sexual partner, athlete, inspirational leader, thought leader, and all-things-Aries. This aspect provides you the chance to re-synchronize your courage and your identity. If you’re ensconced in an evil karma path, you could hurt others horribly while you’re “learning.” Don’t be evil. (Didn’t Steve Jobs say that?) Mars will revisit Chiron a few times between now and 2024. This is the first visit.

July 4-5 (Around Midnight) Full Moon Capricorn Lunar Eclipse: The blood moon eclipse (when the earth’s umbra turns red) signifies it is time to slay some dragons and let go of the hoard underneath the dragon has been guarding. With a nice trine to Uranus in Taurus and the Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer, letting go to evolve is highly supported. One of the methods required is that you put forth the conscious effort to move forward, however, because it will be your choice to do so. The skies say it is your right to do nothing, as well. Surrender / release / endings—free us, and letting go is an awesome experience when we go through it. It is also super hard to remember that.

We hold on because it seems rational to the dragon within us. However, breathing is vital to remaining alive and we can’t inhale forever—the exhale is an equally important part of it. The heart needs its chambers empty to keep circulating blood. This is only the human body.

What other parts of nature require an emptying-out process for healing and health? Allowing this emptying and our exhalation is a great way to envision our next step forward. Allocate resources differently—whether that be personally or on a grand scale. Jupiter’s influence in Capricorn this year can be centered on learning generosity and faith in the face of feeling isolated and fearful. Give things away, clear things out.

I recommend you sign up for Denise Linn’s Elemental Space Clearing course (and certification). I have benefited from it for years and followed her professional advice. This eclipse season is a period of time where you can see how the past is affecting you in tangible and material ways. Gift yourself with mentoring from a guide in how to consciously work with your environmental energy.

Saturn straddling the line between Capricorn and Aquarius is also providing us with a deep connection to the experience of time—the personal and cultural meaning of past, present, and future for us and our participation in the system of time. Uranus and Aquarius in relationship to Saturn changing signs is also hitting us at eclipse season to let us know that we can step into timelessness to redefine our relationship to every system—including time.

An eclipse’s influence lasts up to 6 months, so you can anticipate this clearing and letting go process being activated through the Summer and Fall.

July 5-31 (exact July 8 when Mercury is retrograde and July 27 when Mercury is direct) Mercury Retrograde / Direct in Cancer square Mars in Aries: We can be all over the place with this aspect during July. Mercury is willing to lie, to go back on commitments, to say one thing and do another. Mars can get frozen in fear or attack targets that are most vulnerable or not even relevant just for the sake of attacking something. “Hulk Smash?” I guess. If you fail to keep a cool head when you face your fears—you have some more existential work to do. You need to ask the right questions and understand the true target of righteous anger to make a difference with effective action. If you can’t do that—you can’t do much here. Instead your ego will implode into a sense of victim-hood or your ego will explode into waves of gutless and cowardly arrogant destruction. The question of whether you should have caution or courage is one of maturity and likely involves Saturn and Pluto.

July 12 Mercury in Cancer turns Direct.

July 11 to December 15 Chiron in Aries retrogrades: Chiron stays in Aries for a long time because of its retrograde motion. We are asked to think about identity issues and issues of existence. Yes, those existential wounds and issues and the very foundations of life/death/suffering.

July 10-17 (exact July 14) Sun in Cancer oppose Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: It’s time for our cards to be revealed in the poker game of life, and with Jupiter, it will reveal the state of our ego or how we’re doing with our self-view. When we turn the cards over, it will reveal if we are doing well and have a healthy level of ego—in which case we should have a solid feeling of quiet confidence without much problem. Alternatively, we could bounce between extremes—an over-inflated or underinflated ego. An over-inflated ego can bring out the trickster in a Sun-Jupiter opposition where a balance can’t be gained and our arrogance is made fully public. An under-inflated ego can be exposed when we experience the petty tyrants around us as irritants and find we’re unable to hide the resentment we project onto them.

July 11-19 (exact July 15) Sun in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: When the Pluto card is revealed, we have a similar experience to see how we are faring in self-awareness of our own personal relationship to power and control issues. If we have failed to submit to a larger moral framework than our own interests, our preoccupation with personal power and control is likely to be called out by Pluto. We get put into situations larger than ourselves and see how we are bit players in intergenerational and cultural stories. We might shiver later to see how Pluto taught us we had a small part to play in a big, big picture.

July 18-22 (exact July 20) Sun in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Saturn is called the teacher in astrology, so let Saturn teach you now! Saturn’s card will show you how well you’re doing with patience, self-regulation, and maturity.

July 20 New Moon in Cancer: The New Moon is opposing Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn. The dark, Cancer Moon wants to look at safety and the basic needs you have for your nurture and nature. This is the most inward of the dark moon moons. The only place to go is deeper, is what I would say. Close your eyes and let radical acceptance of emptiness shine inside the center of your experience until you can birth new understanding of the ground you stand on. Or let go of the idea of ground at all and just float a while. The need to make sense can take a vacation and the only thing you need is the womb part of life. As long as you are safe, that’s some kind of miracle. If you did something spiritual—perceiving what you cannot perceive—would be along the lines of what I might imagine you doing. Going underneath or behind the scenes of the stage we call reality. I doubt the efficacy of contact sports and contact activities on a day such as today. If you were to plan a social media fast, the days surrounding July 20 would be optimal choices to take a break from the news and noise.

July 18-24 (exact July 22) Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: The basic mind and higher mind are making music between the intuition and the body; between the nervous system and nature and stillness. Take a breather and relax.

July 22 Sun in Leo: Time for focus on the self and play for a month. Enjoy some fixed fire, slow burn, adorable Leo energy to re-spark you!

July 29 – December 20 Mars in Aries square Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn (Exact August 4 – Mars Direct & Jupiter Retrograde and October 18—Mars Retrograde & Jupiter is Direct) (also exact January 21, 2021 – Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus when both are direct):  This aspect speaks to tension that can result in conflict between new action and expansion. It seems like the idea of reopening “the world” is challenged during the entire Mars in Aries traversal during the latter part of this Year. With Mars in Aries wanting lots of action and activity and Jupiter being the planet of making things bigger—the problems only grow bigger the more activity occurs. So the difficult conclusion one sees is that the best active initiation is to do as little as possible and let the transits work through until Jupiter and Mars can find new ways to be together. Purportedly, when Jupiter and Saturn move through Aquarius, innovations in new social methods will be created and/or offered. Mars is very initiatory. But its impulses need to be tempered now instead of expanded. Use physical activity in safe environments to burn off the Aries energy and self-regulate with Saturn’s help and wisdom. This is a time to develop maturity and support others as the Mars warrior, but not to put you or your loved ones at risk. The timing of this conflicting aspect set seems to put us well into 2021 before there is any easing of social restrictions, and I think it speaks to the astrological conversation about being patient while remaining physically distant and all the attendant needs for managing and the emotional, physical, financial, and social toll it takes on each of us. However, knowing it will be long-term can give us the ability to plan for it and plan for the inevitable inner and outer barriers we will need to navigate. We can do this! We have to, so let’s buckle up and develop backup plans for our own health like Mars in Aries wants us to do!

July 28-August 5 (exact July 31) Sun in Leo trine Chiron Retrograde in Aries: Chiron asks us to heal ourselves and in trine it gives us the power to do so. If we come up with a plan for moving forward through 2021, and put the plan into daily practice, we will be doing well! Remember, with Sun in Leo, to put a lot of fun and generosity of spirit into that plan.

July 28- August 1 (exact July 30) Mercury in Cancer oppose Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: This is the call to balance out any negative thinking with nurturing thinking.

July 30- August 3 (exact August 1) Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Look for the helpers around you and either help others or find some psychological support if needed.

July 31- August 6 (exact August 3) Mercury in Cancer oppose Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn: Teachers who show up can help you regain mental clarity and balance so you can nurture and care for yourself and others.

Contact Me!

Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your June 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Continuing Influences

List of Continuing Aspects:

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (to December 26)
Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn ( to October 30)
Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (to December 23)
Saturn in Aquarius (and Retrograde after May 11) quincunx North Node as it moves from Cancer into Gemini
June 6 Sun in Gemini square Mars in Pisces
May 28 Mercury conjunct the North Node in Cancer / oppose the South Node in Capricorn
May 29 Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
June 1 Sun Conjunct Venus in Gemini
June 2 Venus Retrograde in Gemini square Mars in Pisces

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (exact January 12, 2020), in orb until December 26 except May 8-17, even during Saturn retrograde (but never exact again): This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but I think it will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

April 5-June 15 (Exact April 29) Saturn in Aquarius (and Retrograde after May 11) quincunx North Node as it moves from Cancer into Gemini: The ability to dream and have faith in the family of humanity is severely tested during this time, or families themselves face emotional crises that render them sensitive to the constraints surrounding them as they adjust. They go back and forth. With Saturn retrograde, it’s probably wise to think of the north node shift as our collective destiny of viewing ourselves as a family to dealing with the practical matter of learning and expanding our networks in a more active than an emotional and sensitive way. We may need to adjust to more flexible ways of processing—Gemini is a sign looking for constant connection, communication, feedback, friendship, stimulation, and energy. The methods of processing life and the world are expanding. In-depth philosophizing about transformation is not what’s happening now. Methodologies are emerging. The sheer amount of conversations and the need for stable peer relations and networking is what you’ll see arise during the next few years. Everyone likely needs to adjust in order to navigate numerous demands for their attention. In fact, attention itself could be the currency of Gemini North Node times!

May 13 through June 25 Venus Retrograde in Gemini: You’re going to need to talk to yourself during this time period. That means you need feedback. I don’t know where Venus is in your chart, but mine happens to be in the first house—house of my body. I need to be writing down and journaling about my relationship with my body. Lifelong relationship issues show up as how I treat my body. I need to prioritize my body, no matter what delusions get in my way. No matter what obstacles I face. Where is your Venus? That is where you need to reflect on what you need to receive during this retrograde period. You are valuable there and it will be tempting to undervalue yourself. You’re going to have to look deeply into how to change to emerge from this time with your values intact so revisit whatever you have learned about Venus and your chart. If you need to see where Venus is in your chart, and where to adapt, you can contact Charts are currently on sale.

Venus, who usually wants to be touched and held, is restricted from doing so for the four months she is spending in Gemini. This is due to the global physical restrictions. Travel and finances are similarly restricted. However, Venus calls things to herself, and she will call love forth even in the current state of the planet. Venus turns into an action planet, using relational skills to express herself rather than physical touch. She will “touch” via intellect and perception. Synthesis, even newfound synesthesia may develop. Spirit becomes activated after the retrograde. There is a shadow period and then a more active period probably in July. There is the practical side of the influence outside the body of the air sign meaning an air transmitted influence. Everything from masks to networks are involved. Kindness and values are also involved. With Venus being part of the mix, the world is extremely lucky because Venus brings many benefits such as compassion, heart, and kindness in the actions of people. Bring your moral compass.

May 26-June 20 (exact June 6) Sun in Gemini square Mars in Pisces: Mars feels guilty, like he might be carrying an ocean of disease and the Sun wants to talk all night and then all day again. Mars is exhausted, having had a long talk with pestilence the day prior. Mars is bedridden in Pisces, all the cultures of the earth beating in his overflowing and sad heart. The Sun has awakened bright and luminous, ready to let Mars know it’s all in your perception or how you look at it. Truly, we can start some observational studies and attend to these matters. Pestilence can’t win if we use science! Mars turns his droopy gaze to Big Brother Sun. “We can try,” he says, “but you’re moving into Cancer before too long…”

May 28 (exact)-June 1 Mercury conjunct the North Node in Cancer / oppose the South Node in Capricorn: It’s a time to consolidate your statement about viewing the family of humanity and how you feel about that. You could write or speak about your perspective on how it makes you feel to see broken systems and the results to families—children, loved ones, elders. Be passionate and try to record your feelings at this point. When the North Node moves into Gemini, we won’t have this time for emotional and passionate responses. To have written it down will be inspiring later.

May 25-June 1 (exact May 29) Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries: A time when we see ourselves and others favorably. Energy is provided to the issues of survival. Whatever the wound to our will to survive, the Sun in Gemini illuminates and showcases it.

May 28-June 6 (Exact June 3) Sun Conjunct Venus in Gemini: This is the beginning of a new Venus cycle, like a New Moon for your relationships, values, finances, and creativity. And with heavy Capricorn surrounding the aspect, we can add a flavor of morality onto the Venus meaning of values—ethics.  Spend some time in the seed of what you truly value and want to create during the next few years. In a Gemini Venus cycle, it seems about the sisterhood/brotherhood/siblinghood of all people and things that will stimulate comprehending and processing the world together. It’s viewing the world as a peer views the world, standing side by side, and learning how to think and be unwaveringly ethical instead of the flexible ethics Gemini and Mercury together have. With Venus, ethics are reviewed.

May 30-June 5 (exact June 2) Venus Retrograde in Gemini square Mars in Pisces: Venus (usually “she”) says, “I just set us up a family account with encrypted teleconferencing and let’s call my parents, your parents, the grandparents, your brother Scott, and my sister, Sarah. I think in England She and my niece and nephew are just waking up so now will work for everyone.” Mars (generally “he”) says, “But my edibles just kicked in and I can’t form full sentences with both a noun and a verb.” The active Venus and medicated Mars aren’t on the same page.

Pluto Remains Retrograde
Saturn Remains Retrograde
Jupiter Remains Retrograde
Venus Remains Retrograde through June 25

June 2020 Astrology Trends

List of New Aspects:

June 1-July 25 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (exact June 5, then exact again in RETROGRADE June 30, then hits exact once more on July 22)
June 5 Sagittarius Full Moon
June 4-6 (Exact June 5) Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries (RETROGRADE June 11, then DIRECT exact again July 10)
June 11 Venus retrograde in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries
Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (June 5, then June in RETROGRADE June 30, then July 22)
Mercury retrograde in Cancer June 18-July 11 from 14 degrees back to 5 degrees Cancer.
June 14 Sun in Gemini square Uranus in Pisces
June 16 Sun in Gemini quincunx Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn
June 16 Sun in Gemini quincunx Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
June 18 Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
June 20 Sun in Cancer
June 20 Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn
Sun in Cancer Quincunx Saturn retrograde in Aquarius
June 21 New Moon in Cancer:
June 23-July 26 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Exact July 1 and when it turns DIRECT again on July 21)
June 25 Retrograde Venus turns direct in Gemini:
June 25 Mars in Pisces square North Node in Gemini
June 27 Mars in Aries
June 28 Saturn retrograde in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries

June 27-July 6 Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries
June 30 Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Cancer
July 1 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


June 1-July 25 Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (exact June 5, then exact again in RETROGRADE June 30, then hits exact once more on July 22): Uranus wants to erase the words for things in favor of the direct experience of them. Mercury says to feel the importance of attachment to every phase of human development–to being well. Mercury and Uranus are said to be the lower and higher octaves of the mental process. When you add the sensitivity of the sign of Cancer to Mercury and the slow fecund enactment of Uranus in Taurus, you can slow them down long enough to experience synesthesia. I already find myself tasting the blue of a vast sky’s horizon and feeling I can survive on ingesting sunshine. Allowing ourselves to process the physical mind means our hearts are much smarter than our intellect right now, and our bodies are a celestial manifestation and message. We can connect through means of earth and water; movement/body and emotion. This is finding true materialism and value in life—so turn away from abstract values such as money and property—they are indirect and have to do with something that stands for something. Usually, Mercury moves much too fast to interact for two months in an aspect such as this. What is happening here is important. When you get much more direct, you can find out what material living in human form actually means. You need to go back to before there was shared understanding and have your own direct understanding of value. Enjoy your human form. Then return to see what makes sense about society and culture if you like when it’s time to do that. But Uranus is calling upon us to get our body closer to the actual earth; the actual experience of life. Mercury asks us to feel this energy at its core and protect ourselves like the crab does with its shell. Our perception of reality is called to understand and be conscious of this for several months, returning three times to review our insight. Follow your nose, your soft little heart, your safety, your senses. Stay away from thinking you are too smart and powerful this Summer. You’re not. Neither am I. Neither is humanity. If we wish to move forward we will need to understand how concrete our thinking has been and how we are still developing. Even identifying where we are at would be a big step forward. Let go cleverness in favor of listening. Feel yourself fall up into insight and float with nature—earth and water.

June 5 Sagittarius Full Moon:  Focus on becoming teachable and the student part of Sagittarius energy open-mindedness as you pray for guidance on this June full moon. There are many loose threads to pick up and begin to weave into a new world. Ask which is/are yours to become part of, as part of the flexible fire fabric of the Full Moon reflection.

June 4-6 (Exact June 5) Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: It’s entirely possible to help or hurt others at this time. You may find yourself licking your wounds and hiding. You may find yourself in a Cardinal Fire/Water conflict where you’re battling. You may find yourself fighting for your very life. On the other hand, you may also be finding a healing path opening with this cardinal energy that has be flummoxing you up until this point as you’re finally able to enact healthy routines to replace what was lost for a few months to a crisis situation.

June 5-15 (exact June 11, then DIRECT exact again July 10) Venus retrograde in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries: Astrology is telling us to receive the expansive experience being offered. The wounds received and/or being processed now can dissipate energy and will be understood and put into context over the longer term. As overwhelming as it seems to examine the basis of all life; of all values—to review relationships from a broad perspective and ask questions deeply—it is time. And it may be time for questions in so many dimensions it could be unprecedented. To believe or think that we—humanity—are “there” would be a mistake. We are young and evolving.

June 13-17 (exact June 16) Sun in Gemini quincunx Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn: The more information; the better. It is not a time to silence anyone’s voice or experience so make room for a flurry of data and information, even though it is overwhelming. When you learn something new, it’s a trigger for the next breakthrough, insight, truth. We can accept everyone’s voice and their ego, no matter how big and delusional. If we didn’t have an ego, all we would do is stare out the window without motivation to act. When those actions cross the line into harm, they need to be stopped and bounded, as we have seen lately—that’s where self-regulation and ethics also need to come into play. In general, people are not plagued by these problems of acting in socially destructive ways, even within this culture that is failing to apply the limits of law and enact legislative remedies that make sense to most people. There will also be the noise—see next aspect!

June 11-15 (exact June 14) Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: There will be plenty of juice for the Gemini penchant to lie. Speaking power to truth is sure fun and interesting for Gemini, instead of truth to power. The trickster is lurking in a Neptune square energy, waiting for its opportunity to fog up your mirror of reality just for fun.

June 11-15 (exact June 16) Sun in Gemini quincunx Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: Life, being bigger than humans, is using a number of diverse subject matters to awaken us to the next phase. Moving us (probably uncomfortably) forward even though we can’t keep up with all the many threads or follow them all. I guess stop trying to finish things at present—it wouldn’t be possible—and live in the questions, distractions, and stimulation of the many things that will serve as interruptions. The nice part is to feel connected to things beyond ourselves. When you can’t possibly hold on, you do begin to find your authentic voice. You can speak from your heart and speak plainly. It’s time to question, to stop and correct existing ideas that are failing.

June 18 (through July 11) Mercury turns retrograde in Cancer from 14 degrees back to 5 degrees cancer: Maybe you, like lots of souls, are needing to get out of a roundabout of guilt over things you have done—past life guilt or even this-life guilt. Shame or guilt you hold from collective trauma from either side—the victim or the perpetrator. Driving round and round at break-neck speed means you’re running out of fuel and it’s time to choose an exit and take the action to get off this round about and figure out how to release the shame or guilt and how to behave differently for your soul to heal. The information is within and without you. Why not take the road to correction and flexibility? At least it will be an adventure. If not pure magic.

June 15-22 (exact June 18) Mars in Pisces sextile Pluto retrograde in Capricorn: Where does abuse of power originate? How does Mars (the sacred advocate) end up on a bad trip involved in a cult-like situation with a power grab? (Pluto)? Mars in Pisces can be mellow or it can be frightened and macabre. Piscean Mars energy exists where defense is needed. Mars can want to kill and maim. Mars can settle into all sorts of defensive and advocacy actions. Mars in Pisces can also be lost, intoxicated, and clueless. It’s very important to stop pleasing others during this time and remain authentic in order to gather your self-regulation and act according to the highest and best good. Trust your spidey senses and intuition. Follow a higher calling.

June 15-23 (exact June 20) Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn: Jupiter might think the way for Mars to solve THC induced psychosis is to take a hit of acid. Mars can’t even form complete sentences. Pluto (above) is also silently laughing behind his shirt collar at Mars while Jupiter eggs him on. Mars seems to have left his weapons somewhere around here, and the bombs are going off one by one on their own.

June 20 Sun in Cancer: The Sun moves into the sign of the mother, of nurturing, of security, of psychology, and attachment. Cancer is the basis of all things, the southernmost sign of the zodiac. It represents home and is a water elemental sign. Cancer rules the family, and the Moon is the planet associated with it. Its animal is the crab, who uses a tough outer shell to cover up a tender and vulnerable body. Emotion guides us to our next move like a navigational system and yet is something to let go of. We need to let emotion flow through us like water in order to be healthy. So often our emotions cause physical and mental health issues because we hold onto them and memory and emotion interact in ways that affect our health and well-being.

June 20 – June 23 (exact June 20/21) Sun in Cancer Quincunx Saturn retrograde in Aquarius: This is a zero degrees aspect relationship, and therefore very powerful. As soon as the Sun enters Cancer, it touches Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is concerned with revolution, human rights, science, fixing new rights into place. Saturn is the time-line setter, teacher and limiter, providing realism and factual information. Saturn brings tests and boundaries into play. It will use the motivations of Aquarius—which is to honor the individual and in general to push collective agreements forward into new territory. This is the combination of wrapping your mind around the facts that emerge showing the things that specifically need to change for the broad group. Another possible way to look at it? Mother sees she needs to set a limit.

June 21 New Moon in Cancer at Zero Degrees:  Psychologically, this New Moon can be used to evaluate and look at attachment issues. Spiritually, the New Moon is about shadow work. Shadow work around family, female, the start of things or the bottom of things, emotions as linked to how we believe or filter information and trauma—all these are ripe for energy clearing.

June 18-July 1 (exact June 25) Mars in Pisces square North Node in Gemini: The North Node in Gemini means a lot of stimulation is coming into our destiny. We are actors and receivers of that drama and lesson plan of destiny. Our job? Our absolute necessary next steps? We need to hold space for equality, and that means everyone gets a voice and the same space we get. That means we make space for ourselves as much as anyone else. That means we reveal some naked truths about how systems have rendered the group unequal. We first define where we are. Lots of layers to observe, witness, question. In order to witness and see, we must maintain an open mind. Having an open mind is expansive and means acceptance and willingness to keep asking questions repeatedly until the revelations glow. With Mars deep under water in Pisces, it’s tough to feel free to communicate and question with this level of freedom. The first question becomes: why can’t we ask questions? We have to call Mars back with a lot of magic and love.

June 25 Retrograde Venus turns direct in Gemini: I would like you to spend some time observing and writing down the cute things humans and animals do. Spend time noticing like a detective when you are enchanted with yourself and others in an intimate way—not a remote, distant way, but in the way that brings you closer to others and causes you to sigh and smile. What can we appreciate about one another and stimulates us toward friendship and relationship? These are the things that bring our hearts new perceptions directly.

June 27 Mars in Aries: Ah, the tender art of conflict, by trial of sparks of fire. The god of war at home by the hearth. What does he say? The best battle is the fight you never begin. The greatest warrior is the one who never has to pick up a weapon.

June 23-July 1 (exact June 28) Saturn retrograde in Aquarius sextile Mars in Aries at zero degrees: Saturn brings timing and Aquarius lets us know the time to change paradigms is now. Mars is Aries provides the action energy to support the change in paradigm. Big, strong energy for social change to make new rules.

June 23-July 26 (Exact July 1 and when it turns DIRECT again on July 21) Mercury Retrograde in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: We study and wonder how to perceive suffering. Does suffering help to further our development—our individuation? How can we provide a better future for our families and loved ones? How do we “reparent” ourselves and the wounded places within and without, individually, as a group, and transpersonally, where we have been either abused or neglected? What patterns, ideals, and perceptions—what projections and other thought distortions—harm and which ones help?

June 27-July 6 (exact June 30) Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries: How do you embody courage? What new fierce actions will take you through the fire upward out of the muck? You need to deal with pain and dance with the areas that frighten you and now is the time when it is meaningful to stay in tune with being true to yourself.

June 30-July 15 (exact RETROGRADE June 11, then DIRECT exact again July 10) Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries: There needs to be enough self-awareness for you to be able to move forward. Sometimes, relationships have deteriorated so that the self has been compromised to an extent that is too great. Sometimes, niceness extends as far as dishonesty. On the brighter side, this aspect can provide an incredible amount of grace, social skill, and humor to a person who can utilize their already developed moral and ethical center. If you know who you are and you have a sense of having healed your wounded self to a good degree, and your intentions are honorable, you can benefit from this boost of energy to be able to say what you need to say. It’s possible to seek new experiences from this aspect.

June 24-July 6 (Exact June 30) Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Cancer: Cancer asks you to come into coherence with yourself and retreat for a while. Let yourself calm down and take time to protect your world. Taking a break for mind and body is advised.

June 26-July 4 (exact July 1) Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus: You are officially invited to live in your authentic and direct experience of life. Inhabit your body, your breath, your senses, your home, your emotions, and your experiences. Value them. Keep simple. Let your wisdom arise from your direct and visceral interaction with nature and the planet. Let the earth love you. Put down the complexities you have been carrying and simply be.

Contact Me!

Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your May 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Continuing Influences

Leaves  May 8 2020 11:22:19 am (MDT +6:00) (exact January 12), return to orb May 17-December 26 during Saturn retrograde (never exact), Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but I think it will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What planets do you have located in water and earth signs in the middle degrees? They may be activated by this influence.

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

March 18-May 9 Venus in Taurus/Gemini trine Mars in Capricorn/Aquarius: Venus and Mars move in harmony for a few months, making it a beautiful time to form new relationships, focus on current relationships, and in general take lot of actions in a dyadic (one-to-one) sense. In fact, it’s a good time to study about what works in relationships and communicate about it. It’s a great time to talk about it publicly, if you’re planning any events, relationships are a great topic. People should be very interested in the topic of relating, whether it be romance, compatibility, creative coupling, and all the aspects of what makes two people attracted to one another, mate, stay together, not stay together, etc. You can practice it in real life or study it academically.

April 28 – May 2 (Exact April 30) Mercury Conjunct Uranus in Taurus & April 26-May 10 (exact May 4) Mercury conjunct Sun in Taurus:  This transition into May leaves us so either bereft or tired that we need to wonder if we have let April and March go through us like a collection of days that we have been unable to process—a book collection that sits on our shelf of life experience unread and unopened. Lots of words but we are illiterate. Things may be occurring in a language we don’t understand.  Time to dig into the deeper processing soon…

April 5-June 15 (Exact April 29) Saturn in Aquarius (and Retrograde after May 11) quincunx North Node as it moves from Cancer into Gemini: The ability to dream and have faith in the family of humanity is severely tested during this time, or families themselves face emotional crises that render them sensitive to the constraints surrounding them as they adjust. They go back and forth. With Saturn retrograde, it’s probably wise to think of the north node shift as our collective destiny of viewing ourselves as a family to dealing with the practical matter of learning and expanding our networks in a more active than an emotional and sensitive way. We may need to adjust to more flexible ways of processing—Gemini is a sign looking for constant connection, communication, feedback, friendship, stimulation, and energy. The methods of processing life and the world are expanding. In-depth philosophizing about transformation is not what’s happening now. Methodologies are emerging. The sheer amount of conversations and the need for stable peer relations and networking is what you’ll see arise during the next few years. Everyone likely needs to adjust in order to navigate numerous demands for their attention. In fact, attention itself could be the currency of Gemini North Node times!

Pluto remains Retrograde.

May 2020 Astrology Trends:

May 1-14 (exact May 3) Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces: The perpendicular relationship between a baby bird trying to fly and the sky as the bird falls from the branch it was just chirping happily upon could characterize this aspect. Venus is the beautiful bird in an air sign who must fly or perish, and Neptune provides the sky itself with all the spaciousness and opportunity and also the risk. Altitude can be a terrible thing when you are falling and a glorious thing when you can use your wing muscles. Venus in Gemini also has a relationship to the air and planet earth—Venus is said to rule the earth. So, air and earth issues (such as a planetary virus) can be affiliated with Venus-Gemini transits. With Mercury in an earth sign as well and the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction ruling things of size (whether very small or very large—and this can be said to be both), the picture is that Venus in Gemini has a part in the global pandemic and so the aspects of her Gemini transits point to a part in the timing of global health events.

May 2-6 (exact May 4) Mercury in Taurus conjunct Sun in Taurus: Your body is the receptor of messages and insight as you awaken to a new phase of growth. This spring is asking the little bird in you to crack open its shell in order to learn to take flight. Mercury is the god of messages, and in order to communicate, it will need to connect with the earth through Taurus earth energy. The thoughts during May will be part of relationships that link with the Venus cycle (Taurus’s ruler) during May through July as Venus and Mercury are disposited, or located in each other’s natural home signs, during May. With Mercury and the Sun meeting now, there is inner creative work hatching that will later be shared, and what will be shared will be important to more than one person. Value what is being created and inspired at the beginning of May.

May 6-May 18 (exact May 15) Pluto in Capricorn trine Sun in Taurus and
May 8-10 (exact May 9) Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn and
May 9-20 (Exact May 17) Jupiter in Capricorn trine Sun in Taurus and

May 9-11 (exact May 10) Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter in Capricorn:
This group of influences between the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and the Mercury-Sun conjunction in Taurus is an opportunity to become the embodiment of the larger purpose or spiral out into existential narcissism as others flatter you or you retreat into an inner fantasy world. We either allow Pluto’s transpersonal nature to puppeteer our lives with its mission (inevitably larger and wilder than our conceptions) or we become an existential mockery to our own vanities. Your values and how you choose to embody what you relate to and identify with is crucial to whether you can avoid becoming a target of the transpersonal trickster appealing to your appetite for power and instead become an agent of Pluto–rather like an investigator. You may feel you’re both one person and a figurehead—somehow larger than yourself. In the process, you may be gifted with wisdom and insights you never knew you possessed as you’re asked to re-shape and re-form the world in your sphere.

May 3-8 (Exact May 6) Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces: There is something larger to your consciousness than your ego—than your desires. There is a framework that is streaming through the cracks in your armor and in your usual ways of deliberating to you now that is ripe with compassion, mysticism, universality, and the highest forms of creative expression.

May 7 Full Moon in Scorpio: The Full Moon in Scorpio sees the Moon trine Neptune in Pisces while the Sun sextiles Neptune. The Moon also opposes Mercury in Taurus, and quincunxes Venus in Gemini. Just keep working on your art and creativity. This may bring to fruition something for the COVID-19 story world-wide. Things can come to light, in your life and in the world. Fixed energy means determination. What you can do is keep looking to your physical isolation to become creative and try to heal and let yourself feel as calm as possible. Dreams may be vivid and you need an outlet for this. Sleep, in fact may either improve or be elusive on this full moon. Stick with how you need to adapt and you will emerge stronger.

May 8-May 11 (exact May 11) Mercury in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius: Your need to act and defend from the collective, group level exists now in tension with your personal growth and need you have to stick with and develop the thoughts that are tender as young plant shoots in the spring garden in a windy storm. It’s like there’s a tornado and your newly developing consciousness and growth is desperately attempting to stay rooted. The best we can say is: this, too, shall pass. There is struggle and need all around you and all inside you. Did it need to be from every direction, Life? At least if you know to expect it and know it is temporary, you can prepare some strategies to weather it. Mercury’s influences are mercifully fast.

May 5-13 (Exact May 10) Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces: Another thing happening as a result of our sky, our atmosphere—is photosynthesis. The root of all life on planet earth, from plant to animal to human animal—we omnivores barely stop to contemplate the vastness of how we came to be in the moment of life we are in—what with our appetites and drives and survival reactions. This is a moment to stop and realize what a miracle it is to even be alive and how many millions of years and varieties of evolutionary events had to occur to result in a creature you call “you.” And to go ahead and feel how interconnected we all are—all forms of life. Or you may feel inclined to eat, drink and be merry if you’re not so reflective! HA!

May 11 Mercury in Gemini: Mercury pulls up with a sigh of relief into its own driveway. Coming home into the sign that understands how fast it wants to move.  As Mercury moves like a bullet train through its home sign of Gemini this month, it’s almost like they’re speaking in shorthand. Expect large amounts of data and communication during this time. Talk to your peers, sisters, and brothers if you can. Take a quick class in something you need to learn quickly.

May 11 Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: There is a test before us this year. That test is one in which we are going to need to lock in our singular, lone ability to do the things that are good for the group—good for humanity—and no one will see us doing it. We will need to do something other than narcissism. Other than be seen to do what it is we are brilliant at doing. If we were to perish before we are ready (and when does anyone ever feel ready to die?), what would we choose to do anyway? I realize I would choose to love. Maybe write some things. Move my body and enjoy the beauty in the world, taking in as many breaths as I can. Soak in nature’s amazing beauty like my body is a sponge for it. My Saturn is in a Stellum with Venus in my first house in Taurus—so my body and receptivity carries heavy weight in the things I do when no one is looking. I simply breathe and be and enjoy being alive when there is no audience. Maybe a Leo Saturn would put on a costume for their own epic production. Aquarius Saturn is going to invent something, however. Solve some problems. Resolve some issues on a grand scale. Saturn retrograde has us gazing inward with an intellectual, scientific bent. This is a test of your Astro emergency broadcast system.

May 11-13 (exact May 12) Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius: This is the input and output of large amounts of data from all directions. You can tap into the data stream if you “mine this trine.”

May 12 Mars in Pisces: Mars, on the other hand, hits a wall in Pisces as together they need to consolidate Mars’ journey around the zodiac during the past approximately two years. Mars’ home sign is Aries, which comes after Pisces. But before Mars can move into Aries, the trip through Pisces is like taking a hit of LSD to clean out the tiny gray cells. It could be a good psychedelic trip or a bad one. It could be clean LSD-25 from an Albert Hofman lab the 1950s or it could be 1980s crap LSD from the streets. In Pisces, Mars takes the acid trip and has no clear idea what he’s taking. He’s the warrior and pioneer planet there to explore and protect and he’s tripping. Let’s see how it goes.

May 13 through June 25 Venus Retrograde in Gemini: You’re going to need to talk to yourself during this time period. That means you need feedback. I don’t know where Venus is in your chart, but mine happens to be in the first house—house of my body. I need to be writing down and journaling about my relationship with my body. Lifelong relationship issues show up as how I treat my body. I need to prioritize my body, no matter what delusions get in my way. No matter what obstacles I face. Where is your Venus? That is where you need to reflect on what you need to receive during this retrograde period. You are valuable there and it will be tempting to undervalue yourself. You’re going to have to look deeply into how to change to emerge from this time with your values intact so revisit whatever you have learned about Venus and your chart. If you need to see where Venus is in your chart, and where to adapt, you can contact Charts are currently on sale.

May 12-May 20 (exact May 14) Mars in Pisces trine North Node in Cancer: Mars sends strength and fortune to the family of humanity, as if to say: “I’m here to protect you—please remember the archetype of the inner steam engine train. Find your will and your core and I’ll see you on the other side, soldier! We shall never sleep; never surrender! Not even during my visit through Pisces!”

May 14- May 29 (exact May 21) Venus Retrograde square Neptune in Pisces: The sky is going to seem awfully big to that little bird who tried out their wings, as Venus retreats into the shadow period of her retrograde time. Until Venus conjuncts the Sun and emerges into a new Venus cycle, this is a time of deepest retreat when you really need to consider your true nature and how to be your authentic self as you review your values. Creative pursuits you return to time and again hold the key to your healing and processing. As you move forward, you’re going to find you need to be true to your values and ethics or uncover them now. It won’t do any good to blur the lines of ethical behaviors and thoughts. Shadow and creative work and humble acceptance is the path here.

May 14 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn: The expansion of things such as the COVID-19 virus (since that’s the major correlation with Jupiter in Capricorn thus far) may appear to lessen as Jupiter turns retrograde, but it’s likely only going to be temporary until the planet turns direct again on September 13. This is an exploratory, philosophical, search-for-meaning phase. Pan, son of Hermes or Mercury, in ancient Greek myth, watches over the shepherds and the huntsmen. He made friends with the Gods in Mount Olympus, and despite his horns and hooves, he was gentle and loved music (pan flute) and chased the nymphs. The hunters, who were often intimidated by Artemis, made sure to give Pan adoration instead. Pan’s stories are the ecosystem of Capricorn, and when Jupiter retreats in Capricorn, it is sometimes into Pan’s lair that we find him. Pan and Apollo (another name for Jupiter) famously had a contest to see whose music was preferred—everyone chose Apollo’s except King Midas. Apollo was furious to not have 100 percent of the votes and turned King Midas’s ears into donkey ears. Pan didn’t or couldn’t rectify the situation. Midas had a barber who kept the secret as long as he could, covering up the ears in a variety of ways. One day he went to the mountains and dug a hole into the rock to yell out his story because keeping the secret was simply tortuous for him, He screamed it out into the wild, thinking he was alone. He yelled “King’s aaasss ears!” What he didn’t know is that he had dug a hole into echo’s rock. You can still hear the sound of his voice yelling “King’s aaasss ears!” in the mountains. I don’t know if the moral is that Jupiter and Pan getting together has consequences beyond what you would think, or that sound carries in the sign of Capricorn and in the mountains. Or cooperation is better than competition. That’s something to reflect upon while Jupiter travels through its retrograde period.

May 14-16 (exact May 15) Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries: Watch what you say and take what others say with a grain of salt. People can either heal or hurt with their words. Gemini and Chiron can also be the fast transmission of things through the air—e.g., viruses that are airborne. Misleading or revealing news about this subject can come during this time.

May 15 (through June 25) Venus turns Retrograde in Gemini (21 degrees to 5 degrees): Venus, who usually wants to be touched and held, is restricted from doing so for the four months she is spending in Gemini. This is due to the global physical restrictions. Travel and finances are similarly restricted. However, Venus calls things to herself, and she will call love forth even in the current state of the planet. Venus turns into an action planet, using relational skills to express herself rather than physical touch. She will “touch” with her intellect and creative nature. Spirit becomes activated after the retrograde. There is a shadow period and then a more active period probably in July. There is the practical side of the influence outside the body of the air sign meaning an air transmitted influence. Everything from masks to networks are involved. Kindness and values are also involved. With Venus being part of the mix, the world is extremely lucky because Venus brings many benefits such as compassion, heart, and kindness in the actions of people.

May 20 Sun in Gemini: We begin to shine with adaptability. You’re going to need to feed your soul some stimulation this month, so plan for it. Also plan for some fun, or you will feel starved.

May 20-28 (exact May 24) Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius trine Sun in Gemini: Find some new ways to use time. Things may be cyclical rather than linear. Give yourself permission to recreate some new and uplifting ways to work that emerge. It will be the right time to reform some brilliant strategies and share them. You can reorganize and consider those who can’t yet see your vision as a toxic energy you can’t vibe with.  You’re working inventively, not cruelly (the new smarter not harder).

May 20-29 (exact May 25) Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus: Yay! Mars will help us find some kind and perhaps prayerful movement that aligns with our enlightened vision as we use the retrograde energy to design a new way of operating. We can make this way circular and cyclical rather than based upon the linear processes we have been told to squash ourselves into. This means rest is acknowledged and spirit is acknowledged and supports, and the entirety of life becomes acknowledged in a complex view of what it means to live a day.

May 22 New Moon in Gemini: This is a time to develop or plan to develop new communication techniques or skills. It’s time to let go of the past and get comfortable with the new ways of doing things. That means letting yourself melt into positive vibes, positive attitudes as much as anything technological. The technology of the heart is equally as important. What you allow in your network—your inner core—is important. Your heart may need a spam blocker.

May 17-May 25 (exact May 22) Out-of-Bounds Mercury conjunct Out-of-Bounds Venus in Gemini, and on May 25th Moon (Cancer) also Out-Of-Bounds: Mercury’s final trick before changing signs will be to fly up like a trapeze artist leg-in-leg with Venus, out of bounds with Venus May 17-25, in conjunction, and reach over to connect hand-to-hand swinging over to the Moon, who is in the sign of Cancer, and also out of bounds on May 25, where Mercury is moving next. These out of bounds placements means the functions of receptivity, mentality, and instinct are extreme during these days. Mercury will be watching Venus sing her opera and read her poetry but will not be feeling his heart moved, he will merely write down the words to count the number of verses. Then he will listen to the Moon’s needs and desires, noting carefully any symptoms that match a clinical mental health diagnosis, but failing to provide empathy and understanding. He may look up evidence-based treatments to make a list of them. To hand off to somebody like Mars, Saturn, Neptune or the Sun.

May 26-June 20 (exact June 6) Sun in Gemini square Mars in Pisces: Mars feels guilty, like he might be carrying an ocean of disease and the Sun wants to talk all night and then all day again. Mars is exhausted, having had a long talk with pestilence the day prior. Mars is bedridden in Pisces, all the cultures of the earth beating in his overflowing and sad heart. The Sun has awakened bright and luminous, ready to let Mars know it’s all in your perception or how you look at it. Truly, we can start some observational studies and attend to these matters. Pestilence can’t win if we use science! Mars turns his droopy gaze to Big Brother Sun. “We can try,” he says, “but you’re moving into Cancer before too long…”

May 28 Mercury in Cancer: Mercury in cancer means to watch out that our fears and biases don’t get center stage when we are transferring messages to and fro. Slow down and try to operate from a neutral perspective instead of the emotional and reactive mind.

May 28 (exact)-June 1 Mercury conjunct the North Node in Cancer / oppose the South Node in Capricorn: It’s a time to consolidate your statement about viewing the family of humanity and how you feel about that. You could write or speak about your perspective on how it makes you feel to see broken systems and the results to families—children, loved ones, elders. Be passionate and try to record your feelings at this point. When the north node moves into Gemini, we won’t have this time for emotional and passionate responses. To have written it down will be inspiring later.

May 25-June 1 (exact May 29) Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries: A time when we see ourselves and others favorably. We tend to feel optimistic about our chances and a flavor of survival is possible. A boost of encouragement in a landscape where we have been fighting for survival.

May 28-June 6 (Exact June 3) Sun Conjunct Venus in Gemini: This is the beginning of a new Venus cycle, like a New Moon for your relationships, values, finances, and creativity. Spend some time in the seed of what you truly value and want to create during the next few years. In a Gemini Venus cycle, it seems about the sisterhood/brotherhood/siblinghood of all people and things that will stimulate comprehending and processing the world together. It’s viewing the world as a peer views the world, standing side by side, and learning how to think and be unwaveringly ethical instead of the flexible ethics Gemini and Mercury together have. With Venus, ethics are involved. Thanks, Taurus.

May 30-June 5 (exact June 2) Venus Retrograde in Gemini square Mars in Pisces: She says, “I just set us up a family account with encrypted teleconferencing and let’s call my parents, your parents, the grandparents, your brother Scott, and my sister, Sarah. I think in England She and my niece and nephew are just waking up so now will work for everyone.” He says, “But my edibles just kicked in and I can’t form full sentences with both a noun and a verb.” The active Venus and medicated Mars aren’t on the same page.

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Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your April 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Continuing Influences

Leaves  May 8 2020 11:22:19 am (MDT +6:00) (exact January 12), return to orb May 17-December 26 during Saturn retrograde (never exact), Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

Train Path

January 9 – April 25 (Exact March 10) Chiron in Aries square the North Node in Cancer / January 9 – April 25 (Exact March 10) Chiron in Aries square the South Node in Capricorn: This is the time to figure out what hurts and what helps. Stand up for yourself and do what is good for your inner self so your life energy is protected. The spiritual warrior in you is ignited and the earth mother is trying to have a dialogue with you. There is a lot of healing and finding the path forward to figure out. Do your work.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but I think it will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What do you have in water and earth signs in the middle degrees?

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

February 4-April 7 (exact March 14) Uranus in Taurus sextile North Node in Cancer: Unifying Uranian consciousness within our bodies in a grounded manner to bring into conscious awareness Taurean stillness and peace is something truly sacred that can occur now and through the next six years (approximately). With a sextile to the Cancer North Node now, the experience is something that touches our sensitive hearts and human bodies asking us to understand the poetry of how water meets land—the sand and wave of ocean or lake shores. The North Node is shifting from the idea of family and mother and nurturing this year to knowledge and communication as a focus for our collective and individual destiny. We need a pause such as this to actively consolidate and bring forth reflections upon what we have learned about the human family, and in this sense it is family related to our higher consciousness. What may we need to let go of (like Uranus killed Saturn in the myth) or allow ourselves to create, in order to progress?

February 4-April 7 (exact March 14) Uranus in Taurus trine South Node in Capricorn: It would be so easy to expand whatever work is in front of us, to “go with the flow,” because there is probably a mountain of it, and miss the opportunity to reflect on quieter voices calling us. The questions about values and ethics and what mountains are worth climbing have never been more important.

March 19-April 4 (exact March 27) Jupiter in Capricorn trine Venus in Taurus: You have an opportunity to develop beneficial relationships. You can bring life to plants, animals, people, and nurture new relationships with sustainability and strength.

March 20-April 2 (exact March 25) Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries: A lot of focus and energy shifts to ideas around what wounds take away the will to live. Depression and sense of motivation to fight for ourselves and our own identity is something that a lot of us can relate to. Also, head wounds are related to Chiron/Aries aspects. Thinking about being careful not to acquire these types or wounds and also to focus on healing in these areas is the realm of Aries and Chiron. Biology and beliefs about new ideas, exercise programs, exploration, Traumatic Brain Injury, neurology, sexuality, and inspiration of all sorts are the realm of Aries Chiron.

March 17-April 11 (exact March 31) Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius: Focus and hard work and maybe running into a mentor or teacher in the realm where we are brilliant and unique. On the challenging side, we could run into an enemy! Instead of letting life lead us into a war, let ourselves take some initiative by sharpening our skills and expressing the energy in some physical form such as preparation (staying home to sharpen our swords, so to speak, and then engaging in some friendly sparring with them). We can find our own way of expressing ourselves if we knuckle down and do the difficult tasks associated with long-term outcomes. Avoid short-cuts for sure at this time and with this aspect.

March 18-May 9 Venus in Taurus/Gemini trine Mars in Capricorn/Aquarius: Venus and Mars move in harmony for a few months, making it a beautiful time to form new relationships, focus on current relationships, and in general take lot of actions in a dyadic (one-to-one) sense. In fact, it’s a good time to study about what works in relationships and communicate about it. It’s a great time to talk about it publicly, if you’re planning any engagements, this is a great topic. People should be very interested in the topic of romance, compatibility, creative coupling, and all the aspects of what makes two people attracted to one another, mate, stay together, not stay together, etc. You can practice it in real life or study it academically.

March 21-April 4 (exact March 28) Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn: This portends a willingness for Persephone’s archetypal visit to the underworld to occur. This is the journey where she agreed to spend half her year married to the God of Hades, or Hell, in mythology, causing the seasons to occur. So, let’s buckle up and along with her consider what “gates” and “tests” we may need to pass during these days to DESCEND to our thrones! Which may not be what we would otherwise choose, but sometimes we have committed to relationships and partners unconsciously and we don’t fully understand why we have made these commitments.

April 2020 Astrology Trends:

April 1-15 (exact April 7) Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius: You can know the laws of the land, but just as the map is not the territory… The laws are not the lived experiences of people. Uranus in Taurus square Mars in Aquarius brings to life the humanitarian needs behind the laws of the land, and the relationship between humans and nature. The need to stand up for what is fair and ethical for the group and not for only the individual means “we are all in this together.” It may link the ideals of human law to a larger, natural law. Or, in a surprising manner, show how nature’s power can eclipse human power—and almost in an instant. There is a deep and important relationship to Uranus’s mission in Taurus and the idea of the Mars mission through Aquarius, the ruler of Uranus. This is an important month to examine humanitarian values, even though it is challenging on many levels. A push from Mars may awaken Uranus energy. Uranus and Aquarius are both linked to genius. Genius is the ability to act and think in ways that are new/novel and have never been taught to us.

(Pandemic Note: Medical astrology tells us that the lungs are associated with Mercury and with the sign of Gemini (also, air transmission & travel and the carrier of messages aka air borne viruses). Venus (Relationships) will be in the sign of Gemini from April through August. Mercury is the predominant fast-moving planetary actor in April. Stay safe! Stay six feet away from others at least! Many blessings for your health and well being.)

April 1- 6 (exact April 4) Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces: Communicable. That’s the Mercurial, functional problem our planet is facing. The whole mental model of Astrology may be built out of the human desire to understand cycles and seasons of this large life—a life larger than humanity and cycles of a sphere spinning and breathing its atmosphere within a vast ecosystem of stars and black holes. A virus exists as naturally as a human exists and despite how it came into being—its appetites are as voracious as our own. In fact, how do we define what it means to be human and how do we define our human rights to live and to die and what does it mean to begin and to end?

April 4 – 9 (exact April 7) Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn: The desire to stabilize the systems that are being ignited grows. However, Mercury is the carrier, the messenger, the energizer bunny of networks and cars and airplanes… and things that travel through the air of all kinds—even viruses. What we know as truth is often only a story and what we perceive as real is only a cultural transmission. This month when Mercury meeting with so many major planets as they make lifetime-changing aspects is fraught with the questioning of the foundation of almost everything. Dissolution, in Capricornian (crystallization) and Piscean (womb-like) manner, abounds. There may be a lot to learn from letting many of our beliefs and other parts of ourselves dissolve and evolve—from every dimension of being—biopsychosocialspiritual—down, down and down—into the depths and darkness of stillness and space for a little while. It begins with letting go of managing and controlling. Instead, listen. Stop. Let things end that need to complete and end. Allow yourself to experience a sacred patience. Things don’t detach without being given the space to transform. Resistance is often not the path toward healing, as you may witness when you watch totalitarian dictators attempt to control nature or control other people through cultural means such as technology and force. The slow-moving planets such as Pluto and Jupiter and Mercury can tell you that is always and forever temporary. Even as this convergence in Capricorn lets us know the mood and the mind of the times is vast and dark and spacious, somewhere Uranus in Taurus is out there. Uranus will tell us about how WORKING WITH the brilliance of nature by listening and understanding a mountain’s ecosystem in order to climb it has always been more successful than Capricornian urges to install REGIME AFTER REGIME AFTER REGIME in an endless dance of thunder-donkey style leadership of pulling a rickety cart of supplies with square wheels along behind you. It’s long past time to let go of burdensome conceptions. Mercury has another message, which about nimble navigation. To learn to think of power as a flexible sense of relationship and curiosity; of connections that are woven together via unending knowledge and increasing clarity beyond oneself. That there is not power in power over others.

April 3-August 7 (Retrograding May 13/14 – June 23) Venus in Gemini: Here is a detachment or a curiosity from a system of values or finances or relationships as Venus is out of bounds at the start of the move into Gemini. Instead of somatic, body-based Taurus, Venus moves into the sign of the twins, the teacher, the storyteller, the reporter. The issue with Venus in Gemini is that it can be a time of loss of definition—even death—during mutable periods. A storyteller uses allegory and won’t mind a fib thrown in for dramatic effect. A teacher is interested in whatever lesson will allow for growth and efficacy—accuracy is not the main point—the point is the point—if you see what I am saying. The twins have two realities at any given moment… Perception is only a small portion about language—there are layers upon layers of nuance to it. And this is a long traversal of Venus in Gemini. And Venus will be in and out of bounds in terms of declination, so perceptions shall be on the fringe in many instances—they may be genius and they may be criminal (or perceived to be outside the law). One important matter of business for Venus in Gemini this year is to give the universe permission to make no sense, but to gather evidence to see clearly even if they can’t figure out yet what they are seeing. Venus is ultimately the most receptive of planets. Gemini can evolve to see further through inquiring about people’s thoughts. Attentiveness instead of wit; refusing to interrupt others’ thoughts; remaining fascinated as you listen to others. Deep listening without racing ahead to conclusions because we can hear something we don’t know—and these connections as we absorb the world can accelerate the accumulation of vital resources.

No one could have predicted the instability the world faces at this point in history—even in our wildest imaginations! I am worried about women’s rights, the health of vulnerable people, and about financial systems and corporate institutions depending on current currencies. Things fluctuate wildly in the Venus realms of relations, money/finances (corporations), and the arts. Radical change occurs through Venus’ movement in Gemini, as it will turn retrograde in May and remain in Gemini for several months this year. The heart finds itself interested in constantly learning and seeking. Problem solving remains in full swing. Romance becomes buying your sweetheart the newest high-tech device to see how it could work. Gemini is a social sign, so the frustrations that come with being isolated may grow and you will need to find ways that will work for you to manage the nervous energy.

April 7 Full Moon in Libra: You may as well go to an online concert or paint your heart out as you howl at the moon your lonely grief. Whatever you need to do to relax, do so. You can also realize the moon may prompt you to get together somehow in a remote way. The social isolation may bring a weeping session later as you tuck yourself in bed. Find some visual stimulation, some storytelling, some history or some old pictures and memories to help yourself feel calm and connected to your loved ones. You can talk about memories together, in fact. Your needs are important to process and if you have the instinct to contact a loved one—do it! I believe they will thank you for it and be thrilled to hear from you. While another time you might want to get married on the Full Libra Moon, this year you can only Skype to your sweetheart!

April 7-14 (exact April 10) Chiron in Aries sextile Venus in Gemini and Chiron in Aries April 5-12 (exact April 8) sextile Mars in Aquarius: Absorbing the chaos and the mystery…  Here is the alchemy of pain for you and grief for you: turn and face your past now or be vulnerable to terror. Whatever has pierced and pursued you since life was breathed into you is the thing that is knocking at your destiny. The thing others need you to protect them from. The time to be anything less than a force of nature has passed. You are doing growth and risk now—not the foolish and optimistic kind that thinks you are invulnerable. You are the Taoist warrior who wins when they never have to pick up a weapon or go into battle in the first place. This is the aspect that has you training day in and day out, however, with all the energy of Artemis and Mars in one entity. And no one would ever, ever know. (Wherever Aries sits in your chart is the arena of life for you to do the protecting.)

April 10 Mercury in Aries: As Mercury moves into Aries, it will be time to set down your thoughts about how to do things differently in written and spoken form. You are thinking courageous thoughts. They have been gestating and now it is time to spend time birthing the new projects. Start with a physical activity regime that you can keep on a schedule in order to reset and get yourself in better shape to manage stress and health as the Springtime light begins to ever more visibly color the darkness.

April 10 – 14 (exact April 11) Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius: A good time to consult a mentor or counselor or teacher about any questions you have. This aspect is supportive for memory/concentration and starting long-term projects.  

April 10-14 (exact April 12—EASTER) Mercury in Aries Square the North Node in Cancer / Mercury in Aries Square the South Node in Capricorn: This Easter, we don’t quite have a grand cross but there is a T-square with the Moon’s nodes, representing our destiny. Meaning, we are at a cross-roads. Aries Mercury asks us to wrap our minds around a question: If we are scaling a volcanic peak, the environment itself is toxic. How do we manage it? Only a fool would rush forth with no cover. There will be a time when the lava stops flowing and the path, if the mountain still exists, is safe to travel once more. Sometimes, we discover, we ourselves are the volcano dissolving the mountain instead of the mountain climber. We never were the scared child hanging from the side of the cliff by a single rope, after all. Choosing the right challenge is part of courage—to avoid self-destruction. An obvious evolutionary task is to survive instead of to self-destruct. So, whatever the task in front of us—to survive, to confront, to climb, to make, to create, to burst forth like a seed in the dark or to acknowledge the volcanic heat stirring inside us—the task is discernment and then courage. You want something. Life this Easter, the 12th, will unroll the carpet of what has been haunting your dreams at night. Your art at this time shall be to act decisively to satisfy your needs, despite your fears. Let your knees knock and your hands quiver. Let yourself faint like a goat. Underneath your fighting and fleeing and fawning and freezing—what you will find eventually will be the pioneer and/or the beating blood of a hero. You only have yourself to lose if you fail to act now.

April 9-18 (exact April 14/15) Mercury in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries: Look at where you are bleeding out your life force. It’s like a vampire tale—puncture wounds and hypnotics. Make sure to close up or at least understand why your beliefs and biases may not serve you or be true. Be willing to be curious to question your thoughts, certainties, and think beyond what hurts. Think beyond exhaustion and mental models that no longer serve a purpose.

April 8-18 (exact April 14) Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn and April 9-19 (exact April 15) Sun in Aries square Jupiter in Capricorn: The path of least resistance will do absolutely no good at this point. The way forward requires courage and the battle must be willingly accepted. Otherwise, the shadow side of this is losing your freedom and you will have consciously surrendered it because it was easier than fighting for freedom. You will hold the stress either way—either you fight now or you will feel it later with the shadow energies—feeling yourself a volatile reactive rocket full of fuel that goes off like fireworks—or feeling left wounded and hungry—or feeling self-pitying and/or self-righteous. These are the Solar Aries wounds. The “war” is here and now. You will fight the wrong war round and round if you fail to step forward in whatever way life is calling you now. Wherever Aries is in your chart is the arena of life where you need to serve as an advocate. For example, Aries is in my 12th house, so I need to serve as a spiritual or institutional warrior. My husband has Aries in the 6th house and the 7th house, so he serves as a mentor/teacher/daily guide, his battle is in health, and he partners with others in a dyad.

April 14-20 (exact April 17) Mercury in Aries sextile Venus in Gemini: This aspect provides drive, vitality and speed of light enthusiasm for childlike conversations and interactions and research. You can do three days’ worth of absorption to create libraries of raw data. Search, sort, put information through your algorithms… This quickens the mind even further.

April 15-21 (Exact April 18) Mars in Aquarius trine Mercury in Aries: Heavy action in the sciences, perhaps a revolution, genius level thinking and activity, and maybe people are exiled for telling the truth.  This is a time to act as an individual. There’s tons of bad advice out there. I’d stay away from the tribes we might otherwise align ourselves with in favor of loyalty to our own individual and observed truth. Use your good mind to observe what is around you and act from information that your gather directly if you can. This is the calling to stand up and advocate for others in a group in the place in your chart where Mars is located. Say what you see and let go of any ideas about being able to get comfortable compromising—so sorry! A willing acceptance of the fixed Aquarian pattern will get us farther at this time than denial of the need to strategize defending against the outward forces that will coerce us. The good news is you have clarity of thought and the wind at your back if you will take advantage of your strength now to make progress.

April 19 Sun in Taurus: It’s time for the quiet to begin to bathe our nervous systems now. Get a plant. Sit with it. Silently. Discover essence. What is silent essence and what is essential? The belly can breathe and the body can take the lead. There is nothing to do now. Being is essential. Work with the earth—in the dirt or with some clay. Make music or enjoy listening to music. Use your senses and touch the ground with your feet, hands, etc. Find what is of value—but please keep to what is real and not what is unreal and only a reflection like the reflection of security in the mirror of monetary gain in the financial markets. An examination of one’s values is a group project and an individual project this year. Likely Taurus will bring us all to face what our values shall be moving forward.

Spring 2020

April 14-26 (exact April 20/21) Sun in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius: Life force, focus, and organization can be limited or scheduled in a group or humanitarian fashion. Technology and networks and reduced schedules play a large part in how things are organized. A stress aspect that likely still sees a global shutdown. Feed the Taurean sun month with stillness and creativity; sunlight and peacefulness where you’re able.

April 22 New Moon in Taurus: Focus on what you need and how you’re feeling. Make sure you are meeting your body’s needs, primarily on this New Moon. Taurus is all about the somatic nature, and so to stay as healthy as possible in a crisis situation, let the body lead the way and let everything else fall away as we all look to stay calm and safe and take it easy at this time. Keep things simple.

April 22-28 (exact April 25) Mercury in Aries square Jupiter and in Capricorn and April 22-28 (exact April 25) Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Here is where Mercury delivers the truth to us all that we are at the point in history where we are supposed to become immune to applause. We are not supposed to surrender our freedoms due to fear. Instead, we are supposed to learn to align our public identities to be authentic with our inner experience of ourselves. Spending time alone affords us the opportunity to develop a locus of self. Quietude can provide us delight with our own projects and ideas without needing the input and approval and direction of other people. We are our own authority. We have secret daydreams. Our inner worlds are vast. Solitude is an opportunity, not a problem. Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn can be activated by Mercury and Saturn this year to help us, as a society, to self-regulate as thinking, adult human beings during this pandemic—and in doing so refuse to allow any dictators or even the impulses we have in our own hearts that turn our eyes toward the presidential suite—to steal advantage from crisis. You will need your own self-respect in the coming days. You will need self-control, too, and without it, disaster will escalate.

April 18-30 (exact April 26) Sun Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: You can ask Spirit to guide you with a shamanic journey to see what Uranus is telling us through Taurus. Any work with animals and with spirit guides can be helpful. Keeping to oneself and one’s own counsel is super helpful. This is a time for meditation and journey work. You can journal and take note of what is conveyed. Work with nervous energy through artistic pursuits and do your best to keep from over-scheduling yourself during late April. Being as hermit-like as possible is probably wise.

April 27 Mercury in Taurus: Mindfulness now takes root and we can calm down to focus on wellness and compassion.

April 27-29 (Exact April 28) Mercury in Taurus sextile North Node in Cancer / Trine South Node in Capricorn: There is now energy for healing and well-being instead of the intensity of advocacy work and we can turn more inward than network amongst the online world.

April 27-30 (exact April 28) Mercury in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius: The mind slows way down and you can let your body and heart be the wiser part of you for this time period that Mercury travel through Taurus. Take your vitamins and get plenty of sleep.

April 28 – May 2 (Exact April 30) Mercury Conjunct Uranus in Taurus & April 26-May 10 (exact May 4) Mercury conjunct Sun in Taurus:  This transition into May leaves us so kind of tired that we need to wonder if we have let April and March go through us like a collection of days that we have been unable to process—a book collection that sits on our shelf of life experience unread and unopened. Lots of words but we are illiterate. Things may be occurring in a language we don’t understand.  Time to dig into the deeper processing soon…

Contact Me!

 Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!


Your March 2020 Newsletter From Dominique

This Month: Astrological Trends * Nourishing Recommendations

Continuing Influences

January 9 – April 25 (Exact March 10) Chiron in Aries square the North Node in Cancer / January 9 – April 25 (Exact March 10) Chiron in Aries square the South Node in Capricorn: This is the time to figure out what hurts and what helps. Stand up for yourself and do what is good for your inner self so your life energy is protected. The spiritual warrior in you is ignited and the earth mother is trying to have a dialogue with them. There is a lot of healing and finding the path forward to figure out. Do your work.

Leaves  May 8 2020 11:22:19 am (MDT +6:00) (exact January 12), return to orb May 17-December 26 during Saturn retrograde (never exact), Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is one of the most powerful aspects of our lives, and a once in a lifetime occurrence. The opportunity to deconstruct and reconstruct a new world. A steady and consistent effort can provide a way to work within the world that will honor our values in a noble way. Nature is larger than man, and we need to align with a higher vision as we make a new world, culture, society, and systems. The idea that men are machines or the ideas that our parents and the world has transmitted are not aligned with higher values. Saturn is the lord of karma and Pluto is the great destroyer/transformer/re-maker. Together, they can embody some larger conversations among nature and mankind is part of nature.

January 1-October 30 (exact February 20, July 27, October 12) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: When the expansion of universal governance meets consciousness in the most active of supportive aspects, this can provide an interesting mix. This is a non-personal aspect but I think it will affect us all in personal ways depending on how it touches our chart. With Venus integrating alongside Neptune, relationships and/or values will certainly be deeply activated. Business and financial relationships may shift to a deeper or more spiritual slant. What do you have in water and earth signs in the middle degrees?

February 4-December 23 (Exact April 4, June 29, and November 12) Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: This is the aspect that brings us the telescope and the microscope. How much more literal and down to earth could the fusion (conjunction) of the planet of expansion and size (Jupiter) conjunct transformation (Pluto) be? Now we’re looking into black holes, still looking at space in new and revolutionary ways… In conjunction also with Saturn I feel it does have something to do with time and “event horizons.” However, in spiritual and evolutionary terms, we can take that into examining the black holes in our own lives. Where are we losing power? What energy holes and vortices need to be “closed up?” That’s a revolution and transformation that can serve us if we telescope and microscope in and out within our lives and take a look at how we are doing.

February 4-April 7 (exact March 14) Uranus in Taurus sextile North Node in Cancer: Unifying Uranian consciousness within our bodies in a grounded manner to bring into conscious awareness Taurean stillness and peace is something truly sacred that can occur now and through the next six years (approximately). With a sextile to the Cancer North Node now, the experience is something that touches our sensitive hearts and human bodies asking us to understand the poetry of how water meets land—the sand and wave of ocean or lake shores. The North Node is shifting from the idea of family and mother and nurturing this year to knowledge and communication as a focus for our collective and individual destiny. We need a pause such as this to actively consolidate and bring forth reflections upon what we have learned about the human family, and in this sense it is family related to our higher consciousness. What may we need to let go of (like Uranus killed Saturn in the myth) or allow ourselves to create, in order to progress?

February 4-April 7 (exact March 14) Uranus in Taurus trine South Node in Capricorn: It would be so easy to expand whatever work is in front of us, to “go with the flow,” because there is probably a mountain of it, and miss the opportunity to reflect on quieter voices calling us. The questions about values and ethics and what mountains are worth climbing have never been more important.

February 17 (until March 8) Mercury Retrograde: 12 degrees Pisces back to 28 degrees Aquarius (March 4 Mercury enters Aquarius again / March 16 forward again into Pisces): In case we were wondering, the skies and the astrological fates believe we should focus our minds thoroughly this month and into next on our compassion, good hearts, creative knowledge, emotional thoughts, and the element of water. Pisces Mercury is described above, and retrograde will only mean we back off from placing our thoughts into boxes. We’re finishing up with the past and we can do much more with meditation and kindness that we can with organized and single-pointed thoughts. We’re going to need to relax and let life lead us right when Capricorn is also asking us to work super hard on some projects. This is a fascinating combination of astrological influences. It means we will not get to predict anything and yet will need to put in highest levels of effort. Trust and faith, Piscean arenas, will be needed. And that’s underscored with Mercury reversing through Pisces.

February 17-March 1 (Exact February 21) Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus: There is an expansion of the ability to tap into the ability to slow down and translate consciousness into something earth-bound. Ideas can find their way into action and manifestation. What a beautiful period of quiet productivity is possible.

February 18-March 6 (exact February 27) Mercury Retrograde in Pisces trine North Node in Cancer: This is an opportunity to see how you fit into the greater family of life. Based upon your past, you can tell a new story for the future and heal neurologically, if you consciously choose to do so. There are many tools to do this—Byron Katie, Joe Dispenza, have a few techniques I like to use myself when I need pivot to healing thoughts.

February 19-March 3 (exact February 23) Mars in Capricorn oppose North Node in Cancer: Get your workout in on these days and focus on your tasks while also focusing on integrating the larger perspectives and values in your life. Do your work diligently and also balance your vision of what true priorities your heart holds.

February 19-March 5 (exact February 24) Sun in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn: You can use this to drive creative projects forward. Activating the Mars battery bunny energy of Capricorn and the Piscean stellum of authenticity can allow for meaningful integration. Communication can truly bring some great artworks into manifestation—and I am excited to see what people create near the end of February!

February 25-March 2 (exact February 28) Mercury Retrograde in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus: Another aspect pointing to the fact that life wants to give you insight into your unique self and how you can live authentically and think about who you are and how you can conceptualize your identity.

February 25-February 19, 2021 (Exact December 21, 2020) Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Capricorn: This is the beginning of the true change that helps you make the transition through the barriers in order to help you grow into your new role/identity/beyond current boundaries. This may or may not involve a paid career, but I suspect it involves a “calling.” Depending on your developmental state of being, whether you’re age 8 months or 80 years, this calling may be to form and shed brain cells or to accept retirement. Many of us are forming new ways of being in a very uncertain and shifting world. I am learning to become a writer. Maybe an independent one if I can make a structure around it. What barriers have you faced and how can you, in real time, in real life, manifest and overcome them—this year? It is a year to become real about supporting yourself and your community with meaningful and authentic contributions. And all with methods that make sense for you instead of the old ways. Shedding the old ways is one of the most important things we are all doing—like snakes shedding our outworn skin. We HAVE to leave some parts of ourselves behind (fears, self-defeating behaviors and beliefs, demands that leave us depleted and over-extended). We won’t be carrying things forward and letting go will be the key to making important contributions. And one of the most difficult things we will do. This will span 2020 and 2021.

March 2020 Astrology Trends:

March 3-31 (exact March 20) Jupiter conjunct Mars in Capricorn: Activities can blow up quickly! Expansion of your built world, or at least your public and systems-oriented activities (families, groups, governments, etc.). This can mean doing more than you anticipated, or optimistically biting off a little more than you can chew, or suddenly discovering more opportunities than you could have imagined before the beginning of March arrived. Time to restructure and rebuild—from the ground up. Or travel up your proverbial mountain. Finding your vehicle and tools and support is the issue.

March 4 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius sextile Venus in Aries: Your mental acuity and originality meets up in a review scenario with your initiative and love of new endeavors. You will want to breath new life into something you have previously imagined manifesting or something you have been learning about. Maybe the opportunity arrives through a new relationship or the perspective of another person you had not been able to previously grasp.

March 4 Venus in Taurus: What if you woke up and you were enlightened but nothing in the world had changed? What had changed is you had fallen in love with the world; with your life; with beauty—in the most simple, straight-forward, and complete of ways. What if you became wealthy but nothing in your circumstances had changed? Understanding the reality of what is valuable aside from others’ abstract definitions but going directly to the root of what wealth is: health, shelter, food, joy in your heart, flexibility, nature, knowledge of yourself, your relations, and your environment. What if heaven existed on earth? These are the inquiries Venus in Taurus brings to us.

March 4-15 (exact March 8) Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus): When Venus activates Uranus in Taurus, unexpected inward benefits may occur for you. You may find yourself wanting to retreat to nature, to spend time with those whom you feel comfort you. The simple animal pleasures are good medicine for you. What is most joyful about being alive for you? Do that and see what comes of it for you. You may find some surprising benefits for your body and especially your nervous system or your throat. Singing, or anything having to do with music (and the arts) is also supported by this aspect. Sound therapies, such as the Biofield Tuning my friend Carlyn Wei Marron offers, can help heal, in particular, also.

March 6-11 (exact March 9) Venus in Taurus trine North Node in Cancer: Before the north node moves into Gemini later this year, Venus wants to touch us in our bones while the North Node activates our divine DNA to stimulate a future where we avoid tying ourselves into a gordian knot of complication. The stem cells of the future are formed with each breath of consciousness we bellow. From silence, we choose what we form—into language, form, behavior, and communication.

March 6-14 (exact March 11) Jupiter in Capricorn sextile Sun in Pisces: We feel the essence of how we can participate in an expansion of the world around us, and our position in the world. We may experience a boost in feeling powerful and vital, or we may turn more and more toward using substances to help us cope if we are feeling powerless. Try to use healthy coping mechanisms if stress is what expands around you with Jupiter’s “big” influence at this time. One tool to use is the spiritual realm of Pisces energy. Turn inward and use intrinsic motivations to move forward instead of picking up the absorbed detritus surrounding you. Learn ever better ways to contain yourself—like water needs to be contained in a jar or glass. Instead of feeling “poured upon” by any events or news around you—turn it off and make your own core energy in the center of yourself to draw upon. This aspect can be a very nice one, however, where you feel you are “glowing” with a boost of solar empowerment and Jupiterian good fortune! Instead of a stress response, you may experience relief, luck, and great fortune.

March 9 Full Moon in Virgo: Whatever Jupiter is enacting for you—bringing you down to earth—may be revealed as the Sun highlight’s Neptune’s spiritual messages for you. Virgo reminds us to return to whomever our mentors have been, or maybe brings new teachers into our lives. You might want to read up on some of the things that have been meaningful to you in living life on this Full Moon. In general, this may be an easy and flowing time of manifestation for you or a very difficult time of bureaucracy and mountain climbing of various sorts or dimensions—biological, social, psychological, spiritual. Backups/delays are rampant, but it’s a little difficult to tell if this is due to Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn or Jupiter in Capricorn amplifying the “get you down to earth and humble yourself” energies. Probably both are giving us the message that we won’t be done traveling through the sludge any time too soon. Saturn is in there to slow things down, as well. Jupiter can only expand the slow-down. I would not be surprised if many of us faced depression of various sorts—bodily, psychologically, illnesses. So, exercise if possible is a good remedy not only for fitness but for wellness in general. Also, sunlight bathing and nature bathing in the green or by the water or shore or in the snow/rain is a good idea if you can’t move so well. This full moon may bring to fruition an understanding and acceptance that there is a reason for this season of non-fulfillment. Virgo can understand knuckling down and getting through both healing and complexity, and the time it takes to untangle the gordian knots of being we encounter from time to time. Let’s put on our caps labeled, “patience” and/or “forbearance” and take small, victorious steps as we celebrate things like… brushing our teeth as huge victories. If we can only get that far! (The good news is it should be a supportive few days for getting detailed tasks done if you’re feeling task-oriented.)

March 10-17 (exact March 14) Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn: The solar winds now focus on warming up your arena of transformation—which could be adding some solar flares and flames to what is otherwise hell for you, or adding some more light to what feels like enlightenment to you and helping you see even further into the horizon.

March 15-23 (exact March 19) Sun in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn: During these days, you can embody the karma—meaning conscious awareness—for better or worse—of all you have learned the past few months. You’re experiencing the effects of changes and turns of fate. You see limitations and are learning how to manage whatever has transpired for you. A good time to review what is yours to affect and what is out of your control, to be clear. A good time to review how your actions influence the environment and systems around you and take stock of self-responsibility moving forward.

March 19-April 4 (exact March 27) Jupiter in Capricorn trine Venus in Taurus: You have an opportunity to develop beneficial relationships. You can bring life to plants, animals, people, and nurture new relationships with sustainability and strength.

March 20 Sun in Aries: The time when seeds are offered to the soil to see if they will find a place to grow. The time when the life force of all things is tested and given their inspiration. An active month for exercising, moving, trying new things, and giving birth in every dimension. Plant those seeds.

March 20-April 2 (exact March 25) Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries: A lot of focus and energy shifts to ideas around what wounds take away the will to live. Depression and sense of motivation to fight for ourselves and our own identity is something that a lot of us can relate to. Also, head wounds are related to Chiron/Aries aspects. Thinking about being careful not to acquire these types or wounds and also to focus on healing in these areas is the realm of Aries and Chiron. Biology and beliefs about new ideas, exercise programs, exploration, Traumatic Brain Injury, neurology, sexuality, and inspiration of all sorts are the realm of Aries Chiron.

March 17-27 (exact March 21) Mercury in Pisces trine North Node in Cancer: An opportunity to once again move forward with consolidating our beliefs and relationship to family prior to the North Node moving out of Cancer. How do we feel about the idea of the divine family, and how are we part of the larger picture? Can we go with the flow?

March 17-April 11 (exact March 31) Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius: Focus and hard work and maybe running into a mentor or teacher in the realm where we are brilliant and unique. On the challenging side, we could run into an enemy! Instead of letting life lead us into a war, let ourselves take some initiative by sharpening our skills and expressing the energy in some physical form such as preparation (staying home to sharpen our swords, so to speak, and then engaging in some friendly sparring with them). We can find our own way of expressing ourselves if we knuckle down and do the difficult tasks associated with long-term outcomes. Avoid short-cuts for sure at this time and with this aspect.

March 18-May 9 Venus in Taurus/Gemini trine Mars in Capricorn/Aquarius: Venus and Mars move in harmony for a few months, making it a beautiful time to form new relationships, focus on current relationships, and in general take lot of actions in a dyadic (one-to-one) sense. In fact, it’s a good time to study about what works in relationships and communicate about it. It’s a great time to talk about it publicly, if you’re planning any engagements, this is a great topic. People should be very interested in the topic of romance, compatibility, creative coupling, and all the aspects of what makes two people attracted to one another, mate, stay together, not stay together, etc. You can practice it in real life or study it academically.

March 21-April 4 (exact March 28) Venus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn: This portends a willingness for Persephone’s archetypal visit to the underworld to occur. This is the journey where she agreed to spend half her year married to the God of Hades, or Hell, in mythology, causing the seasons to occur. So, let’s buckle up and along with her consider what “gates” and “tests” we may need to pass during these days to DESCEND to our thrones! Which may not be what we would otherwise choose, but sometimes we have committed to relationships and partners unconsciously and we don’t fully understand why we have made these commitments.

March 24 New Moon in Aries: It’s time for new things: healing, taking some risks, starting new endeavors, working on your body. Time to come out of the shell. You will likely feel your initiative and feel intrinsic motivation to GO! Feel free to move forward with your brightest ideas and deepest desires. Spring is in the air! And hopefully in your heart.

March 30 Mars in Aquarius: It will be times to act in your own unique and original way, probably within the groups you are a part of. These are not personal groups, such as your family, but the larger groups, such as community groups. Maybe the issues you care about could use some attention and you have a unique perspective to add. You may find yourself speaking, writing, and taking actions that benefit many people instead of only yourself. That’s a super-high potential of this Mars in Aquarius energy. Alternatively, you may look inward and discover some brilliant new ways to express yourself that groups of people end up appreciating, and you would not expect it to be so. It’s a good time to experiment with sharing yourself in a friendly way. You can make new friends.

Contact Me!

 Let me know what you think! Send an email to

Nourishing Recommendations

You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & DivinationUnveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.

Tarot Prediction and Divination

(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)

Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions. 505-270-8778.

Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at

Be well!
