This Month: Astrological Trends * Free Guided Meditations * Nasturtium Appetizer Recipe
June 2016 Astrological Trends
If you have not revisited the subject of mental flexibility lately, perhaps it is time. One of the mechanisms in human consciousness is escapism through fear. The alternative—faith and innovation. We can see this playing out astrologically in the fire element at this time. Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Pluto are asking us to take a look at how we are handling old stereotypes and how we will answer the inquiry about whether we will escape into what we already know vs. venture into discovery. They are now activated by the Sun and Venus and it’s a stressful aspect—so it may not be pleasant. However, the gift of stress is to catapult our learning.
The Sun and Venus are in Gemini—that double-sided coin of a sign. Gemini is our mind and also our intelligent connection to the spirit world. Gemini represents our mapping of the world and our mental models. The Sun is the force of gravity in our solar system. Dane Rudhyar wrote, “the sun stands there as the integrator of the whole system, that which holds it together and represents its ultimate total significance.” (The Astrology of Personality, p. 288.) Venus is a benefactor and a smoother-over of energy. These two—Sun and Venus in Gemini—are opposing Saturn in Sagittarius, who is sitting reversed, or retrograde, in the sign of religious idealism. Saturn is concrete sometimes. Saturn asks us to clean up our act. Wherever we’re clinging to something that’s not good for us—we’re to give it up. A diet of hatred, violence, bigotry, war, social injustice, greed that hurts others, and many of the public actions that people are aware cause destruction but engage in nonetheless—is unnecessary and a setback from a Saturnian point of view. It’s escapism from growing up as a species. A regression into a human past that disappoints teacher Saturn. This aspect reveals we’re at a teachable moment.

NASA photo of Saturn North Pole. On June 1, Saturn will be closer to the earth than it has been in 10,000 years…
June 4/5 (in the wee hours) is the Gemini New Moon, at the exact degree of the Venus/Sun conjunction in Gemini discussed in the previous paragraph. The astrological skies are putting an exclamation point on the need for new beginnings with this new moon. June 4th and 5th will be powerful days to help you usher in your changes, personal, professional and social.
So, integrate instead of judge. Keep a positive regard for all people, no matter how awkward they appear—they are learning, too, this month. Learn and brush yourself off and get back up after the month opens, instead of ruminate. That’s the mental flexibility I mentioned.
You can use the earth grand trine energies of Mercury in Taurus, Jupiter in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn during the time as well to engage in something with your hands and body any time your nervous system feels over-activated. Ground yourself with nature walks, art, time alone to rest, plenty of fluffy pillows, cooking, massage, or whatever bodily experience floats your boat. You can use the Gemini energy to read and study if that’s something you like. Theater activities may combine the two.
Also, retrograde Mars in Scorpio is in trine aspect to Chiron throughout June. It is exact on June 11. Chiron in Pisces is activating a universal consciousness—and we heal or wound together at present. I talked with a friend a few days ago about feeling a loneliness that was very painful. “I haven’t been lonely in about 25 years, though,” I said, “so how could this be my feeling?” I realized that along with everyone else during Mars retrograde (February through June 29), I’m feeling the wave of emotional tension sweeping humanity. I’ve had to do a lot of work to maintain a modicum of compassion and empathy. I, who hardly experience a deep anger, have been outwardly frustrated and short with my loved ones lately. From a higher view point, I can see how connected we all are. While I’m responsible for all my actions, I also feel that as an intuitive I feel connected to waves of energy that pass through. I feel it’s important to practice energy-giving to the earth/nature, to other mortals, and to stay connected to asking for help from powers greater than my intellect. Busy work is very distracting to this energy work, and knowing what to prioritize can be a challenge. I’m grateful to write these words, because I feel it is Chiron working through me to help us realize and remind ourselves that the path through is to prioritize our silent, powerful prayer and energy work each day. It has never been more important than it is this Summer.
Astro-Geekery Moment
The month opens with a Grand Cross aspect pattern that we discussed at the end of May, operating through June 6. The longer-term aspects that have been active are an opposition of Jupiter in Virgo to Neptune in Pisces, squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. From the end of May through June 6, The Sun and Venus moved through Gemini to oppose Saturn and complete a Grand Cross, consisting of two pairs of oppositions at cross-roads to one another, also forming four square aspects of 90 degrees between the planets. This makes both oppositions exponentially stronger. Furthermore, the New Moon occurs on June 4, 2016 at 14 degrees Gemini, exactly conjunct the Sun and Venus.
Below is a picture of The June 4 Grand Cross and New Moon in case you are interested in the mechanics of what this looks like in an astrology chart. The red lines show the cross and the red square represents the 4 square aspects.
During the period from June 5 through June 10, there’s an interesting after-effect from the Grand Cross activation. The Sun and Venus will square the North Node in Virgo. The North node is a few degrees beyond Jupiter and just a bit too far forward to be a part of the Grand Cross configuration. However, it all seems to tell a very nice story because the Sun and Venus move forward and make an aspect portending that you’ll be feeling uncomfortable with new feelings, behaviors, circumstances—ways of being that you’ve never tried before. The North Node is a point of destiny, and Virgo is related to Gemini because they share the planet Mercury. In Gemini (where the Sun and Venus are traveling), the energy is focused on thought because Gemini is an air sign. In Virgo, the energy is focused on manifestation because Virgo is an earth sign. Virgo is a sign through which, archetypally, heaven writes its story or makes its will manifest. If you listen very closely to Virgo energy, you can hear some amazing teachings or celestial “downloads.”
So the second portion of June looks to be the part of the story where we have realized the old stereotypes, old baggage, old stories or old patterns we’ve been carrying simply won’t work any longer—but the new, replacement thoughts, behaviors, and ways of being are pretty uncomfortable still. We’re just receiving the new information as the Sun and Venus in Gemini square the North Node in Virgo.
What a ride, though. Hold on to your hat! Because the Venus-Sun duo next sextile Uranus in Aries from June 10 through June 17. Here is where flashes of insight will flow through you like electricity. Uranus and Mars in Scorpio are also in what’s called a quincunx aspect, which means keep a notebook and pencil with you. Thoughts will be arriving at very unexpected times and you’ll want to write them down because they’ll be deep and hard to grasp unless you have a way to capture them. Following the Uranus aspect, they also square Neptune through the last part of the month, so holding on to these thoughts will be challenging. The Neptune relationship also underscores the depth and universalism of the information. Another suggestion is to plan for journaling time during these days to spark your imagination and provide your system with a way to process these energies. It could be a fruitful time for art endeavors that are meaningful and powerful. Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo come closer together again toward conjunction during mid-June, also, adding a touch of benefit toward reflective and organizational activities.
June 15 is a day when the North Node in Virgo trines Pluto, so there are implications for day-to-day life changes. This adds more energy to the concept of things changing and observing how our past no longer serves our future. Also, with the North Node being a destiny indicator—if you are part of a contract or lawsuit (Capricorn matters), the person who attends to the details at this time (crossing every “t”/dotting every “i”) will likely be the victor, with Jupiter in Virgo.
Late June
Venus moves into the sign of Cancer on June 17. The Sun enters Cancer on June 20. Water energy brings our emotions and family energy to the fore. It’s beginning to be time to focus on issues of mothers and children, nurturing (the “inner mother”), visit a lake, attend to our home repairs, and other closer-to-home activities.
Mercury in Gemini Opposes Saturn on June 19 through June 22, reprising the Grand Cross for a few days. This time, the North Node is conjunct Jupiter. This Grand Cross activation asks us to clarify our thoughts about the forces of the past and future that we find ourselves facing at this point in history; about our group affiliations; about our personal mindsets. You can spend time writing and assessing your ideas. It will be time to synthesize and communicate.
The Full Moon in Sagittarius lights up the sky on June 20. This is a fire element moon while the sun has just entered a water sign. There may be a feeling of finishing up the inspirational fire activities or you may feel your inspiration become doused and the full moon energy a bit less fiery on this second Sagittarius full moon. (On May 21, there was a Full Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius.) I’m not sure I would perform rituals on this Full Moon in June.
June 24 is when Jupiter EXACTLY conjuncts the North Node in Virgo for the final time. June 26 is the exact trine to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. These are dates of activity, although the energies of change and transformation are happening for an orb of time around these dates—throughout June. Pluto in Capricorn beyond the middle degrees is now calling us to change the systems that have broken down and to begin to rebuild or reimagine better ones. Whatever small parts we play in a larger whole—we’re being called upon at this time and our destinies may have us touching these systems—legal, medical, governmental, etc. Whatever we have lost in the past 10 years, we’re now being asked to rebuild, brick by tiny brick. Now is one aspect of that rebuilding process, astrologically-speaking. You may see that repair play out in your life during June somehow.
Mercury will step forward to touch Uranus for insight and Chiron for wisdom as it travels through its home sign of Gemini during late June. You could keep writing away or having fruitful talks during these days and share many great insights. Mercury also enters Cancer on June 29, the same day that Mars turns direct in Scorpio after months of being retrograde.
July looks to be a time of settling down into a less surrealistic energy as we reorient with Mars moving forward again.
Brand new guided audio meditations posted for free this month:
Take Advantage of these while they are free this month!!
Let me know what you think and if you want more in this series of wellness, relaxation, and healing. Send an email to
Nourishment for the Body and Soul
Nasturtium Appetizer
For Spring, why not serve your family or your guests something beautiful and colorful from the garden? An unexpected treat will have them pondering in their imaginations and talking for days. Nasturtiums have a peppery taste. You can stuff them and leave them open, as I suggest here. You can stuff them and close them up, kind of like dolmas. You can add them to salads. You can use them as top garnish to make a dish look spectacular. It’s a Spring and Summertime treat for a wild June this year—why not try it in 2016? Add a soft white cheese to them and give your table colorful flair!
Yield: 12 appetizers (increase or decrease to suit your needs)
12 blossoming nasturtium flowers
½ to ¾ cup softened chevre (goat cheese) or whipped cream cheese
¼ cup diced or finely sliced scallions
2 TBSP diced olives and/or sun dried tomatoes
In a mixing bowl, stir together the softened cheese and remaining ingredients. Using the back of a spoon or a small pastry spreader, carefully spread a small portion of the mixture into the cavity of each flower.
Serve on a beautiful platter.
Nourishing Recommendations
You can learn so much about Tarot from Susyn Blair-Hunt, my wonderful mentor, in her book, Tarot Prediction & Divination, Unveiling 3 Layers of Meaning.
(Llewellyn also publishes the best selection of Tarot decks that I’ve discovered.)
Homeopathy and Core Synchronism have changed my life. First, I was immediately able to breathe after experiencing asthma-like symptoms for years. Many other improvements followed. Here are practitioners I recommend:
Eva Lipton-Ormand, CHoM, CCSP – in Albuquerque, NM
Elizabeth Battarbee of Flourish, Doctor of Homeopathy – available via Skype everywhere and in-person in Louisiana!
Elise Hensley, LISW, an amazing healer, specializing in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Elise is one of only a few people trained in Neurofeedback in our area. She is someone who is a skilled and amazing mentor. Better yet, your insurance may cover your sessions.
Thank you for enjoying this month’s newsletter! You can contact me anytime via email: for consultations. Visit at
Be well!